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Destiny's Tears OOC Thread- Prologue: A Jewel in the Shadow

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Rystil Arden

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Thanee said:
Do you know Talislanta? :)

It's about the same there, I guess... no "humans", but lots of similar races. They just have different names.

Okay, will change that accordingly... it's not finished yet, anyways.

What's Talislanta? I imagine its either the name of a setting or a game system that has an attached setting though ;)

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An RPG with its own setting. One of the "trademarks" there is, that it has none of the traditional races. :)

About languages... any ideas what would make sense? ;)

Is "Dolathi" the correct name for the Dolathi language (if they even have one, but I'd suppose so).

What do Rowaini speak, "Rowaini"? That would make one appropriate language then, still two to go.


Rystil Arden

First Post
Oh, and there's humans, they just don't live in any of the civilised known spheres; they're inferior beings (no big stat boosts and they have to use the PH classes :p) who are encountered sometimes in a foreign land.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Thanee said:
An RPG with its own setting. One of the "trademarks" there is, that it has none of the traditional races. :)

About languages... any ideas what would make sense? ;)

Is "Dolathi" the correct name for the Dolathi language (if they even have one, but I'd suppose so).

What do Rowaini speak, "Rowaini"? That would make one appropriate language then, still two to go.

Dolathi speak Eldish, the language of the city of Eldiz, which was founded by the Dolathi but also has lots of cultural blending from immigrants, and so the language itself has smidgeons of other languages in it now too, kinda like English. It is becoming something of a standard language, and you get it for free, of course (but other people don't! There's no official Common, so its quite possible that not everyone will be able to talk together, which I think is cool :) ). The Rowaini speak Rowaini. In general, languages are named after the country/city/empire and not the race, but sometimes (like with Rowaini but not Dolathi) the race is also named for that too :p

Rystil Arden

First Post
Other Languages:

Altanian, Larakese, Larakese Handspeak, Rowaini, Melodian, Harmonian, Eldish, Yharzu, Feldori, Narlse, Nibelangan, Tralg, Valsian, Mojiin, Seelie, Vaerysh, Conasan, High Praetorian, Vulgar Praetorian, Sancyric, Putal, Vildri

Rystil Arden

First Post
I guess I should clarify that:

Altanian = language of Altania
Larakese = language of Lara Kai
Larakese Handspeak = secretive silent language of Ninja (only Ninja and Dolathi can learn this as a Bonus Language)
Rowaini = language of Rowain
Melodian = language spoken by the Melodians of Rhapsodia
Harmonian = language spoken by the Harmonians of Rhapsodia
Eldish = language of Eldiz, Wildspace Metropolis of the Dolathi
Yharzu = language of the Lacerta and official language of Yharaz, in Chuliit
Feldori = language of the Feldori race in Chuliit
Narlse = language of the Narslemen
Nibelangan = language of the Nibelan
Tralg = language of the Tralg
Valsian = official language of Valthas
Mojiin = cultural language of the Mojiin
Seelie = language of Titania's kingdom of Seelyne
Vaerysh = language of the Amaranthian rebels of Vaerysa
Conasan = language of the Conacian Amazons
High Praetorian = language of the nobles of Praetorianus
Vulgar Praetorian = language of the masses of Praetorianus
Sancyric = language of the sacred texts of Circe, but not spoken much except to pray
Putal = official language of Putalis
Vildri = cultural language of the Vildri

Rystil Arden

First Post
D'oh, forget about Byblan! But its just the language of Byblans and I see you already made your language choices (seem like good matches based on your spell/skill selection, and knowing where you picked them each up can help in the backstory phase ;))


First Post
Yep. :)

Ok, so here are my current thoughts concerning Melody's background:

Father: Dolathi Planeswalker (Traveler, Spelljammer)
Mother: Rowaini Witch

Melody thinks of herself as being part Dolathi, part Rowaini. This is why she prefers the Rowaini form.
She has a naturally beautiful, melodic voice, which is quite suitable for the chosen languages (wild guess), which she learned mostly, because she liked their sound.
Her father showed her quite a bit of the world/universe (among others the worlds, where she picked up the languages), while she was very young still, and eventually brought her back to Eldiz, to the center of civilization.
There she chose to join the ranks of the Eldritch Infiltrators (no idea how that would happen, or how it usually happens, that someone is being trained in this profession), being quite intrigued of her shapeshifting ability and showing a knack for sorcery and dealing with other races, this seemed like a perfect choice.

BTW, how do you use Knowledge (local)? Should I "specialize" that (i.e. local - Eldiz)?

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Rystil Arden

First Post
Thanee said:
Yep. :)

Ok, so here are my current thoughts concerning Melody's background:

Father: Dolathi Planeswalker (Traveler, Spelljammer)
Mother: Rowaini Sorceress

Melody thinks of herself as being part Dolathi, part Rowaini. This is why she prefers the Rowaini form.
She has a naturally beautiful, melodic voice, which is quite suitable for the chosen languages (wild guess), which she learned mostly, because she liked their sound.
Her father showed her quite a bit of the world/universe (among others the worlds, where she picked up the languages), while she was very young still, and eventually brought her back to Eldiz, to the center of civilization.
There she chose to join the ranks of the Eldritch Infiltrators (no idea how that would happen, or how it usually happens, that someone is being trained in this profession), being quite intrigued of her shapeshifting ability and showing a knack for sorcery and dealing with other races, this seemed like a perfect choice.

BTW, how do you use Knowledge (local)? Should I "specialize" that (i.e. local - Eldiz)?

That works well, and it fits in with the tendency for Dolathi born to non-Dolathi mothers to take female forms of their mother's race and consider themselves female (in fact, it wouldn't be unusual if Melody's favoured form were a genetic clone of her mother).

Change Rowaini Sorceress to Witch in the mother description, I think, although you may prefer Sage (though they are usually Byblan, and female Rowaini are commonly Witches, and make the best Witches). Planeswalker fits perfectly for her father, as that is also a common Dolathi class.

Knowledge (local) needs to be specialised to one world. You can get all of Kanath, not just Eldiz, with one purchase of the skill, but not other worlds too.

Becoming an Eldritch Infiltrator is different for different sorts. Some Dolathi just feel a calling and train themselves, some find a mentor who is impressed by their potential and trains them, and others join one of the four main organisations of Eldritch Infiltrators that are based in Eldiz.

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