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A Warlock Alone, Island Empire solo game

J. Alexander

First Post
Storm and Company

Michael will engage the halflings in the rigging while Grond moves to engage the fleeing crewmembers.

Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 9, getting [10,9] = (19) Michael Stormrolls 3d6 + 1
, getting [6,1,3,1] = (11) of damage to one of the crew members in the rigging.

As he hits this member he will roar, this is your last chance, surrender or perish.

Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 9, getting [11,9] = (20)Diplomacy
Meanwhile Grond will also vault the railing Grondrolls 1d20 + 6, getting [20,6] = (26)

And moves to engage a fleeing crewmember...

Grondrolls 1d20 + 8, getting [4,8] = (12) and if it is a hit he does..Grondrolls
2d8 + 5, getting [7,4,5] = (16)

As Grond lands an begins his pursuit, he will say " Please, let me slay them all they have disobyed your commands three times, they deserve no other chance at life"

OCC _ ___ They still dont get it do they, my former shipmates..was i to sublte perhaps but in a way lol it does set a hell of a cover for Michael as they belived he was such a total ass :)....perhaps the bad guys i run up against will also belive such and thus make my job a whole lot easier....

As the fight for the craft contiues, I do wish to perhaps take one or two alive if they do not surrender, I need information about the local pirates and smugglers, and these I think would be the guys to get me started with at least names and the particualr waters they infest or stalk.......while the answers i do belive will be found in the NOrth, for now i am convinced that there are sevreal clues etc that can be developed here to give us better leads up there.


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Grond, still feeling invincible from his success so far in the battle, runs and vaults the rail. He comes down virtually on top of one of the fleeing crewmen. His weapon pins the man's corpse to the deck. The other running crewman faced with the horrible sight finally gives up the battle dropping his weapon and falling to his knees to plead before Grond.

Michael's Eldritch blast drops one of the slinggers from the rigging with a sickening thud. The last one tries to hide behind the mast and starts yelling for mercy. The ship is taken. You notice Guissippe rowing hard off the port quarter. He should arrive montarily. The only sounds on the ship are the spash of waves against the hull, the creaking of the rigging and the pleading of the two surviving crewmen--a halfling and a human.

OOC: I won't be able to post again today and maybe not tomorrow. I'm glad you've been following the other thread. There is still some confusion about Michael. He could always Marin a letter with any leads he develops which would get back to the group. I can see Michael doing that if he continues to pursue this.

J. Alexander

First Post
Storm and Company

Michael will stand call on the quarter deck and Command to the halflinlg in the rigging ...Drop your weapons and reef that sail, I wish to slow down. To the man near Grond, I will say, drop you weapons and ready a line for the boat off our Port side. He will then address, both of them, Anymore crew aboard this vessles, hididng below decks, answer me false and you will die"

Grond will move about the deck and pick up his great axe and will wipe both his sword and the axe both off by rubbing it on the clothes of a dead victum...I am hoping to really set in the two crew memebers eyes that Grond is one big bas ass sob who will as soon kill them as look at them if they should give him reason. Further I am really hoping that the fear and shock of it all will lossen their tounges and let me get some really good information from them. It may not be directly related to Marin and son but so far we have truly been hampered by the lack of any information / leads other than the refercne to Mermaids Rest and we really dont even have a clue as to how to begin there.

After doing this Grond will drink a potion of Cure Moderate wounds as will Michael.
Michael Stormrolls 2d8 + 1, getting [2,2,1] = (5)
Michael Stormrolls 2d8 + 1, getting [6,7,1] = (14)

This will give us the the followine updated hit points. Michael 32 (full hit points) Grond 28 (down 8)...Got to be ready for another fight you know :)

I am asuming it is early dawn or perhaps even morning at this point as I can see Guiesspiee rowing toward us. After securing his weapons, and healing, Grond will being to search below decks and check out and see if there are any other crew members hiding. Michael will stay on the quarterdeck and gurad the two crew membes.

When the halfling has reefed teh sails and the human crew memeber has secured Guiesspees boat, I will have the collect all the bodies into a pile, and carefully watching that they dont remove anything from them. Better yet, I will have the strip so as to ensure that they can not hide anything and have no more weapons.When this is complete, I will detect magic upon the entire lot and personally look thru the pile. When Grond returns to the deck and gives me the all clear, I will ask Guiesspee to secure everything on the main deck that looks like a weapon and ask him to then climb into the rigging to act as a look out....I will then proceed to interview the two crew members.

