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A Spiked Drink


The halfling listens to the tale and back and forth questions and answers, as well as the the White Cloak. She thinks about some of what she has come to know of Venza and the gnome's tale...
(( Knowledge (local) 1d20+9=29 ))

Watching the gnome the entire time after an assessing gaze... (( Sense Motive 1d20+7=20)) She asks the White Cloak... "Lieutenant, if you doubt the gnome's story, why not subject him to truth magics? I have had the experience of such myself. It would at the least aid your investigation, one way or another."

Looking to Relic, "Perhaps looking at the tainted items first? They may be tampered with, those out of the Whitecloak's control that is, or loose their potency over time."

[sblock=Saranna Surefoot's Mini Stats] Saranna Surefoot (Songdragon)
Hallfing Rogue 2
Initiative: +3 Perception: +9
Conditions: n/a
AC: 19 (14 touch; 16 flat-footed)
HP: 12 of 14
CMB: +0 CMD: 13 Fort: +1 Ref: +7 Will: +3
In Hand: buckler[/sblock]

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"A good a place to start as any. I have no objections. Lt. Rondo, if you'd be so kind ..." nudges Relic as the Whitecloak looks gloomily at the parchment and ink offered by the scraggly old wizard.

The old man gets to his feet.

"Let's go and see what fish lies rotting at the bottom of this barrel."


First Post
Rulkelp opens his mouth in reply, but does not seem to have an answer for the last question. He gapes as he tries to find one, but finally drops his head and starts sobbing silently.

Lt. Rondo took this as the cue to get ready to pack up, and he grabs the parchment and ink. He writes out:

The owner of this parchment is entitled to the investigative power of the Venza Guard over the matter Timothy Rukelp's spiked drinks. They are to hand it in to the closest Guardsman when asked for it, and to not take lightly to its powers. If they are found in abuse of these powers, they are to be punished accordingly.

Lt. Jorcoth Rondo


He hands it to Relic and glaring at him says "Be discreet in waving this around. Got it?"

He looks at Saranna, and says "Truth magic can be defeated. It is too unreliable. Find me proof this girl exists, and I will consider using it. If you have any more questions, you'll find him at the Venza Guard's office. Come on, Rulkelp, they need to start your wild scorpion chase."

With that, Rukelp is escorted out of the building.

Know Local: Rumor has it that a man was found washed up at the docks 2 nights ago, claiming to have been attacked by a female silver haired elf wearing a scorpion medallion. She was accompanied by a man in priestly vestments. After setting the boat aflame, the pair of them went below deck, but never came back up. The man was last seen at the temple of Hinotheus. However, this has been dismissed as a rumor.

Sense Motive: For someone who is such a master of remembering alchemical details, for figuring out on the fly how many potions he makes, and for the other rumors that you have heard about his business, it strikes you as odd that he is hazy on the details of this meeting.
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First Post
The next part of this adventure is a tiered reward system. Each scene has the potential to give one or more clues, leading to the solution for this mystery. Note that this initial conversation with Rukelp does not count as a scene, and is used as a backdrop for what happened.

However, eyes and ears are all over the city. If you fail a scene (meaning you fail to find a clue) your lose the information, and people will be alerted of your investigation. Just saying, dont have Daylily punch EVERYONE in the face for answers. Just the right person :p

I know I am looking forward to seeing everyone solve this mystery, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I weave it. Afterwards, if you guys could give me feedback about it, I would be ever so grateful.

Do you have any questions?

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First Post
Daylily grimaces as Rulkelp is escorted away, sobbing. "Scaly teats of the Snake Mother. We're out tae help this soppy sack of suet? Ye really think it's worth it?" He snorts. "Well at least we got the wee bit o' paper out of the way. Sweet goodness, I were all a-flutter, waiting for the wee bit o' paper tae show up. I mean, what's a proper mystery investigation without a wee bit o' paper? I can honestly say, I am so glad that's been got, and we can move tae the non-paper parts o' the evenin'."

He sighs. "If we're tae be out, I'm a-wantin' tae stop at the place where they trade magics for the yellow metal." He grins wickedly. "I've something special awaiting me there."

