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D&D 5E 5e CB's Stonefast OOC -- COMPLETE

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Default marching order: Guran, Roscoe, Colden, Spec, Fulgrim. There is 10' of space between Guran and Roscoe. There is no intervening space between Roscoe, Colden, Spec, and Fulgrim.

In other words, lightening bolt formation. Pity that Stonefast was crafted as a low-level adventure!


Apropos of that: what's "Lightning Bolt" about it?
Maybe "exclamation point" -- yeah, I could see that -- but "lightning bolt?" Aren't those bolts jagged?

And on another topic: wazzup with the "Skull & Crossbones" adventure you're in? No IC updates in 5 days! I'm going into reading-withdrawal. . . .

Apropos of that: what's "Lightning Bolt" about it?
Maybe "exclamation point" -- yeah, I could see that -- but "lightning bolt?" Aren't those bolts jagged?
OMG. I have had this freakin' encounter up my sleeve for two weeks now, and am SO EXCITED for ya'll to hopefully finally meet your match. Of course, now that I've said that, the combat will probably be over in two rounds and Fulgrim will be soon be drinking mead from an Elf skull. Good grief.

And on another topic: wazzup with the "Skull & Crossbones" adventure you're in? No IC updates in 5 days! I'm going into reading-withdrawal. . . .
You're reading that?! Queenie and Fenris are on vacaction for another two weeks, I think, so we're on hold until she returns to post for Katerina. That's another game that I am very pleased about. I like the synergy Kid and Barrington have. Very much.



Forged Fury

First Post
Yeah, I should have a map up in the next few hours. Kobold Stew: Where you are currently located, you can't see or attack the kobolds and would have to get through them before you would be able to take a shot at the elf. Until I get a map up, just look at the old map posted here.

As we are currently situated, we're in a straight north-south line, with Colden being furthest south (in the dogleg turn). Then, heading north, we have Roscoe, Guran, Father Spec, and Fulgrim. In the corridor to the east of Colden (totaling 20' before turning south), there are four kobolds with crossbows. The elf spellcaster was also there, but she went south after casting her spell (none of which is currently depicted). With that said, I'm unsure of how 6 characters can fit into a 20' corridor (Colden, four kobolds, and the elf) or even how to depict the present setup of Colden and four kobolds in four 5' squares. Are kobolds allowed to squeeze into spaces? Oh wait, did you not include the turn square as part of the corridor? Is the total length 25' then, including turns? Still not sure about the six characters in the corridor, but I can definitely make it work with what we presently have, if that is the case.

Final note for the DM (bringing it up because it is a rule I often forget), but nearly all ranged attacks (weapon or spell requiring an attack roll) are going to result in the defender receiving a +2 to AC due to the cover rules (the elf spell against Colden might not, since kobolds are so short, she can just aim over their heads). Also, the kobold adjacent to Colden should have disadvantage on their ranged attack. Ranged has finicky rules I forget frequently, so just wanted to remind everyone.

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I'm going to comment, but I'm doing it without benefit of my PHB and can't reference the book for accuracy, so bear with me:

1. First and foremost, thanks for the map. Don't forget there is a five foot gap of space between Roscoe and Guran.

2. The Advantage to the kobolds stands for Round 2. [sblock=Longer Explanation]I disagree about Disadvantage for the kobolds and here's why. Yeah, I know, I'm squeezing characters into a VERY short space. I've been generous with everyone's movement, so the kobolds are also going to get the benefit of the same generosity (though, now that the Elf is out of the new hallway, the kobolds have spread out a bit). The deeper I get into DMing 5e, the more I see that the 5e play style is intended to be more story- and less rules-oriented than 3.x, which is the edition I cut my teeth on. I've had to give up a lot of my tendency to cling to the rules, and am finally getting to a place where I'm more confident saying "here's how it is." So some things are going to have to be nerfed/adjusted/tweaked on the fly to accommodate story, because, frankly, at this point in my DMing career story is paramount and rules can go screw themselves if they jack up the story. If that's unpopular, I apologize. In compensation, I submit that I have a demonstrated track record of being hyper-aware of fairness, and that I consistently try hard to give characters the benefit of the doubt during combat. It's not my intent to ignore rules outright, but I WILL bend them if I need to in order to keep the story moving.

