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1001 minor traits for magic swords


First Post
Now if we could get someone who has the time to get and maintain these all on one document...that would be great!

Done. So far we are at 200. I didn't try to change anything. Cleaned up mis-spellings and did provide a little clarity. Hope no one gets mad. Love this thread!

1) +1CMB
2) +1 CMD
3) Creates a meal with a drink/once a day
4) Re-roll damage once/day
5) Upon command, turns into a tool (shovel, crowbar, claw hammer etc.)
6) Cures 1-6 hit points 1/day
7) Leave no tracks for 10 min.1/day
8) Knock, as the spell, 1/week
9) +1 intimidate
10) The blade smokes and smolders giving you a bit of cover.
11) The sword tell you which way north is. It literally tells you: "its further to the left , dummy!"
12) The sword glitters and flashes in even the dimmest light, distracting your opponents and giving you an advantage. On an attack, roll to hit AC10. If you succeed, you get the benefits of a successful 'Aid another'. Either a +2 to your next attack on that opponent, or a +2 to your AC from that opponents next attack.
13) Hairsplitter. It's super sharp and never goes dull. Once a day it'll trim your hair and beard and mustache to taste.
14) The Sword of Reckless Abandon. +1 to attack, -1 to AC
15) The Gibbering Blade. A sword that gibbers and mumbles things man was not meant to know. Always just out of understanding but clear enough to be disturbing.
You can be heard, -5 to all stealth or silent movement. +5 DC for all enemies in earshot.
16) Pole Vault. A wooden pole 8 to 10 feet in length. Upon a spoken secret command word it unravels like a scroll to reveal a door to a non-dimensional space about the size of a closet or wardrobe. The pole always weighs the same as a wooden pole regardless of contents. The command word can be spoken from inside the space. inst fear effect
17) Web Slicer. +1 to rolls involving escaping a net or web.
18) Minor Bane. Deals +1 damage to a specific type of creature.
19) It likes you! The sword likes you and will find its way back to you 1d4 days after you lose it but not if it’s given away or sold.
20) Enemy Detection. Glows when a specific type of enemy is within 30 feet.
21) Sweet Talker. +1 luck bonus to damage for one round if you make a successful Diplomacy check Dc 15.
22) Angels Cry. The sword tears angel’s sorrows for the evil that men do.
When swung in combat the tears splash about and hit opponents, troubling those who are evil as if they've been hit by a vial of holy water.
The trail of tears you leave behind are a beacon call for those who would aid you and those that would see you, and the sword, destroyed.
23) Blade Agleam. The beautiful polished sheen on this blade gives you a +1 circumstance bonus to any Charisma-based checks when it is visible.
24) Green Max. This talking sword has seen a lot and travelled with many adventurers. When the party sets down to rest it will politely ask to tell one of the numerous tales of places it has been to. If allowed to tell the tale everyone who listened to it will upon awakening have an increased land speed of 5 feet for the next 6 hours. Green Max can bestow this once every 24 hours. If asked to tell a tale at any other time it will instead tell a story of a battle it was in. This will give only its wielder +1 to damage against the creature type featured in the story for the next 12 hours. It can bestow this every 24 hours. The two story types are mutually exclusive. Finally, Green Max will bestow its wielder +1 to AC when in battle against sword wielding foes by giving tips during it, but only if the character has asked it if it has any tips for the combat beforehand. If the request is made as a demand or in a rude manner instead of an inquiry or in a polite manner, it will refuse to give tips for the battle and will take back any bonuses in effect from it, and will sulk for the next 48 hours.
25) The Sword of Feasts. This impressively decorated two hander likes to party and will bestow its owner an impressive appetite. It will double the price of your Inn expenses, and there is a 15% chance that you will wake up with someone in your bed. It will then congratulate the two of you on your nightly endeavors, regardless of whether anything actually happened (maybe the person just 'happened' to sleepwalk into your bed). You also receive a +10 bonus to any checks against poisons, and can in fact drink any amount of alcohol without bad effects (giving you the ability to drink anyone short of a god under the table). You also receive a +1 26) Light: Upon command, the sword will give off a soft glow equivalent to that of a torch, lasting up to an hour.
27) Bane's Warning. The sword is keyed to a particular type of foe. Whenever that type of foe is within 60' of the sword, the sword glows green/blue/whatever.
28) Burdensome: The weapon is much heavier than a normal weapon of its type, making it cumbersome to wield. The weapon suffers a -1 on To Hit rolls, but gains a bonus of +2 to damage rolls.
29) Ever-Clean. Regardless of the blood, guts, gore, grime, muck, and filth the weapon is exposed to, it will never tarnish or become dirty. (This does not obviate the effects of rust monsters or the like.)charisma bonus to anything related to barmaids.
30) Over Thirty. A cursed sword, anyone who posses it must bend the truth in some way when speaking or writing. Never trust anyone over thirty.
31) Troublemaker. The weapon has a way of finding its way into the possession of one of your friends.
32) Psychotic. While not (necessarily) intelligent the sword sometimes whispers messed up things that only you can hear. e.g.
Can you hear them choking?
That was more fun than flying a kite through a field of burning kittens.
Cut your own throat, the ground is too dry.
