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[4e] Etene - IC Thread


First Post
[sblock=Map & Notes]
| 0| | | | | | |b|H| | | |;| | | | 
| 1|a| |;| |X|X|X|X| | | |;|;| | | 
| 2| |;| | |K| | | | |;| | | | | | 
| 3|;|;| |;| | | | |;| | | | | | | 
| 4| |;|q|;| | | | | |;| |;|;| | | 
| 5|;| | |;|;| |B| | |;| |;|;| | | 
| 6|;| |;|G|3| |;| | |;| |Z| | | | 
| 7|;| |d| | |;|;| | |;| | |;| | |[/U]
Illumination: Bright Light, except for EFGH at 0 which because of the height of the portal and the location of the sun cause shadows, enough to hide in (active stealth required).

Road: Damaged cobblestone. Squares with a semicolon represent difficult terrain.

Portal: EFGH at 1 represent the portal. It is walled off on one side so it can only be "entered" from the south going north. The back wall can be scaled (athletics check)

a - Kobold w/ Sling
b - Kobold w/ Sling
d - Kobold w/ Sword

Special Note
Q: "Lineov, why aren't the guards helping?"
A: "They are, you're just seeing the kobolds that the guards aren't conveniently fighting."[/sblock]
[sblock=Current Status & Initiative]Kobold d - 27 Dmg, slowed (end of Baern's turn), marked by Koehro, BLOODIED
Koehro K - 9 Dmg
Quinn q
Cyrus B
Al-Har H
Kobold a
Kobold b - 20 Dmg BLOODIED
Baern Z <----Current Turn
Gakki G[/sblock]
One of the sling wielding kobolds darts to and fro across the rubbled landscape trying to get a decent vantage point, winds up, and launches another firepot, this one aimed at Koehro, which he winds up and sends flying, directly into the portal. The portal swishes back and forth abosorbing the attack and thinking nothing of it.

Cyrus' arrow flies straight and true and the kobold dies in a heartbeat the still glowing metal of the arrowhead lodged in his heart. His words of encouragement provide a newfound strength to Koehro (If he wants, will update pending response).

Al-har runs back around the portal and finding the kobolds attacks, and while his attack does hit just barely the kobold screams in terror and pain at the sight of the barbarian, alerting his friend next to him about the impending pain on it's way.

The other kobold behind the wall once again attempts to scramble his way up, but failing, decides to run away from the merchant of pain and death that has nearly killed his associate.
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First Post
I'm going to be AFK for the rest of the day, so I'm going to post this 1 move early -- if that steps on someone's toes, ignore it, and I'll make a different post tomorrow.
Gaaki turns her attention to the injured kobold nearby, and tries to slip under his defenses with an extended jab of her rapier, hoping to set up a second attack as well.

Sly Lunge at kobold (d)
Dex vs. AC: Attack and Damage (1d20+9=19, 1d4+1d6+8=13)
Gain combat advantage on hit.
[sblock=Mini Statblock]
Gaaki - Female Half-Orc Rogue 1
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 17
AC: 16 Fort: 13 Reflex: 16 Will: 12
HP: 23/23 Surges: 6/6 Surge Value: 5
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Unused
Riposte Strike
Piercing Strike

Sly Lunge
Furious Assault

Pommel Smash


"Ah no ye don't, little fella," Baern whispers as he spots the fleeing kobold. He advances to a better position, then calls a painful orb of searing light to settle upon the kobold.

[sblock=Actions]Move to square I4
Standard (Avenging Light vs. Kobold A): 1d20+6=25 vs. Fortitude; 1d10+6=7 radiant damage[/sblock]

[sblock=Baern Stoneheart stat block]Baern Stoneheart- Male Dwarf Invoker 1
Passive Perception: 15, Passive Insight: 20
AC:16, Fort:14, Reflex:11, Will:16 -- Speed:5
HP:26/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:9/9
Initiative +0
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Avenging Light, Grasping Shards, Rebuke Undead, Armor of Wrath, Thunder of Judgement, Angelic Echelon


First Post
"Still persisting, eh?"

