A Sojourn in Sairundan Part 2 [Judge: Manzanita]


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(ooc: That should be fine RA. Kurgahz is all out of spells so he'll just wait till morning then, unless something happens first, and then he's jabbing himself with the wand! ;) )

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Rae ArdGaoth

You continue to follow the sandpole road. Before the first night, you find no oasis. The next day, you do, and you take the opportunity to fill up your various water containers (including the camels).

Despite the excitement of the first week in the desert, the next month is painfully uneventful. The desert stretches on forever, it seems, and still there's no end in sight. Oases are not plentiful, but they come along frequently enough.

Another half month passes, and Shadya begins to worry that she might miss her brother's ceremony. During this time, you pass up a small trading caravan, on its way to Sairundan. They're moving even slower than you are.

[Distance traveled: 2421 + 16*45 = 3141 miles]
[Time: 112 days]

Finally, just before noon on the 113th day, the wavy image of a city appears over the horizon. Shadya recognizes it as Helatia.

OOC: Sairundan is really far away.

Rae ArdGaoth

XP Time!

Cludge: 1525
Conuld: 1525
Kurgahz: 1450
Lasair: 1300
Shadya: 1450

Cludge and Conuld received 75 extra XP for handling the tiny monstrous scorpions.

Lasair received less XP overall because she's higher level.

Also, everybody receives real-time XP up to this point. We started on 6-18-07, it is now 11-28-07, so that's 5 months of real-time XP. I used the highest level possible to calculate real-time XP.

Cludge: 3*50*5 = 750
Conuld: 3*50*5 = 750
Kurgahz: 3*50*5 = 750
Lasair: 5*50*5 = 1250
Shadya: 3*50*5 = 750

(Lasair had a pseudo-advance on this, so take that into consideration when calculating your aggregate.)


First Post
OOC: So for Kurgahz, that's 1450 PLUS 750 = 2,200XP total? Sweet! 3rd level here I come! I didn't know you could award real time XP in the middle of an adventure. Live and learn I guess. :cool:


OOC: huzzah. At some point, Conuld will have prepared Detect Magic and given the items taken from the lion-monster the once over.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Added XP and eliminated 200 due to pseudo-advance. Lasair was already leveled in the character thread (and I believe approved), so she's 5th now. Also, as mentioned earlier, she's a bit shaken during the end of the journey because Zaeryl contacted her to gloat using Correspond.)


First Post
Kurgahz, Male Half-Orc Cleric 3 (AC: 16, HP 26)

OOC: Kurgahz is leveled and awaiting approval from the judges. Here are Kurgahz's new daily spells for now:

Cleric Spells readied: (4/2+1(Wis)+1(D)/1+1(Wis)+1(D) save DC= 13+spell lvl)
0- Create Water x4
1- Cause Fear, Endure Elements x2, (D)Grease
2- Bull's Strength, Cure Moderate Wounds, (D)Rage

I also took Craft Wondrous Items as a feat. I assume that I can't use any of that month we've been travelling to actually craft any magic items? Probably can only do that between adventures, but I don't recall for sure.
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