33) Dandruff. The weapon sheds off a bit of metal filings each day. This never affects the quality or the appearance of the weapon.
34) Chivalrous. Whenever there is a damsel in distress you gain a +1 luck bonus to the first attack roll or skill check used in saving the damsel.
35) Clumsy. The weapon has a minor curse. Whenever you roll to back up a fumble (same idea as backing up a Critical) subtract 1 from the roll making it more likely to fumble.
36) Sword gives help on appraisal. It is intelligent and gives a dissertation on an item's long history, uses during that time and opinions on how it should be used more efficiently. If the item remain in the possession of the wielder then the sword says aloud its opinion if it is not used in its preferred way.
37) The sword always whispers just the right word in your ear; +1 Diplomacy.
38) The sword says “Bless you,” when anyone within 30’ sneezes.
39) Upon command, the end of the sword morphs into a hand that gives you full sense of touch except for pain.
40) Pay Day. When you score a critical hit 1d4 copper pieces clatter to the ground falling from where the sword struck.
41) Mocking Blade. The sword giggles whenever an opponent misses the wielder. And verbally insults the opponent whenever the opponent is delivered a particularly devastating blow. Once per day it allows the wielder to Feint (as per the bluff skill) as a free action.
42) De Forester. The weapon ignores the hardness of wooden objects.
43) Huntsman Blade. When sheathed the weapon gives a +1 to survival checks
when hunting for food.
44) Trait Blade. Pick one trait. With this weapon is in hand, you have that trait.
45) Vibrant. This weapon not only glows, its leaves a visible trail of light whenever its swing. This harmless ribbon lasts for one round.
46) Thin Red Line. This sword grants +1 to attack to friendly characters standing
right next to either side of its wielder.
47) Tripper. +1 to trip attacks by the wielder. +1 against trip attacks.
48) People's Choice. If most of the characters in the wielders party who made
attacks during the previous round hit with them, the wielder receives +1 to attack this round. If most of them failed to do damage, the wielder receives -1 to damage.
49) Not Again. If the wielder scores two critical hits in a row against the same
opponent during the same round with this sword, a third attack against that same foe during that same round with this sword will also be critical. If the character can not attack a third time he will instead receive a free attack against that same foe during that same round with this sword.
50) The Gravebuilder. This sword doubles as a shovel against earth, sand, gravel,
packed earth and clay.
51) Two By Four. This extremely sharp looking sword causes blunt damage in normal attacks.
52) Steel Wheel. Each arrow fired at the wielder of this sword has a 5% chance of being deflected by it.
53) The Labyrinth Master. This non-intelligent sword will begin to hum very quietly when the character holding it is heading towards a dungeon exit (when inside a dungeon). It will also feel slightly warm when the character is close to a trap built into the dungeon (it will not detect magical traps, or traps not part of the dungeon structure). These grant the character a +15 bonus to any checks for finding the way out of a dungeon, and a +5 bonus to checks for finding non-magical traps part of the dungeon.
54) Barking Mad. This sword will go crazy if the character holding it is engaged against several opponents at the same time. The wildly swinging sword will negate any flanking bonuses to its opponents.
55) Sword of Breakfast. This sword grants a +20 bonus to attacks against bread, butter, cheese and boiled eggs. This results in instant delicious sandwiches. You can also use it to stir hot liquids without looking silly.
56) Animal Foe. Against non-magical animals or beasts (such as swine, sheep, gophers, etc.) this weapon grants a bonus of +1 To Hit and damage.
57) Swimmer. This normally light blade grants its owner a +5 enhancement bonus on swim checks.
58) Weatherman/woman. When this weapon is held aloft and the command word given, images of the next 24 hours worth of weather for the local area can be seen in its face/blade.
59) Chilly. When unsheathed, this weapon causes the temperature to drop by 10 degrees within a 10' radius circle, centered on the weapon.
60) Warm. When unsheathed, this weapon causes the temperature to rise by 10 degrees within a 10' radius circle, centered on the weapon.
61) Stabilize +1. Once per day sword will give stabilize and bestow one hit point of healing. This is an automatic effect and will happen the first time the wielder goes unconscious and bleeds. It resets at sunrise.
62) Floater. Bearing this sword makes you neutrally buoyant in water no matter your encumbrance or what armor you're wearing. You can't exceed your maximum carrying capacity. At that max encumbrance level, around water, avoid last straws at all costs.
63 Coffee Maker. Three times a day, weapons pommel can be held and a cup of piping hot brew comes out into a cup when commanded. This effect resets at sundown for those on all night or late night guard duty.
64) Performer's Blade. Upon a successful critical hit, a ghost sound is triggered; the sound of thunderous applause is heard, inspiring the wielder, granting a +1 morale bonus on the next damage roll.
65) Heliblade: By spinning this blade above your head, you gain the benefit of a levitate spell for as long as you spin this blade
66) Boomerang Blade. This blade is horribly bent and looks unusable. In reality, this blade is perfect for throwing and can be used as a thrown weapon out to 20ft. This blade also returns shortly after being thrown (by your next turn)
