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[4e] GM wanted: Paragon tier adventure?


I'm still here, tho ironically I'm being pulled in several RL directions. I'm looking for a full-time gig at work, and my psych program is wrapping up nicely with exams next week.

That said, I'm going to keep working on my character, but I'm worried I'll be dragged offline more often. I don't know the pace of this game (tho it might be slow, which could help).

Theroc: do your best, then let one of us CB for you for the math. It'll take off the stress; and you can always double-check the math later on, if you decide to re-train or re-build or what have you.

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First Post
I'll have a better idea of my time commitment ability, after the holiday season is over.

right now is just confusing with all the family activity, scholastic activity, and work is up in the air for me as well... I'm seasonal status at the job right now, and striving to get hired in full time, we'll see...

So time commitment would be very difficult to gauge until some of this cools off.


First Post
Character Name: Whips
Race: Human
Class: Fighter|Cleric/Shock Trooper

[sblock=Physical Description]

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 159 lbs
Alignment: Unaligned
Appearance: Mostly black robes flow about the form of a strangely painted man. The whip in his right hand, is emblazoned with symbols of Her Dark Majesty, and pulses with a black light. His cloak is lined with arcane runes, and small pockets fold over and again throughout the garment. Bright pink, magenta, lavender, and purple strips of cloth appear from hidden folds as the hooded human comes into view. As if it was always there, another whip appears in the man's hand, as the robe he wears becomes layers of close knit chains, and he vaults the last twenty feet toward his demonic adversary. A whip closes around the beasts neck, another around it's leg, with a short tug, the demon is on it's back, now in it's true form, a changeling vampire!



Whips is a typical Shadar-Kai, except his being human. His devotion the Death and Her cause has brought him in contact with any number of devilish undead, and demonic immortals. Very little surprises Whips any longer, but much entertains him, and his lust for life is almost unquenchable.

Whips is slow to anger, quick to trust, and easy to get along with. He enjoys being on the brink of disaster and can't get enough adrenaline. This forces the shadowy man to constantly travel in search of new extremes.

Whips has many loves, but no wife. The company he keeps is well aware of each other, and they enjoy the conditions of their relationship with Whips. Most of his lady-friends visit each other to discuss the latest news brought back from Whips current sojourn.

Courage and glory are to traits Whips seeks out in friends and enemies alike. He actively searches for his next nemesis in order to further challenge himself. Fighting for the competition as much as to take care of Her Majesties will.



Whips still doesn't know how he arrived among the Shadar-Kai, and no one mentions his parents. Even when he asked as a child, everyone acted as if they couldn't hear him. He eventually gave up and focused on living in the unforgiving world he was born.

His first assignments were herding, and tending to the beasts captured during expeditions. He was given a whip and instruction in it's proficient use. Before long he was doing an excellent job of his task, using two whips, and moving the herd with ease. Even when a pack of displacer beasts was captured, Whips was the only one capable of keeping them in line, as he would simultaneously strike where they attempted to be, and where the beasties really were.

Whips technique was further improved by his mentor, Spain. Spain was a master of the spiked chain, and taught Whips techniques of flail mastery. It was far more than Whips could understand at the time, but he eventually learned the most rudimentary bits. Throughout his life, moments of clarity arrived during training. Moments where he could feel himself embodying those teachings which had once eluded him completely.

Whips was promoted to a field expert after the training and incident with the displacer beasts. He was even presented a bracelet that would help him against both undead and the shape-shifters who had recently been hassling his tribe.

Years of field work proved Whips prowess with his flails, and he was presented with two custom flails from the local temple. Whips also began creating his social network at this time. Introducing himself to any lady attractive enough to warrant a hello. Whips was attracted to women who had a wild streak, or those who would gladly bow under his lash. Fiery strength, or utter submission the two extremes of his lovers.

Whips began working with a clever wizard from the temple. Another such as himself who had taken the responsibility of Her Majesties work, in order to further explore existence. Together the two began hopping back and forth between worlds, meddling in affairs of state, and influencing affairs wherever they went.

Recently Whips was summoned again, this time he was unaware of the purpose of his visit...


[sblock=CS or Quickstats]

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
whip fighter cleric concept, level 11
Human, Fighter|Cleric, Shock Trooper
Hybrid Talent: Fighter Combat Talent
Fighter Combat Talent: Tempest Technique
Birth - Among Another Race: Among Another Race (Shadar-kai)
Background: Birth - Among Another Race (Among Another Race (Shadar-kai))

Str 20, Con 12, Dex 16, Int 9, Wis 18, Cha 11.

Str 15, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 10.

AC: 27 Fort: 24 Reflex: 22 Will: 23
HP: 75 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 18

Endurance +10, Athletics +14, Acrobatics +13, Heal +14

Arcana +4, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering +9, History +4, Insight +9, Intimidate +5, Nature +9, Perception +9, Religion +4, Stealth +7, Streetwise +5, Thievery +7

Human: Hybrid Talent
Level 1: Whip Training
Level 2: Focused Expertise (Whip)
Level 4: Dragging Flail
Level 6: Focused Superiority
Level 8: Pin Down
Level 10: Whip Specialist
Level 11: Sweeping Flail

Bonus At-Will Power: Knockdown Assault
Hybrid Cleric at-will 1: Righteous Brand
Hybrid Fighter at-will 1: Dual Strike
Hybrid encounter 1: Healing Strike
Hybrid daily 1: Avenging Flame
Hybrid utility 2: Close the Gap
Hybrid encounter 3: Rain of Blows
Hybrid daily 5: Hounding Longarm
Hybrid utility 6: Gift of Good Fortune
Hybrid encounter 7: Not So Fast
Hybrid daily 9: Punishing Storm (retrained to Entangling Whip at Whip Specialist)
Hybrid utility 10: Word of Vigor

Disrupting Whip +2, Vicious Whip +3, Imposter's Braidmail Armor +3, Deep-Pocket Cloak +2, Giantkind Gloves (heroic tier), Acrobat Boots (heroic tier), Lunia's Bracelet (heroic tier)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======



Whips is a mark machine, condition inflictor, and secondary healer.

Saw the high number of controllers and low number of defenders and leaders, this was the solution.

Whips takes as much whip specialization as possible, and has a great OA.

Designed to be stick, and have a bit of reach, Whips is a great fifth man.



First Post
Sorry Theroc, you can find the thread linked above in ren's post. I thought I had make a post here when I put up the new one, but I guess it eluded me. Please use that thread to discuss anything further regarding the adventure.

Again, sorry about that lack of communication.


First Post
Sorry Theroc, you can find the thread linked above in ren's post. I thought I had make a post here when I put up the new one, but I guess it eluded me. Please use that thread to discuss anything further regarding the adventure.

Again, sorry about that lack of communication.

No biggie. Just saying, I saw it and was like, "Sins of the feyborn, sounds cool. Oh, darn, recruitings closed already..." ~doesn't click thread~ lol

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