[sblock=ooc] move to C5. Thorn Strike vs kobold d: 1d20+6=17 vs AC. 1d8+4=7, pull target to C6.
not sure if that hits or not so no flavor text.
also, for future reference, intimidate in combat is a standard action, not that it really makes a difference in PbP though :)

oh and I'm only down 9hp so i don't really need the heal yet, thanks though


First Post
[sblock=Map & Notes]
| 0| | | | | | | |H| | | |;| | | | 
| 1|a| |;| |X|X|X|X| | | |;|;| | | 
| 2| |;| | | | | | | |;| | | | | | 
| 3|;|;| |;| | | | |;| | | | | | | 
| 4| |;|q|;| | | | |Z|;| |;|;| | | 
| 5|;| |K|;|;| |B| | |;| |;|;| | | 
| 6|;| |;|G| | |;| | |;| | | | | | 
| 7|;| | | | |;|;| | |;| | |;| | |[/U]
Illumination: Bright Light, except for EFGH at 0 which because of the height of the portal and the location of the sun cause shadows, enough to hide in (active stealth required).

Road: Damaged cobblestone. Squares with a semicolon represent difficult terrain.

Portal: EFGH at 1 represent the portal. It is walled off on one side so it can only be "entered" from the south going north. The back wall can be scaled (athletics check)

a - Kobold w/ Sling

Special Note
Q: "Lineov, why aren't the guards helping?"
A: "They are, you're just seeing the kobolds that the guards aren't conveniently fighting."[/sblock]
[sblock=Current Status & Initiative]Koehro K - 9 Dmg
Quinn q <----Current turn
Cyrus B
Al-Har H
Kobold a - 7 Dmg
Kobold b - 20 Dmg BLOODIED,removed from combat, but still alive
Baern Z
Gakki G[/sblock]
The light settles down on the kobold searing his flesh as he cries out in pain (a). Korthala's jab strikes the monster in the pit of his arm and he falls, rotting corpse, number 6 (D). The kobold behind the portal turns to flee in absolute and complete terror, dropping his sling and turning to flee and smashing straight into a wall behind him (b).

OOC: apologies for the lateness of this update, finals and all... Koehro, feel free to make a different attack as Baern killed d. I'm also taking into effect Al-har's roar cause that's epic and it'd suck to reroll. Quinn, you're up. (I believe the map is fixed now)
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[sblock=Lineov]Actually, I was attacking kobold a, in the northwest corner. Also, I think you moved someone else (B) to square I4 instead of Baern (Z). That is unless I'm completely missing something, which wouldn't really be uncommon for me. ;)[/sblock]


I aim to misbehave
Cyrus Du'Caine, Half-elven Bard

Cyrus took a shot at the only remaining scaly creature, missing high and to the right.

[sblock=ooc]OOC: I believe that Cyrus is B and he should be at G5 still, until his next action. Actions: Standard: Jinx Shot: 1d20+7=11, Missing. [/sblock]


First Post
OOC: only kobold a (square A1) is left in combat, b is still alive but removed from combat for RP purposes later, you guys can kill him if you want. Apologies on the map mixup, the previous map post has been fixed now, and here is the updated (post Cyrus's Shot)

[sblock=Map & Notes]
| 0| | | | | | | |H| | | |;| | | | 
| 1|a| |;| |X|X|X|X| | | |;|;| | | 
| 2| |;| | | | | | | |;| | | | | | 
| 3|;|;| |;| | | | |;| | | | | | | 
| 4| |;|q|;| | | | |Z|;| |;|;| | | 
| 5|;| |K|;|;| |B| | |;| |;|;| | | 
| 6|;| |;|G| | |;| | |;| | | | | | 
| 7|;| | | | |;|;| | |;| | |;| | |[/U]
Illumination: Bright Light, except for EFGH at 0 which because of the height of the portal and the location of the sun cause shadows, enough to hide in (active stealth required).

Road: Damaged cobblestone. Squares with a semicolon represent difficult terrain.

Portal: EFGH at 1 represent the portal. It is walled off on one side so it can only be "entered" from the south going north. The back wall can be scaled (athletics check)

a - Kobold w/ Sling

Special Note
Q: "Lineov, why aren't the guards helping?"
A: "They are, you're just seeing the kobolds that the guards aren't conveniently fighting."[/sblock]
[sblock=Current Status & Initiative]Koehro K - 9 Dmg
Quinn q <----Current turn
Cyrus B
Al-Har H
Kobold a - 7 Dmg
Kobold b - 20 Dmg, BLOODIED,removed from combat, but still alive
Baern Z
Gakki G[/sblock]

Cyrus looses an arrow at the final kobold and it grazes past him not quite hitting him. (after quinn's attack since cyrus and al-har have moved it'll be kobold a's turn and then baern again.)
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