67) Guidance Councilor. the sword wants you to settle down and hang it over a mantle somewhere. It gives +5 to profession skills.
68) Hummer. the sword hums when used in combat, not lightsaber noises, more like "row, row, row your boat"
69) One Size Fits All. This weapon automatically shrinks or grows to fit the size of the wielder.
70) The Blade of the Immortal. This is a superb masterwork bastard sword. It appears to be made of a red-black metal resembling steel. There are shapes of monsters moving across the face of the blade as if shadows cast by those same monsters. The blade can not be scarred, cut, bent or shattered. It is immune to all non-magical damage and all spells from the school of transmutation. It can not be enchanted.
71) The Blade of the Apprentice. This thin short sword grants the wielder +1 to initiative and makes the wearer immune to cantrips.
72) Scrounger. Once per week, this bearer of this sword can find 1d20gp worth of materials useful as the raw materials required for a Craft check.
73) Friend. Say ‘Come hither friend’ and the blade springs to your hand from up to 30' away.
74) Baby Slayer +1.+2 vs women,+3 vs unarmed humanoids, +6 vs infants.
75) Pink Slayer +0,+1 vs humans.
76) Goblin's Bane. When command word 1 is spoken, up 1000 words spoken are
remembered. When command word 2 is spoken, these words are displayed in a streaming score across the blade. During this mode, the advanced commands of pause, play, forward, reverse and stop can also be used.
Since goblins abhor the written word in fear of it being magical, this blade's ability to produce written words cause all goblins within 30 feet to be shaken if they save vs fear (Will dc 25) or stand in terror (helpless) if they fail. This only works on goblins.
77) Twilight Blade. This rather mundane looking blade appears little more than a normal +x enchantment, that is until the user removes their shirt in the sunlight and their skin begins to sparkle. All pre-teen, teenage, and even some older women will immediately feel an attraction to the wielder, granting a +1 circumstance bonus to social skills towards them whilst under this effect. This also has an unfortunate side-effect. True Vampires cannot stand the sight of this effect and will go out of their way to destroy the user should he flaunt this ability.
78) Veterans Blade. The user can fall asleep moments after lying down. This weapon also has a set of non-magical dice hidden in the pommel.
79) Tent Peg. When this blade is used as a tent peg, it grants the tent the ability to withstand wind from any source, without buckling or becoming loosed.
80) Skinning Blade. A boon to trappers, outdoorsmen, and taxidermists, this small blade grants a competency bonus of +2 to skills and professions related to tasks such as cleaning and skinning an animal, butchery, taxidermy, and the tanning of hides.
81) Cold Steel. This cold iron blade is literally cold: when wielding this blade a perpetual endure elements (desert or hot environs) is in effect. Furthermore, it provides energy resistance fire 1.
82) Sculptor. This blade grants a +2 competency bonus to craft or profession skills related to sculpting.
83) A Sturdy Oaken Stick. When you tap it on the ground twice in quick succession it becomes a sword. When you tap it twice again it becomes a stick. If the stick is damaged the sword is too.
84) A beautiful elven short sword designed for a royal princess. If the wielder is ever in the presence of someone who is plotting to capture the wielder, or who is connected to a plot to capture the wielder, the sword will point at the person and shriek in elvish.
85) Pied Piper. This generally short blade has holes running through it like a flute or other wind instrument. As a full round action the wielder may play the blade as if it was a wind instrument appropriate to its size and daze all creatures in a 30ft radius of a particular type, chosen when you start your performance. The daze lasts as long as you play
86) Feather. This ultra light longsword provides +1 to initiative and negates the penalty for low Str (ie 8 st would be +0\+0) It has a max Str of 14 due to being too light to support higher damage. Optionally it provides the ability to use a long sword to the wielder.
87) Wieldy. This weapon despite being normal sized is very balanced and can be used with the weapon finesse feat.
88) Doctors Blade. This blade counts as a healing kit and when used to treat an injury heals 1 more point of damage than normal.
89) Cocky Blade. (AKA the blade of the Douchebag) This weapon is covered in expensive looking bling. Whenever You successfully intimidate an opponent you gain a +1 to damage against that opponent for the duration of the intimidation.
90) Perv Blade. On a critical hit this weapon ruins a piece of non magical clothing on the target (but not armor)
91) Sailors Friend. This light blade grants a +2 competence bonus to attempts to cut through fabric and rope. This bonus applies to either craft or profession checks, or to damage, depending on how the blade is being used.
92) Bulwark. You get 1 temp hit point when you roll initiative.
93) Quick to Action. This, normally light, blade grants its bearer a +2 bonus to
Initiative rolls.
94) Survivalist. This blade grants a +2 competence bonus to Survival checks.
95) More Damage. Whenever damage for this blade is rolled and the roll results in the absolute minimum (such as rolling a 1 on a d6), the result can be re-rolled. The subsequent re-roll is kept.
96) Illusory Blade. On a critical hit this weapon produces a minor yet distracting
illusion. Maybe a glimpse of an enemy just out of the corner of the eye. If the enemy fails a Will save (DC 10) she believes she is flanked for the next round behaves as such granting you a flank bonus.