"Gentlemen. I am your new Captain and you may address me as Mr. Storm . This ship is now called "The Retribution". and you may sign on or not as you see fit but eithere way you will answer my questions truthfully whatever the subject and obey my commands and the commands of my armsmaster, motioing to Grond instanlty and without hesitation or suffer the consquences. YOur names and ratings are?
Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 9, getting [7,9] = (16) for diplomacy

When they give their names etc and talk he will sense motive
Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 9, getting [1,9] = (10)
Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 9, getting [20,9] = (29)

This will help me set up who I wish to interview first.

After talking to them briefly, I will leave them under Gronds watchfull eye and go investigate the Captains cabin and the ship myself looking for a smugglers hold and or secret hidey holes. Michael will take ten on each of the rolls and do as through a search as possible.
Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 10 + 6, getting [15,10,6] = (31)
Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 10 + 6, getting [12,10,6] = (28)
Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 10 + 6, getting [5,10,6] = (21) Search Rolls

OCC: I did not know how many rolls i would need so i did threre just in case.

As Michael begins his search of the ship, He will order the crew to set a course for Tegere at a moderate speed. Given the number of crewmen and Michaels lack of sailing ability, I do not wish to endagner the ship by putting to much sail upon here but I do wish to clear the area and put more space bewteen us and the Bedsheet.

Once in the Captains, cabin I will carefully review the ships log, charts, any maps etc that i find, and set the room to interview the two surving crew members on an indiviudal basis.

OCC - Michael will indeed inform Captain Marin of the current status, I will write the letter and post it later and still intends to pursue his contract with Marin. I mean so far, his pursuit has been an overall success for him despite the conflict with his former party. To date his association with Marin and sons has enriched him and his crew by a ship, it's cargo, and several very profitable leads to side adventures etc, he would be foolish to stop the associatoin now. And truly, his only confilct is really with Capatina Morwyn and Radoon. Michael feels no ill will towards Rook as they were beginng to work together and function as a team and will at some point proably attempt to reesatblish communication with Rook.I mean despite the Captains impression that his orders in regards to Chrispoher had to be obeyed, Michael and Rook really looked at the question in an honest and forthwright manner and once again, given the loaylty to Marin and Sons that most of the crew exhibited, it was only a matter of time before the ruse was blown. So expect Michale asking a favor of Marin in his fisrt letter, and i know what it is lol..he needs a way to communicate with Rook and of course Marin himself without having to rely on letters etc...i am thinking of a locket, or a crystall ball or anything really that will allow for communication bewteen the two parties ovre vast distances and for the rapid exchange of information as it developes.

On that note :)...i have an idea for a new feat/talent that will proably fall in the metamagic catagory. It is called FARSPEAK..what it will do is allow and indivdual who has the feat/talent to talk directly to someone he knows or has had interaction with, this will be along the lines of how Galaderail and Elrond talked in the Two Towers about coming to the aid or Rohan. but the catch is it is only one way unless the other indiviudal has the feat/talent. So eventually Grond and Nicholas will have to spend the xp or slot on it. And since it will be a unique feat/talent limited to those i teach it to it should really add to the myth and effectivenss of Storm and Company. Your thoughts

J. Alexander

First Post
Interview Questions

When Michael has everything settled and secured he will ask the following questions of the halfling and the human, he will do a sense motive on each of them two times during the interview to get a feeling of if they are sincer of just trying to buy their life etc...

The rolls are as follows:
Human Crew Member
Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 7, getting [4,7] = (11)
Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 7, getting [18,7] = (25)

Halfling Crew Member
Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 7, getting [19,7] = (26)
Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 7, getting [19,7] = (26)

The questions are and they will be staged in the format of a conversation rather than an interrogation, this is a random conversation to pick their brain and see what i can develope
but it will be an interrogation nonetheless but in a more subtle format Before he begins the actually line of questions Michael will say " I do hope you chose to join our little crew. I need good sailors and operatives by my side. If you should chose to join then I need to tell you we divide the spoils 50% for the captain, 15% to be didvided among the officers, 15% to be divided among all warrants and non commissioned ships officers and 20% to be divided among the crew. So at this point you will have some 6000 to be split three ways, which will be placed in your crew account" " Should you chose not to join me, then I will release you at the next port with 250 gp each and ask that you not play me false while we are at sea"? Hoping here for the greed factor to kick in.