OOC: Since everyone speaks Elvish, Daylily is going native for this adventure. No spoilerblocks, just italics.
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First Post
Relic fails to hold back the bubbling laughter caused by Daylily's sarcasm and disdain of the piece of paper. Wiping a tear from his eye once composure is gained and with a wave of the paper in question to dry the ink before putting it away in his scroll case he says:

"Lets go past the Pearl on the way to wave our paper at the guards to see the poisoned stock of perfumes and potions. As for helping our curiously forgetful friend ... bah, he can rot in hell with his lying mouth. But my curiosity has been piqued. I want to know what is going on. And my brain hurts after three straight nights of study. I need to stretch my legs and get some air!"

Relic heads towards the door.

OOC: No questions. Sounds good :)


As Rulkelp is lead away Saranna looks to the others, "I do recall a rumor... Two evenings past, a man claimed to have been attacked by an elven woman with silvery hair, wearing a scorpion medallion and a man wearing the vestments of a priest. They boarded boat and burned it, neither were seen departing. This man was last seen at a Temple of Hinotheus before his body was discovered at the docks."

As the get ready to depart the halfling secures her belongs to make as little noise as possible and follows along. She comments, "I find it odd that this Rulkelp fellow can deal with such minute details of his craft, but cannot recall the meeting he had."

She motions for Daily to lead on and comments to the elf, "It is customary in many lands to act within the laws they have set out. That paper you dismiss, my friend, gives us authority to investigate this matter."

[sblock=Saranna Surefoot's Mini Stats] Saranna Surefoot (Songdragon)
Hallfing Rogue 2
Initiative: +3 Perception: +9
Conditions: n/a
AC: 19 (14 touch; 16 flat-footed)
HP: 14 of 14
CMB: +0 CMD: 13 Fort: +1 Ref: +7 Will: +3
In Hand: buckler[/sblock]


First Post
"Aye, the civilized rules that say that one can beat a corrupted spirit-talker half tae death then tie him up like a wee squealing animal and drag him through the streets tae ask him useless questions about his ancestry, rather than giving him the swift killing he deserves." He makes a fluttering gesture with his hands. "Ye'll pardon me if I think little of your 'laws.'"

At the street of the Mystic Pearl, Daylily ducks into a store, and a minute later comes out with a massive, shining silver earthbreaker. He hefts it for weight and gives it a few experimental swings. "Welllll ..." he says critically, "It does look a wee bit sissy, but it's a good balance and I'm assured it's strong magic. I'm ready tae go."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Daylily Falshenaya

AC: 16 (16 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 38/38
CMB: +7 CMD: 19
Fort: +5 Reflex: +4 Will: +4

AC: 14 (14 flat-footed, 10 touch)
HP: 44/44
CMB: +9 CMD: 21
Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +6

Perception: +7
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Rage Remaining: 9[/sblock]
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OOC: There's nothing wrong with allowing lower-level PCs into an adventure; that's strictly the GM's call.

Switching over to Elvish as well, Holphin adds, "I can explain my question, further. Since 500 potions would take about a year or so for a single alchemist to produce, we can deduce that either the potions have been waiting there for a buyer--hard to believe, there is always a market for potions in Venza--or there is something off about the shipment. Clan Halicarnassus has purchased from the Rulkelp family in the past, and it is the meticulous notes that he keeps that make him in demand. In fact, it is this volume of information that has endeared him to both of the Twin Roses--otherwise, no Sanguigno would be caught dead shopping in a D'Avorio establishment."

An epiphany settles across the diminutive blond halfling's features. "Ah, now that would be interesting, indeed. Were the business to crumble, who would gain access to the notes? Health records to the Twin Roses?"


First Post
Relic furrows his brow at the mention of the rumor. The furrow deepens at the mention of the meticulous notes.

"We need to go to the temple after we have seen this tainted stock. And I'd like to have a look at those notes. I have the feeling we scratch the surface of something that runs much deeper."

When Daylily emerges from the Pearl Relic instinctively cringes at the sight of his new shiney hammer his hand clutching towards his newly mended ribs. He grows silent, lost in thought, as they walk towards their destination.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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