97) Faithful Blade. You can lose this weapon similarly to a dancing weapon but instead of attacking, the blade simply floats in an adjacent square of your choice and follows you around. This grants you basically the quick draw feat with the weapon and any disarm attempts simply cause the weapon to move to an adjacent square instead of flung away.
98) Self repairing. If damaged this weapon repairs its self at the rate of one hit point per day. Weapons completely sundered cannot repair themselves and much be repaired as per normal crafting rules.
99) Vengeful Blade. If you are ever reduced to 0 Hp or below this blade lunges forward immediately and deliver one final attack to the creature Provided that it is within reach of the weapon.
100) The Bauble Blade. Each day the nature of this blades minor magical enchantment is rolled on a %. On a roll of 100 roll 2 more times or if you prefer roll another % and add it to the result to generate minor powers that have yet to be devised.
101) Sunderer. This blade is heavier than many, granting a bonus of +1 to damage when rolling for the damage results of a sunder attempt.
102) Rambo. The pommel of the blade opens up and stores survival supplies, granting a +1 to all survival rolls. It always has the supplies fully stocked up.
As an alternative it could be prepared for a few different skills, like dungeonering or climb.
103) Moonscribe. This sword can draw messages (or anything the wielder could normally draw on a piece of paper) on the surface of an actual moon simply by waving it at one. This causes nothing to anything on the moon, and the drawings disappear after an hour. This ability can be used during every full moon.
104) Sealegs. The wielder of this sword will never suffer from sea sickness or motion sickness, and can move anywhere on a boat (bowsprit, mizzen, the shrouds, you name it) as if it were solid ground, no matter what the weather.
105) Tresspasser. Whoever wields this sword will leave no marks on gravel, sand, dirt, grass or mud when walking on private land not his own.
106) Stickey Fingers. Whenever you score a critical hit with this blade instead of doing additional damage (You still do normal weapon damage) you may choose to Use a Steal combat maneuver as a free action. This is useable 1/day.
107) Highway to Heaven. These two blades come as a pair usually. Hold one out and say a command phrase and it becomes a stable platform. Together you could 'step' over a rushing river or a sinking swamp or a security wall.
108) Vertigo. This sword despises heights, so much so that it grows in power as it is taken deeper underground. For every 10 feet that it falls below the surface, it gains the equivalent of a +1 enchantment. If it is ever stricken with natural daylight, it temporarily loses its power, and become permanently non-magical if taken to 200’ height.
109) Roasting Spit. When this blade is used as a spit for the roasting of an animal, the animal so cooked will always be well seasoned and golden brown and delicious.
110) The Chicken Catcher. This sword gives its wielder a land speed bonus of +10 feet per turn and +1 to dexterity, for three turns, once per day.
111) Rat Death. When a critical hit is scored with this blade it temporarily calls forth a small number of undead rodents that bite the target for an additional 1d4 damage total. These undead rodents than commence to be just dead.
112) Critical Blade: This sword is always overly critical of your every move and tells you when it thinks you’re doing something wrong, which is always. However, sometimes the advice it gives is actually useful. One time per day the sword can use an aid another action on any task to help you.
113) Twins. This is one sword with one sheath, however upon a spoken command word it splits into two identical blades. The same command word forces the two blades back as one.
114) Umbrella Sword. A secret button located where the grip and the cross guard meet allows you to retract the blade into the grip and an umbrella appears in its place. A second secret button allows you to open up the umbrella. Swords must be at least the same size as a short sword or greater in order for this to work.
115) Backfire. A cursed blade of sorts, the spherical pommel of this sword, when any part of the sword is touch, grows big as a bowling ball and lands on the ground, doing 1d6 points of damage. And if you really want it to be cursed, turn it into a sphere of annihilation (again, about the size of a bowling bowl) that consumes everything except that sword for 1d6 hours. After either effect, a new pommel appears, and everything reset for the next time the sword is touched.
116) Pay the Price. Whenever you score a critical failure, 1d6 copper is magically removed from your purse and appears in the nearest church donation box.
117) Fighters Blade. The weapon when wielded by a fighter grants a +1 on the role to back a critical.
118) Rogues Blade. The blade when wielded by a rogue grants an additional +1 to hit when flanking.
119) Clerics blade. This weapon may be used as a holy symbol when wielded by a
cleric. 3 additional dice of damage can be added per day to the characters channel
damage. These do not all need to be used in the same channel.
120) Wizards Blade. Once per day when wielded by a wizard this weapon can lend
magical energy to a spell acting as a material component. (this does not consume
the blade as it would a material component) of up to 10 gp value.
121) Druid Blade. When wielded by a druid this weapon allows the druid to ad 1 hour to the duration of his wild shape ability.
122) Bards Blade. +1 round of bardic music per day.
123) Monks blade. This weapon counts as a monk weapon whether it normally is or not.
124) Paladin Blade. This weapon when wielded by a paladin (anti-paladin versions exist as well), your level counts as 1 higher for how much damage your Smite Evil ability dose.
