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9th Circle Heist Chapter I - From Plague Mort to Smaragd


BoB looks at Thorn and then at his Quasit. **I dont get to be carried by you or put in your magic hole? Okay I can fly like him.**
He will transform himself into an identical quasit (Alter self, disguise +19) and the two of them will follow Thorn across the gap.

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"Cute," Thorn chuckles, and with a few beats of her own violet/black wings, is carried over the gap as well. She folds her arms, waiting for the demon and the giant gargoyle to follow suit.

"Don't forget our guide," she reminds the hulking 'goyle.

One by one you cross the gap by flying over, and Haakon manages to carry the hag (nearly as large as he is, and heavier than she looks- but still no match for his strength).

You continue along the trail the hag marks out until you reach a very obvious trail through the jungle canopy that descends branch to branch. Here it becomes a sort of rope-bridge made of sinewy cables and bones for boards. There are full skeletons of various humanoid and beastly creatures staked up along the path and warnings written in Abyssal and Common to "turn back now".. every variation on the dire threat not to advance any further.

Then finally you reach one final walkway that seems to climb at an almost 45 degree angle up to a hive-like structure decorated with vines and wildly-colored (probably poisonous) flowers. Outside the frontmost gate is a platform made of fused bones, tombstones (laid flat as a walkway) and some kind of dark purple-waxy substance you aren't sure about. The 'hive' itself seems to be made of stitched together skins of beastly creatures and animals, all mashed together into a horrible hodgepodge.

Standing outside, in front of the main door are a pair of heavily muscled horned apelike creatures dressed in black spiked armor. Bar-lgura.

They stand aside as you approach.


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Avaniel greets the guards, while surreptitiously taking in every detail of the surroundings.
"Take us to Thrarimun. I believe he is expecting us."


BoB smiles culelessly and waves at the guards. If it has been less than 2 hrs, he still looks like a quasit. He will follow the others in to see Thrarimun.


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Happy to let the succubus speak, Thorn follows the others into the hive. Not that strolling into the personal domain of a demon lord was an easy or idle thing, ever. For all she knew, this Tharimun was the disgruntled boss on the wrong side of a past contract. That wasn't -usually- how demons did business, but demons were a fractious, unpredictable lot.

On the other hand, if a demon lord wanted you, the odds were good you were toast anyway. There was something to be said for having the brashness to just walk right into his lap. Or so Thorn hoped.


Haakon finishes the hunks of raptor meat he ripped off of his defeated foe and wipes the blood from his face. Its always good to appear one's best when meeting a new boss. The large gargoyle pulls in his wings and stalks into the compound, his greatsword fully sheathed over his back.

The two muscled Bar-lgura demons seem to consult with one another for a moment, and then motion you inside.

"The master is expecting you." one of them intones with a deep basslike voice.

The group is lead down a long dusky hallway inscribed with mazelike runes. About halfway through the hallway you pass a pair of cross-passages and through an archway. There are partially devoured and rotting humanoid carcasses tossed into the corners like debris. Finally you reach what looks like a pleasant veranda- seemingly decorated with bamboo fronds, savage looking tribal masks, and massive tusks.

"Welcome" says a hollow voice.

You turn and note a massive oversized brainlike appendage underneath a glass dome, half filled with oozing translucent pink jelly. A pair of eyestalks seem to float dead in the "juice" of the brain- they are blackened at the tips and hold milky white 'blinded' looking eyes. The third eyestalk extends perfectly, though, and is topped by a large blinking red eye.

The dome floats atop a metal carriage made to look like a spider's hindquarters. It slowly crawls forward, extending each elegant spindly leg as it scuttles forward.

"Welcome" it repeats. "I cannot see you clearly, the dome distorts. But I see your souls. Or lack thereof.." it chuckles, lingering it's alien gaze over Klassandra.

"Please be comfortable. You are my guests. DRETCH!" It shouts.

(BoB may startle at this, but it seems he was not the one meant).

A dretch comes scuttling in, dressed in a grey and red servants shift. It bears a tray full of goblets. The dretch bows and scrapes as he offers the drinks to each of you. Green demon wine. It is mildly poisonous to most mortal people, but the assumption here is immunity.

OOC: The drinks are mildly poisonous- DC 12, 1d2 str/1d2 str. And you are not under any obligation to drink them of course.

When the dretch reaches BoB it hisses angrily, seemingly offended. BoB's Quasit hisses back and snatches a goblet for himself.

"Welcome to my villa." begins Tharirmun. "Word out is you are the best acquisitions group money can.. rent"


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"I thank you for your hospitality, Lord Thrarimun." Avaniel steps forwards, "Your plane and palace are both quite delightful, nature in it's truest forms. If I may be so presumtuous I would like to make a toast to celebrate your glory."
She raises her glass, "To Lord Thrarimun, may his rule be eternally expanding!"

Avaniel sips the drink, admiring it with a discerning palete.


Smile and wave.

*to Dretch* Nha Nha**
BoB will take a drink and drinks it deftly, burbling appreciativley afterward.
*You have a big brain, must be very smart, we are very good. but not good like angels, good like um experts. What do you want us for?*

Voidrunner's Codex

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