OCC: Normal division of prize money during the Napelonic era only saw the crew dividing 10 percent of the value of the prize so this is a very very generous offer.

Who was the Captain?
Who was the Halfing I took this from? ( he will show them the ruby earring)
Where was there home base?
Are there any other crew members awaiting them back at the base?
How long have they been preying on ships in this area?
Was this the only are of operations for them?
Who fenced their goods?
What did they do with any prisoners?
Do they know where the Shark Men lived?
How did they meet the Shark Men?.
Have you ever operated anywhere other than this area?
What other pirates are operating in this area?
Do you know of the companies or individuals who recieved your stolen goods?
Have you heard of any slavers inthe area?
What are the name of some of the prizes you captured and what were their cargo?
Who else was in on the scheme in Axiopolis?
Was the Captain the leader of your local guild?
Does the guild have a treasurey that can be acquired? (This would only increase your share of the overall prize money)
Do you have and cargos secreted and awaiting pickup?
Where are the smugglers comparment hidden on this ship?
What do you know about Tergere?
What do you know about Mermaid's Rest?
What do you know about Axiopolis?
What attracted you to the rumpled bedsheet?
Do you know the location of any more pirate crews?
Are you willing to take service with this ship and crew?

Interrogation roles are :
For the Human Crew Member
Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 7, getting [18,7] = (25)
For the Halfling Crew Member
Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 7, getting [6,7] = (13)

J. Alexander

First Post
Letter to Captain Honager Marin

Michael will send this letter from Tergere. Hopefully he can find a carrier piegon to send it quickly. Before sending the letter he will look at the maps and find a port of call that is on the route from Mermaid's Rest to Icewatch. He will ask that Captain Honager forward his reply there and leave it at the branch of his Cross Croft Bank or it's affliate.

Letter to Captain Honager Marin

Current Ships Position
26th day of High Summer in the 2nd year of the 2nd year of the reign of Xenieda the First
At Sea aboard the "Retribution"

Dear Captain Marin,

It is with a sad hear that I must inform you of the dissolution of the rescue party that you constitued and that set sail from Cambry. I myself am more than willing to accept the responability for this breakup as I credited my companions with more intellect and understanding of subterfege than they possed.

Details of the fight with the Pig Farmers and how it createde the conflict with Radoon, as he could not follow the good cop bad cop routine.

Details of Christopher and the seperation of the party. "Alas I was more than wrong to draw steel, and there is no excuse for this lack of self control other than anger at the Captains words" but for a Captain to fail to beat to quarters when a potientail threat exists just because he does not like or belive the requester is nigh on inexcusable." Further his willingness to attack when the matter has been concluded show as further arrogance of command that will only create future conflict and problems among the crew".

Michael will then go into detail as to his flight and removal of his party from the ship.

On a more happier note, I wish to inform you that as of now, my party has taken control of the pirate ship operating out of Axiopolis, slain all but two of it's crew in addition to a shark man they were in league with. When I reach port and develope additional information i will send you another letter. I have renamed the ship "Retribution" and plan to sail to Mermaid's Rest after my stop at Tergere and the acquisiton of a crew and cargo. Once at Mermaid's Rest, I will collect the other members of my party that I dispatched to develope other infomration and will follow any leads developed there. My eventually goal is Icewatch, but I will be following a zig Azg course there to cover any ports of call within sailing distacne of the ususal Marin and Son's route to see if leads are available there.

It is my belive that this two fronted effort will perhaps be the best chance of securing your son. Captain Morwyn, and Master Radoon, lace the suffiect ruthllness and willingness to decive that may be necessary to develpe leads and handle matters in a stealthy matter. On the good side, their stalwart forthright manner may provided an excellent diversion for our foes allowing me to develope more subsatial leads and perhaps gain an opeing to their inner workings.

To this point, I must ask a favor of you. I am in need of communicating with Master Rook, who proved to be a most agreeable compaion and one with whom I was developing a good working relationship. He should be made aware of leads that I am working on and he in turn can share his with me. This is a daring and dangerous ploy I know as it asks him to keep his sources of information secret from the rest of the Party, but should they become aware of the fact that the leads Master Rook is receiving originate from me, I fear they will be discounted and ignored. Perhaps I may be able to realy the leads from you to the Party so as to release him from this burden, but I do not wish ot burden you with this.