125) Ranger Blade. +1 additional bonus on damage against a favored enemy when wielded by a ranger.
126) Sorcerer Blade. You get one more use or one more round of use from your level 1 sorcerer power each day.
127) Barbarian Blade. You are not fatigued the first time you rage each day.
128) Alchemical Blade. This weapon can be used 1/day by an alchemist to stir one of her explosive concoctions (I.e. bombs) making a more volatile mixture. Allowing the bomb to do an additional 1d6 points of damage.
129) Cavaliers Blade. The cavalier’s level counts as one higher when calculating the bonus damage from a challenge.
130) Inquisitors Blade. +1 to stern gaze rolls.
131) Oracles Blade. When wielded this blade causes the oracle to count as one level higher when determining the effect of her curse. However, this comes at a price. Whenever the blade is sheathed or otherwise no wielded by the Oracle, she counts as one level lower for curse effects.
132) Summoner Blade. When wielded by a summoner, this blade allows the Eidolon to travel double the normal distance away from the summoner as it would normally be allowed.
133) Witch Blade. A witch’s level counts as one higher when determining her familiars ability when wielding this blade.
134) Painter's Blade (the Picasso). Different color paint (ROYGBIV) constantly drips from the blade. On a critical hit, all within 5' are coated in that color.
135) Marriage Blade. This blade is one of a pair of blades. The bearer of one of the blades can, when concentrating, know the general direction and health of the wielder of the other.
136) Rain Sword. Strange markings, almost like tear drops mar the metal of this blade. Unknown to the user, the blade increases the chance for precipitation in the area by 20% for the day.
137) Riverrow. When rowing a regular rowboat movement speed is doubled. The rowboat also becomes immune to the capsize ability, because the user simply becomes too deft in moving it around.
138) Warm Heart. Non-magical cold weather causes no harm to the wielder.
139) Hidden Talent. This short sword, when worn, is considered hidden. It can be drawn as a free action.
140) Arclight. Each time this sword strikes a bright flash of electric blue is seen from it and a crackling sound is heard. Any time that it does damage 1 point of that damage will be electrical.
141) Carrier. This sword, when worn or wielded, increases the user’s strength by 3, but only for the purposes of carrying capacity.
142) Xzbroghdst. Created by the demon Csharzain this is a fearsome looking blade with a dark red gleam in its black surface. It is otherwise a perfectly normal sword, but it grants its user darkvision.
143) The Master of Nothing. This sword can not cause criticals or fumbles.
145) But I Know You. +1 to hunch checks. If you fail a hunch / sense motive check, you can immediately try again, once per day.
146) The Flow of History. The wielder of this sword gains the uncanny ability to swap around the initiative bonuses of up to three opposing enemies in the same battle, once per day.
147) Posted in Error. When the owner of this sword is sleeping, this sword will fly away and post 'adventurers wanted' posters all over town in the owner’s name. It will then fly back. If the owner discovers the posters the sword will begin to whistle in a very suspicious manner.
148) Any wound caused by this weapon will be blue.
149) The user of this blade gradually turns blue.
150) Anything the user of this blade touches turns blue for some period of time, including footprints left by him.
151) The user of this blade hates the other primary colors.
152) Brine Blade. This weapon constantly secretes a very salty watery substance. When it scores a critical hit the opponents must roll a reflex save or be dazzles for one round as the salty concoction splashes them in the eyes causing iteration.
153) Blood Fueled Weapon. Once per day you may pay up to half your current hp to deal extra damage equal to the amount hp paid.
154) Magician’s Blade. Whenever you confirm a critical hit with this weapon you may regain an expended spell which must be cast this combat.
155) Mace of the Nameless. A critical hit with this weapon causes the target to forget his name. An etching with the target's name appears on the mace. Should the target ever die, raising the him/her back to life will require the caster to touch his/her name etched on the mace.
156) Soul-Stealing. Once per week, the sword may absorb the soul of a living creature slain by it (if the creature has a soul). If it does so, it gains the alignment of the creature slain. As a full round action, the wielder may make an attack with the sword with a bonus to hit and damage equal to the hit dice of the slain creature. Doing so empties the soul from the blade.
157) Prism Blade. This blade pulses rapidly, changing from one vibrant color to another. Whenever the wielder scores a critical hit with this weapon, the weapon flashes with colorful, blinding light; the victim must succeed on a Will save or suffer under the effects of a Color Spray, as the spell. The DC for this save is equal to the amount of damage dealt by the qualifying attack. One a natural attack roll of 1, the wielder accidentally triggers the blade, and must succeed on DC 12 Will save or become subject to the spell's effects.
158) The Drunken Master. The wielder must always be drinking, the more drunk the better of a swords man he becomes, however, all of the exertion causes sobriety, so he/she must get to drinking all of the time.
159. "SHHHHINNNNGGGG!" When drawn from the scabbard, this blade makes a very loud sound of metal scraping upon metal, granting its wielder an immediate Intimidate check at PC's level +2. If the check succeeds, the opponent suffers a Fear effect and must flee for 1d3 rounds.
160) The Craft.

