D&D 5E 5e CB's Stonefast OOC -- COMPLETE

Apparently, a lot of the confusion comes from the fact that there are non-spell scrolls in the DMG that would allow non-spellcasters to use them (like the old 1E Scroll of Protection, etc.).
Yes, there are "scrolls," (aka a Scroll of Protection) and then there are "spell scrolls." The two are handled differently in 5e.

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This is how we'll handle spell scrolls:

Read a spell from a spell scroll: Any spellcaster may read a spell scroll and know what spell/s the spell scroll contains if the spell on the spell scroll appears on the spellcaster's spell list. Otherwise, the spell scroll is unintelligible.

Cast a spell from a spell scroll: A spellcaster may use an action to cast a spell from a spell scroll without the use of spell components if the spell on the spell scroll is: a) from your class's spell list; and b) of a spell level that you can normally cast. If either a) or b) is not met, the spellcaster may still cast a spell from a spell scroll provided that she makes a successful Intelligence (Arcana) check, DC 10 + spell level. A failed Intelligence (Arcana) ability check results in the failure of the spell attempted and the consumption of the spell attempted from the spell scroll. A non-spellcaster may not cast a spell from a spell scroll; any attempt to do so results in failure.

Transcribing a spell from a spell scroll into a spellbook: Transcribing a spell from a spell scroll into a spellbook consumes the spell on the spell scroll. Such transcription takes one (1) hour and fifty (50) gold pieces per spell level.

Forged Fury

First Post
Since part of the reason we're playing this is to learn the rules, I'm not sure Guran could have done a Sneak Attack. Putting aside the question of whether a thrown handaxe can be used in an SA (I think we all agree that it should be capable even if the rules are murky), I don't know if he had Advantage. While he was attacking from hiding (Advantage), the range on a handaxe is 20'. Since the target was 35' away, it would cause Disadvantage on the throw, which washes out the Advantage from being hidden, for a normal attack. With that said, I may have missed another source of Advantage. Alternately, Guran might have had movement available to get within range. It depends on whether he was able to stand up before his turn or not. Half movement to rise from prone is kind of weird when you have a 25' movement rate.


That is a very good point, and it is a point which I had not considered.

I think you're right: if it took half his movement to stand, he wouldn't have had enough movement left to get within throwing range, so he only gets one d20 attack roll, not a choice of two.

Forged Fury

First Post
Yeah, there's lots of little nit-picky rules. I just had to modify my IC because I realized I wasn't going to have enough movement to get where I wanted to go since moving through an occupied square, even one occupied by a friendly, is considered difficult terrain.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Please forgive me, but it's not fully clear to me which room we've been resting i, and which corridor the fleeing beastie is running down.

I think

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Please forgive me, but it's not fully clear to me which room we've been resting in, and which corridor the fleeing beastie is running down.

I think (looking at this map) that we're resting in room 7, and the orc is running down the western corridor; but I might be off completely.

Forged Fury

First Post
I believe we were in Room 2 (per the referenced map) and the last we saw of the orc was him fleeing south down the western corridor (the one that terminates in front of Room 7)

Since the target was 35' away, it would cause Disadvantage on the throw, which washes out the Advantage from being hidden, for a normal attack. With that said, I may have missed another source of Advantage.
I agree with the logic of this but am comfortable with my error. It was late when I posted, I had a gut instinct that something was off, but I was too lazy to look up the rule on distance and sneak attack and advantage, so I went with Guran's second roll because it added excitement to the action. I'm still ok with that decision. But I *am* glad someone caught it and pointed it out. Because, as you stated, the purpose of this game was first and foremost to learn the rules.

I think you're right: if it took half his movement to stand, he wouldn't have had enough movement left to get within throwing range, so he only gets one d20 attack roll, not a choice of two.
Don't sweat it. I checked the IC and was glad to see you didn't edit your post. I don't like it when someone edits after I've adjudicated an action. I prefer to just let the error lie. Unless it's an egregious error, it's okay to leave it be, particularly if the error doesn't materially change an outcome. That's the case here; the error doesn't change much of what I had planned.

Please forgive me, but it's not fully clear to me which room we've been resting in, and which corridor the fleeing beastie is running down.

I think (looking at this map) that we're resting in room 7, and the orc is running down the western corridor; but I might be off completely.
The group is in Room 2. The Orc took off down Corridor C, which is the westernmost corridor (ten feet wide and heading south).

I believe we were in Room 2 (per the referenced map) and the last we saw of the orc was him fleeing south down the western corridor (the one that terminates in front of Room 7)
Forged Fury is correct.

Do we have rules in 5e about how long it takes to don armor? About sleeping in armor? I will research tomorrow, but in the interest of economy of time, I thought I might inquire with you lot first.

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