Additionaly, a womean by the name of Francis Mettego will be contacting you at the Inn of the White Wake and asking for assitance in the shipment of a small crew to (NAME OF THE PLACE I AM AWAITING HIS RESPONSE). I need reliable shipmates and am setting up a plan of action that will prove a good cover story for the "Retribution" but in order to do this I am in need of individuals not from this area. Any assistance you can provide her will be deeplyl appreciated and should she need Financial Assistance I ask that you provide her with whatever funds she needs and I will stand Good for Them.

My last question for this letter is"How does one go about acquiring legal title to a captured prize. The ship was taken in an act of Piracey and surrenderd to me an my crew. Can you be of assistance in this legal transfer?

In closing, know that the revenge of Captain Honage Marin has begun and to date 10 pirates, 1 Shark Man, have fallen as well as the acqustion of one very nice saling ship. This is but a tast of what awaits those who have preyed upon you and cost you such grief.

Your obident servant,

Michael Stormwarden
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J. Alexander

First Post
Letter to Francis Mittero - Mother's Cambry

26th day of High Summer in the 2nd year of the 2nd year of the reign of Xenieda the First
Aboard the Retribution

Dear Madam Francis,

Things are proceeding well and we have subasialy enriched ourselves with the acquisition of a fine fast sailing ship, as well as a cargo of some value. We are going somewhat farther afield than I orginally thought so our abscense may be for as long as a year. I wish you to continue along with the instructions I left you and when you need additionaly funds, no more than 100o gp per month, please contact Captain Honage Marin at the Inn of the White Wake and he will make arrangemets for you in that regard. Please be carefull of the expenses but do not hesittate to spend what is necessary in the furtherance of your instructions. Further, should you need to contact me, please forwad you letters to Captain Marin, and he will insure that I receive them.

I do have additionaly instructions for you and they are as follows.

I am in need of 10 to 15 young sailors bewteen the ages of 13 to 18 and perhaps as old as 20 whom you personally know and have taken care of in the past with the occasionaly warm cot and hot meal. They shall be offered employment at the rate of a standard able body seamen plus and equal division of 20 percent of the total value of all prizes and 20 percent of the net profit of all commercial transactions. They many be of varying skills, but they must all be honest and trustworthy and have the ambition to better themself in life. I do not wish for malingers or those who complain about how life is unfair and cruel.

They are to set sail as soon as possible for (INSERT NAME OF OUR PORT OF CALL ON THE WAY TO ICEWATCH ) and are to be provided 2 months wages in advance plus 15 gp per person in additional coinage. They are to have fully stocked sea chests as well as several chests of bandages and healing herbs. I also ask that you put your seamtress friends to work so that they may all have matching tunics of dark royal blue with scarlett cuffs. They are also to be wearing fine black sea boots and have a complete set of foul weather gear as well as warm clothing for sailing in the North Seas.

You will also need to appint a leader of the Group. Select someone who is dependable, steady and honest. The individual must reside at the house for at least two weeks as a group to see how the mesh and you are to dismiss all those who steal or create conflict. I wish this to be a tight group of young men.

Captain Honager Marin will make arrangement for their passage, and I have asked him to appoint one of his own officers to oversee them on their voyage to me. He will at the time of his seperation from them provide the leader with additionaly funds to see them thru till I collect them.

Enclosed in this letter you will find a draft in the amount of 1000gp to help with your compliance with your request.

Last but certainly not least, I must comment you on your fine cooking and provison sent with me, as they made me the envy of all my fellow companions. To this effect, please provide me with a very large collection say 10 cases with 24 pots per case of a wide varity of your excellent perserves. I have grown way to found of them and to not wish to be without them during my abscense.


M. Stormwarden
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J. Alexander

First Post
Letter to Durrin Willbern - Axiopolis

26th day of High Summer in the 2nd year of the 2nd year of the reign of Xenieda the First
Aboard the Retribution

Mr.Durinin Willbern
Manager, Farmer's and Miner's Trust Bank,

Dear Mr. Willbern,

I am in need or a letter of introduction/reference for a local bank in the Port of ( Insert the Name of our Port of call on the way to Icewatch). If you would be so kind as to write such a letter for me, I would be deeply appreciative and will be more than willing to establish an account with the instituion along the lines of the one I have with your bank.