Who's the black steel dirk
That's a war machine with all those crits?
Craft, ya, damn right

Who is the blade that would risk his neck
For his owners life?
Craft, can you dig it?

Who's the knife that won't cop out
When there's danger all about?
Craft, right on

They say this cat Craft is a bad mother
Shut your mouth
But I'm talkin' 'bout Craft
Then we can dig it

He's a complicated dirk
But no one understands him but his owner
The Craft

161) Halving Blade. Upon command, this two-handed sword splits into a pair of one-handed swords with the same enchantments as the larger weapon. This is a move action that does not draw attacks of opportunity. This action can be combined with a single move if the wielder's BAB is +1 or higher. If for some reason the wielder's off-hand is in use, one of the smaller weapons drops to the ground at the wielder's feet.
162) Blade of the Hornet. This unusually thin and brittle-appearing Rapier/Foil has a special power when grasped by an arcane spell-caster. Once per round, the user may expend a spell slot to give the Rapier an unearthly agility; the spell-caster may strike X+1 times per round at a single opponent at his BAB, X being the number of the spell slot used. These strikes must be aimed at the same target. The blade ignores armor as per the Brilliant enchantment, but the blade also can affect Undead/Incorporeal as if it were Magic. The sword has no magical bonus to hit or damage, but Strength applies as usual. For the purpose of Weapon Proficiency, the Rapier is considered a Wand.
163) All or Nothing. All hits are confirmed critical all misses are fumbles (must be using a crit/miss rule)
164) Dancing Blade. This +1 rapier grants a +5 circumstance bonus to all Perform (Dance) checks when held. ONLY when held or wielded.
165) Yellow Belly. This ornate, lavish +3 thundering flaming greatsword is pretty, but terrified of combat. If forced to engage in melee, any hit on the wielder forces the sword into a panic; the sword casts expeditious retreat on the wielder and compels her to move away from the foe in the most direct route possible. (as per cause fear)
166) Guardian Blade. This +3 blade will vibrate wildly and give off a metallic ring when certain conditions are met:
1. A being larger than a moth (size can vary) enters a predetermined perimeter drawn earlier with the blade.
2. The wielder of the blade (in a scabbard at the belt) is a sleep.
3. The pre-set password is not spoken.
Essentially, this blade allows its wielder to sleep somewhat secure. After the blade sounds its alarm, it functions normally for the next ten minutes. After that it must rest for six hours: its alarm won't function and it is an ordinary, masterwork weapon--it loses the magic bonus until it has recovered.
166) Rain Blade Mk. II - This longsword gives the user the ability to remember obscure details and calculate large numbers.
"My lord! We are beset by countless goblins!"
"3,126 goblins. Definitely 3,126."
167) Butchers Blade. Any killing blow with this weapon instantly skins guts and butchers the victim. They are separated into prime cuts of meat and a perfectly skinned and scraped hide that is prime for tanning.
168) Gory Blade. This weapon seems to draw a lot more blood than a normal weapon of its type. Any strike with this weapon produces what appears to be around 10 times the blood of a similar wound. In reality this extra blood is created by the sword and dose no additional damage to the Target. However intelligent (3+ Int) creatures seeing such a display will be easier to intimidate granting a +1 to such checks.
169) The Telling Blade. When telling a story with this blade in hand it provides sound effects and minor narrative elements sigh a glowing slightly when during dramatic moments of the story. this grants a +1 bonus to either Perform Oration or Perform Singing checks.
170) The Spelling Blade. Whenever you want, as part of a normal attack you can choose to have this blade spell out a letter on the enemy. If this attack is a Critical threat it can do a whole word. If it is an actual critical hit you can carve a whole sentence on the foe.
171) Lovecraftian Forged. Upon confirming a critical hit against a foe, the foe must
make a Will save or be sent to a random plane.
172) Blade of Endless Ends. Every time this blade kills a living creature (undead, constructs and oozes excluded) the wielder gains 1d10 temporary hit points, if a 10 is rolled on the d10, the weapon is also a +2 against the type of creature it slew for as long as the temporary hit points remain on the wielder
173) Chicken Launching Hilt: Range Touch attack, deals 2d6 damage (full round action)
174) Timeless Blade. Once per day, the wielder can stop time for 1d6 rounds, the GM rolls the d6 and the wielder does not know how many rounds he or she has before time continues as normal, the extra rounds grant equal actions and the wielder can move, attack, cast spells, use skills, activate items, etc. etc. just as though time was normal, any ability that continues to deal damage every round does NOT continue to damage until the time ends. The wielder also does not age.
175) The Faux-Euclidean. This sword exists on a number of dimensions different from what the wielder can experience. It is a +1 sword, but the type of the sword depends on what the character wielding it is most familiar with. When the sword strikes it comes in through an angle which exists somewhere on the border of dimensions. The sword can strike any target, but targets which would otherwise require a special weapon or special weapon property only receive 1 point of damage per hit.
176) Sword whistles suggestively whenever a PC/NPC with Charisma 16 or higher enters within 30 feet of it for the first time.
177) Sword of the Bloody Palm. Sword does nothing to foe, but the wielder leaves bloody palm prints on everything he or she touches.
178) Blade of the Bard. This blade makes sweet solo music of one particular instrument during combat. The music matches the action in tone, highs and lows, and pacing. Several wielders together can form a band and each instrument, instead of doing a constant solo, riffs off the other instruments. Some of these blades in the hand of a Bard can be used instead of an instrument. We Will Rock You, however, is the most common tune played.