That's what happened last night with both the party's movement and with the spacing of the kobolds. Just about no one stated how much of their movement they used, and some of you didn't specify a rules mechanic to support the action you wished to take. No problem. I hopped over to the RG and looked up everyone's sheet to see who could do what, and then I massaged the movement very artfully so that everyone could squeeze south down the corridor because that seemed to be the general gist of everyone's posts. I chose to put Colden out front because he's the tankiest, and someone was going to take the full brunt of the kobold and Elf attack, and he seemed like the best bet...also, primarily, because Colden goes before Roscoe in init and Skarsgard stated that Colden would dart forward. Is that decision perfect? Nope! I worried that Skarsgard would be all, like, "Screw that, lady! I don't want to take 11 points of damage when I never explicitly said I was heading into the dogleg!" In the end, though, I think the decision is supported by people's IC statements about actions.

There was an awful lot of vagueness this round. The vagueness is attributable, I'm sure, to me...I couldn't say much about the Elf in the dogleg without someone saying they investigated the dogleg. No one did, probably because she looked creepy and people may have been hesitant. If that's the case, then kudos to me for doing my job and managing to weird you guys out (not an easy feat when dealing with a party of capable players like ya'll). If said much about the Elf in the dogleg, I'd give away elements and ruin the story. The Elf ability to do what she did doesn't even call for a freakin' saving throw or an investigation roll to disbelieve, but I thought that was kind of whacked, so I decided to give at least one of you the benefit of the doubt and have you realize that you could step into her space. That's where Colden came in. I'd have gone with Guran, but his last post yesterday said he only readied an action, and no movement.[/sblock]

3. The total length of the new hallway is 20 feet. Not including the dogleg, the length of the new hallway is 15 feet. The kobolds aren't immediately adjacent to Colden; by the end of the round, they'd be about ten feet distant from him. At one point, I had two kobolds in each square while they laid in wait. By the end of Round 2, there should be two kobolds sharing a share in the east end of the new hallway, and one kobold in his own square standing directly in front of those two. With the flurry of movement and readied actions on both sides, the kobolds fired when Colden started to appear in the dogleg. I don't know that the descriptive text depicts that as well as I might like, but by that point last night I'd been cranking out a post for about two hours and it was late and I needed to get 'er done. The kobolds also are pack creatures, and "pack" grants Advantage.

4. I agree that ranged and spell attacks in the narrow corridor and narrow hallway are probably going to incur Disadvantage if the attacker does not have direct line of sight to the target. Thanks for pointing that out.

You guys are the bomb. You're fantastic players, and I'm privileged to play with you. Thanks.

Kobold Stew: Where you are currently located, you can't see or attack the kobolds and would have to get through them before you would be able to take a shot at the elf. Until I get a map up, just look at the old map posted here.

[MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION], Forged Fury is correct that Spec can't see or attack the kobolds from Spec's current position. If you'd like, however, you could have Spec delay to a different init count lower in the init order and have him move up toward the forefront of the group. I'm open to other workarounds. I did a lot of movement massaging last night to make all the pieces work together so that folks could accomplish some/most of what they wanted to do, and if need be I can do it again for Round 3.

Forged Fury

First Post
OK, I'm still not 100% on this, so it may be updated. As best as I can tell, here is the layout. I lined up all 4 kobolds in a row from Colden as there are four of them. It's possible they moved afterward, I don't know. They're described as being 10' away from him, so maybe only three are visible in the hallway (in which case the square to the east of Colden is vacant. The green squares should denote the silence spell. It may extend into Roscoe's square. The rules concerning point of origin for area spells is better explained in the PHB, which I don't have access to right now. In 3.5, you had to pick an intersection of squares for a PoO for this reason.


Voidrunner's Codex

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