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A Keep On The Borderlands: Arrival


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Bastian shrugs as he begins to don his armor with practiced efficiency.

"The way our lives have gone since that bloody night we met? I'm fine erring on the side of paranoia," he offers brusquely. "Much rather that than have to explain to my father on the other side how I managed to let your entire bloodline die out."

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Dr Simon

Sh'aah sets off down the tunnel. It winds a bit, but follows a single rough-hewn track until it opens out into a broader, higher chamber. Here Sh'aah can stand up straight. The chamber is empty, but two tunnels lead from it. One leads more or less straight on, the other off to the right. Sh'aah estimates that he is roughly below the middle of the waystation compound.


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Sh'aah stamped his spear-butt on the ground twice, singalling the all clear for the night blind Comoray to enter. The dull sound echoes off the cavern ominously, causing the half-orc to crouch down with his back to the wall.


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Feeling a little stung, and not entirely sure why, Arcata turns back to look out the window as Bastian straps his armor into place.

"Things are different out here," she says quietly, as much to herself as to the Lion. "We have a chance for a new beginning. These first steps we take will set the tone for everything to follow. We do have to look out for ourselves and our people...but paranoia begets paranoia. We can be intelligent about threats without falling into that trap."

She added a mental 'I hope' onto that sentence.

Dr Simon

In the tunnel, Comoray risks his ioun torch to light his way, and he soon meets up with Sh'aah in the small featureless chamber. One tunnel leads onwards, the other off to the left. There is a sound, possibly the rattling of chains, coming from the tunnel ahead.

Meanwhile, back in the tower, Cassie clears her throat.

"M'lady," she says, "That dwarf was looking at you like he wanted something. I've known enough men that I can tell you it didn't seem like he wanted the usual thing that they want from a woman. I say we keep our eyes open."
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After Comoray arrives Sh'aah points ahead, across the cavern and begins to cross the space as stealthily as he can.


OOC: Forgot I had that thing, hehehe... Quite useful though.

Comoray follows the half-orc carefully, tracing his steps as best he can. Ordinarily he might have thought there would be nothing to hear him down here that would not notice the light first, but obviously sound had some way of carrying under here.


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Bastian returns, his grieves in place, breastplate in one arm and gauntlets in the other. He puts the gauntlets on the floor, then nods for the attending Fyfe to help him into the breastplate.

"I agree. Things ARE different here," he says, calling back to Arcata's comment as he left to gather his armor. "But I fear that doesn't decrease the danger. It just changes the directions and the shape we can expect it to take."

Dr Simon

Squat, silent Fyfe helps Bastian with his armour, looking slightly embarrassed that even the slightest attention is being paid to him. "Yes, m'lord Lion," he mumbles.

Meanwhile, below, Sh'aah and Comoray creep forwards down another rough cut tunnel. This opens out into a square, flag-stoned chamber like the one through which they entered. The rusted remains of rungs lead upwards - it would appear that the tunnel system has been dug beneath the compound to link the towers at each end, plus wherever that third tunnel went.

This chamber is not empty. Hanging from iron manacles on the nearest wall is a dwarf, bruised and bloody, clad only in his smallclothes. One eye is almost closed shut with bruising, and the thick hair on his chest and arms is matted with dried blood. He opens the other eye to regard the newcomers warily.

Voidrunner's Codex

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