179) Bulls Eye Blade. It's a blade that glows on command, further, the glowing can be focused into a beam much like a bullseye lantern.
180) The Portable Chandelier. This blade will stick to a ceiling and the handle will drop on a chain. It'll hold the original wielders weight. It'll crash to the ground for anyone else.
181) Stay on Target. Wielded, by a mounted combatant, in a charge, through heavy enemy cross fire and/or melee, it casts Sure Strike upon the wielder, only usable with this weapon. Once a day.
182) Fertility Blade. Anyone within 10' of this blade becomes unnatural fertile and will have lots of children. When a critical hit is scored with this weapon It magically nocks-up that creature assuming that said creature is capable of bearing children.
183) Cheese Knife. If used to cut a piece of food, the wielder can choose to have that food taste like their favorite piece of cheese. (Good way to make Iron Rations taste better).
184) Fire Alarm. A weapon enchanted with Fire Alarm is immune to all fire damage but emits a high pitched squeal when exposed to excessive heat.
185) The Preshus Blade: When not in combat this fine weapon begs attention. The owner must periodically roll a DC 10 Will save or cradle the weapon calling it all sorts of flattering names. The weapon however dose reciprocate and hums happily when it’s getting its attention.
186) Slightly reduces the hold of gravity on the wielder, giving them a +2 bonus to jump checks, and cutting falling damage in half.
187) Releases a flash a searing light upon scoring a critical hit, blinding the target for 1d4 rounds.
188) Prevents wounds from clotting, dealing 1 point of Constitution damage upon scoring a critical hit.
189) Screws with the vision of the target, making them colorblind for 1d6 rounds after being hit.
190) Blade of Comfort. Anyone within 10' of this blade acts as though under the effects of an Endure Elements spell for as long as they remain within a 10' distance of the blade.
191) The Second Blade. This +1 short sword was one of the two blades used by legendary planewalker Noom Es Dharim. When Noom disappeared only this sword remained behind. But there still exists a link to the first blade, and once per day the wielder of this sword may call it out. The First Blade, a +1 longsword, will appear at the wielders side. It will fight by itself, flying across the air. It will use the wielders attributes to move and do battle, but will only have 5 hit points. It will disappear after 5 turns, or after defeated. It will take commands from the wielder of the Second Blade, such as "attack the man with the moustache" or "stay in front of me, and attack anyone who approaches us". If not given commands, it will simply hover in the air and do nothing.
192) The Zapper. The wielder of this blade may, at will, make it start glowing a bright electric blue, equivalent in brightness to a torch. The blade vibrates softly in the wielder's hand, and emits a slight buzzing noise. Insects are attracted to the blade, and are annihilated by contact with it. Other creatures that aren't immune to electricity take 1 point of non lethal damage per round that they touch the blade.
193) The Attuned Blade. If this blade receives at least a week of regular use by a single owner and nobody else, it gains an aura of good/evil/lawful/chaos matching its owner's alignment and functions as a +X (however much the GM wants really) sword in the hands of that owner. When anyone else tries to use the sword it functions as a -X sword (same value of X as the plus side) instead, and is incapable of damaging any creatures that share both the class and alignment of the owner (including the owner themselves of course). If the owner changes alignment the sword ceases to recognize him/her and acts as if s/he is somebody else, giving a penalty instead of a bonus. Another week of regular use by a single person can re-attune the blade to a new master or to an old master of changed alignment however.
194) Barricade. When this sword is swung full-circle about the body, it can generate a random Wall effect (Ring only, as per Wall of Fire) 20' radius around the wielder's location.
195) Do Or Do Not, There Is No Try. This sword’s every hit is a critical hit and every miss a critical miss. Use your charts or cards of choice.
196) Bloodthirsty. This weapon, on a crit splatters you with blood causing the blood to be absorbed by your skin. this heals you of one point of damage and downgrades exhausted to fatigued and fatigued to normal.
197) The Eel. This blade can reform on the owner's command into a metal eel attached to a hilt. It deals bludgeoning instead of slashing damage and may be used similar to a whip, granting the same bonus a whip would grant to trip attempts (it does not gain additional reach however). Changing from blade to eel (and vice versa) is a swift action.
198) Sword-Chucks. When commanded, this sword splits into two similar swords attached by the bottom of the pommel by a short length of chain. The weapon grants the wielder the Flurry of Blows ability; only a Fighter has the skill to wield these exotic weapons without penalty. Any miss results in the character cutting himself for d8 damage.
199) Roulette. Whenever this sword is used to attack any creature (before rolling to attack) its target changes to a randomly selected enemy or ally within 30 ft, and an attack is made against that target even if it is not adjacent to the attacker. The attack roll cannot be cancelled after it selects its target. (Sooooo... Too bad for you if you slash a goblin and all the damage jumps over to your team's wizard. Or you.)
Roll dX where X is the number of targets (including both you and your original target) within 30ft of your original target to determine who the sword attacks each time you swing it.
200) Bark of the Wrong Wood. This wooden practice sword is sharper than it appears. It grants -3 to intimidate checks for the wielder, and -2 to sense motive checks for opponents. It has properties similar to a short sword, except that half of the damage it causes will be blunt. However, it is considered a +2 sword. If used for parrying there is a 25% chance that it will break.