While at this Port, I will also be in need of references to respectable Chandlers and if at all possible and several crack sailors. If you could facilitate this in any manner I would be deeply appreciative.

I am still very interstd in purchasing the bulk silver as per our earlier discussion and please convert my account with your institution , up to a minimue balace of 750 gold pieces to cover the existing letter of credit issuded by your institution as well as a cash balace of 250,into those excellent silver bars as they become available. I am more than willing to pay a storage charge or account mainetace fee. Should more bars become available and my account not hold sufficent liquid assets to purchase them outright, I respectfully ask that they be purchased and held for me via a loan from your bank using my current silver bars and the one purchased as collateral for the loan. Enclosed you will find several additional letters of credit that I wish deposited to my account. Please forward a copy of the deposit receipt with your letter and one to my Cross Croft bank.

Yours Truly.

M. Storm

Enclosed will be 5 1000gp letters of credit made out to Michael Strom and endorsed over to Mr. Willbuerns Bank. This will pretty much clean Michale out of his large letters of credit and reduce his legitimate big funds...but I think it will be worth it. I think this silver will be very profitable for him in the future and he needs to show his willingess and ability to buy it.
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J. Alexander

First Post
More Interview Questions

OCC: I know I am getting a little ahead of the action and story line, but Michael will ask the additional questions of the crewmen. I just could not think of them at the time I was writing the original interview questions. So feel free to let the answers come in dribbles.

Who were your smuggling contacts?
Who were the officals your worked with?
Do you know who your agents/operatives were in other ports who kept you apprised of cargos?
Do you have any cargo's awaiting shipment?
What were the types of cargo's you smuggled and where did you smugggle them to?
Do you know of any routes used by other pirates/smugglers that you never used?
What were your most profitable cargos?
Do you have any contacts or any information of pirates/smuggerls or even shark men operating out of Cambry/ Ice Watch/ the Cross Croft Isles/the Wheellands or Mermaids Rest?
Do you think you can help me recruit a reliable crew for this ship?
Do you know of any rumors of dark powers in Cambry/Icewatch/Mermaids REst or in any of the ports linking them?
Do you know of any intersting or strange rumors in genera?

As MIchael is asking these questions, he will be using a blank map that he has of the area etc as he is well supplled with them from his copying of Captain Morwyn's charts records and the Rumpled Bedsheets Logs etc, which he was preparing for a cover story. In fact, Michael will at the end of these hopefully sucessfull interviews, be better informed of the route to Cambry from Icewatch and Mermaids rest than his former shipmates as well as potiential points of contacts etc.....


OOC: I see my absense did nothing to slow your posting. I'll try to address everything.

The ship is soon moving slowly and Gusseppi is taken aboard and the lifeboat stowed. You find no other crewmen on the ship. The ship currently sails under the name "Trident". The boat is only lightly provisioned, obviously not planning for a voyage of any length. You find no magic in the goods assembled on deck. There is a mix of valuables on board with a total value of roughly 3,000 gp. You find two potions of cure serious wounds in a small chest in a corner of the hold. Oddly, the hold seems to have been converted to some sort of 'live well'. The inside is heavily tarred and filled to a depth of three feet with sea water. A few casks float there were most of the goods were found sealed up to protect them from the water. A few fish and king crabs are present.

The sun is now just up and the rain has passed. It is a beautiful day and you have a favorable wind for a voyage to Tregere.

J. Alexander

First Post
Storm and Company

OCC: Isorry, i just got motivated and wanted to get it all down (hanging head and looking down, kicking the dirt with my feet)

A live well, that is very interesting. When we have time we will set the two new crew members to pumping it dry and as we do it we can feast of crab etc.....perhaps something may be hidden below the water level. 3 feet of water would allow a lot to be concealed, and even if we find nothing, I know of the lair in Axiopolis that may contain the treasure trove. We will need funds to go to Icewatch after all, and I really dont think Captain Marin would be game for outfitting another ship and rightly so, Michael more or less made the mess so he is obligated to just work it through

There are a few techncal questions i need answered about the ship, I need it's size (length, width, number of decks and speed. Grond will set about inventoring what is aboard the ship while Guisseppi keeps watch.

How are out are we from Tergere?

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