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A Wicked Kendragon
201) Lord of Leisure. Fighting defensively with this rapier only causes a -2 attack penalty. When withdrawing from combat you may move an extra 5 feet. Feinting against humanoid opponents is done with a +2 bonus. When you are delaying, you gain +1 to AC.


I crit!
202) Copy Cat. Once a day the wielder can acquire the combat or critical feat used by another combatant in the current melee even without meeting the requirements. The feat stays acquired for the duration of the current combat.

I noticed I, unknowingly, copied at least one sword.


First Post
203) Blade of holding. This sword has a small compartment within its hilt that functions as a bag of holding. It can only hold items small or flexible enough to fit through the opening in the hilt to reach the bag within however.


First Post
204) Blade of the Master: This sword confers the wearer DR 0.5/adamantium.
Legends say that only some people actually get any benefit from this sword. Usually, heroes never get the bonus, while people that support or oppose those heroes, usually do.

(Hint: round up for NPC's, round down for PC's)

205) This one actually is in my game.
The Unnamed blades: If you hit someone with both swords, they will forget your face as soon as you turn away from them. The victim shall remember everything that happened, except the face of the user.

The swords have a tendency to become lost. You are more likely to lose them if you use them against their intended scope (no one knows what their scope is, but they were forged by a guard captain long ago).

Once you realise you lost the swords, you forever forget about their existance and can never recall of all the times that they served you. You can never find them again on your own. Even if others find them and give them to you afterwards, the swords will refuse to serve you again, and you will lose them at the next opportunity.

(More info: http://translate.google.it/translate?hl=it&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://dnd.grieco.org/armi.html , google translated to english)
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First Post
206) Night life: this blade literally has a night life. Every day at dusk it fades away and reappears at dawn. Sometimes the blade is covered in green blood when it returns. It has been theorized that somebody somewhere has a day blade and uses the same blade during the night.

207) Hammer of knock knock: when the wielder hits exactly twice in one round - it tells an awful knock knock joke. After telling 10 such jokes it is charged with a knock spell and will tell no more jokes until the charged knock spell is used.

“we could use the hammer to open the door but then we’d have to listen to it again”

208) Trombone sword: every round the size of the weapon changes in this progression: dagger, short sword, long sword, great sword, dagger, etc. Some trombone swords have enchantment of strengths inverse to the size of the weapon. i.e. dagger +4, short sword +3, long sword +2, great sword +1. A trombone slide sound accompanies the changing size of the sword.

209) Underdog club: this club conveys upon its owner a one round benefit based on how poorly or well the owner is wielding it. The following attack resolutions fumble, miss, hit, critical convey the following benefits respectively +4 deflection bonus, +2 deflection bonus, +1 deflection bonus, nothing.

210) Clockwork hook hammer: as a full round action the hammer head can be turned to wind internal springs. The hammer will fight the next 3 rounds as if it had the dancing enchantment.
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First Post
211) Sword of honour: This sword provides a +1 bonus to hit and damage while fighting following any sort of official rules. The bonus increases by 1 for the duration of the battle if the wielder's opponent attempts to cheat those rules, and the bonus decreases by 1 if the wielder attempts to cheat them (or encourages their opponent to cheat in an attempt to gain the additional bonus).


First Post
212) Hot Steel. This hot iron blade is literally warm. When wielding this blade a perpetual endure elements (cold and ice environs) is in effect. Furthermore, it provides energy resistance cold 1.

This is the opposite of the Cold Steel blade (#81)

Voidrunner's Codex

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