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Adv: A Simple Dungeon Crawl (DM: DarwinofMind Judge:renau1g)


First Post
One-Who-Waits speaks a word in Old Allarian and Psais feels himself flooded with a soothing warmth that vanishes as though carried on a breeze; Eithal feels a twinge of it as well. One-Who-Waits then calls out a little louder, still in Old Allarian, and dim shapes rise from the pit, surrounding the creature that floats above it.

[sblock=actions]Move: OWW to M8, KV to H10

Minor: healing spirit on Psais (he can spend a healing surge). extra healing (1d6=1) goes to Eithal. (Bah.)

Standard: twin panthers on Pulsar 1. attack 1 vs ref; attack 2 vs ref; damage 1; damage 2 (1d20+6=13, 1d20+6=26, 1d8+5=13, 1d8+5=10). The second hit is a crit, so does 13 plus extra damage (1d6 ordinarily, 1d12 if the pulsar is bloodied by the first hit). extra crit damage; if bloodied already (1d6=2, 1d12=1). Hee hee, less damage for the d12.

Assuming either of those actually hits, the drone adjacent to KV grants combat advantage until EONT.[/sblock]
[sblock=ministats]One-Who-Waits Male Deva Shaman 2
Initiative: +2; Passive Perception: 21; Passive Insight: 21; Senses: Normal
AC: 17; Fort: 14; Reflex: 15; Will: 16
(+1 to defenses against attacks by bloodied enemies)
Resistances: Necrotic 6, Radiant 6
HP: 25/31; Bloodied: 15; Surge Value: 7; Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1
Call Spirit Companion
Spirit's Fangs
Stalker’s Strike
Claws of the Eagle

Healing Spirit
Healing Spirit
Twin Panthers
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes
Second Wind

Spirit of the Healing Flood

Conditions: None

Full sheet: One-Who-Waits[/sblock]
[sblock=Spirit Effects (IMPORTANT TO DM AND PCS)] A reminder of the effects that the spirit (Knotty Virtue) has on combat. The first three are important to players.
  • Any ally of One-Who-Waits who starts their turn adjacent to Knotty Virtue can shift 1 square as a free action, as the first action during their turn.
  • Any ally of One-Who-Waits who is adjacent to Knotty Virtue gains a +4 bonus to their damage rolls against bloodied enemies.
  • Knotty Virtue occupies 1 square. Allies can move through its space but enemies cannot.
  • Any enemy that leaves a square adjacent to Knotty Virtue without shifting is subject to an opportunity attack (the Spirit's Fangs power).
  • Knotty Virtue has the same defense values as One-Who-Waits and can be targeted by attacks.
  • If a single attack deals 11 or more damage to Knotty Virtue, the spirit disappears and One-Who-Waits takes 6 damage. Otherwise Knotty Virtue is unaffected by attacks.
  • When One-Who-Waits takes a move action, he can move Knotty Virtue up to 6 squares as well.
  • Knotty Virtue is unaffected by terrain and environmental phenomena.

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Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Steeling his nerve, Yimayngurr rolls out of his cover and moves nearer the thick of the fray. Seeing Jade and Eithal sandwiched between two of the horrors and Jade looking somewhat out of it, he thinks I been gotta help me mates! Poor sheilas.

Yimayngurr quickly fires off two sling bullets at each drone surrounding Jade and Eithal. The first rips through the creature closest to Eithal, smashing it straight back into the howling void from whence it came. The second, fired somewhat more hastily, veers off course.

One-Who-Waits speaks a word in Old Allarian and Psais feels himself flooded with a soothing warmth that vanishes as though carried on a breeze; Eithal feels a twinge of it as well. One-Who-Waits then calls out a little louder, still in Old Allarian, and dim shapes rise from the pit, surrounding the creature that floats above it.

Fell Taint 1 dies

Adjusted hit points for the healing spirit, if for some reaon Psais really doesn't want healing, he can tell me.

Fell Taint Pulsar 1 dies

Round 3
25 Fell Taint Drone 4;
25 Fell Taint Drone 5; Dead
22 Yimayngurr 22/22
22 One who Waits 25/31
22 Fell Taint Pulsar 2; dead
19 Fell Taint Pulsar 1; dead
15 Psais 19/26 Slowed (save ends) First Failed Save, Immobilized instead of slowed (save ends)
09 Jade 21/32 Slowed (save ends) First Failed Save, Immobilized instead of slowed (save ends)
09 Fell Taint Drone 1; Dead
09 Fell Taint Drone 3; Dead
08 Fell Taint Drone 2; Dead
07 Fell Taint Wisp 1; 21 damage; bloodied.
06 Eithal 24/35
05 Grigo 23/28
05 Fell Taint Thought Eater; 3 damage

Fell Taint Drone AC 15; Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 12
Fell Taint Wisp AC 14; Fortitude 13, Reflex 13, Will 14
Fell Taint Pulsar AC 12; Fortitude 12, Reflex 13, Will 14
Fell Taint Thought Eater AC 14; Fortitude 13, Reflex 13, Will 15

Didn't mess with the map tonight, only the Wisp and Thought Eater still live.


Psais reels backward, wafting through a mist that only he can perceive. Through his obscured, hazy vision he spies the creature that pulled him into this umbral realm and he strikes his staff upon the floor calling out his vengeance;
"You strike at a true servant of the divine, and must pay your dues for your transgression!"
But the thick fog clogs the deva's throat and the true power of the Voice does not come forth as he expected.
With his attention spent upon the tentacle creature, Psais turns to continue his path out of the psychic fog, but finds that he has lost his way.

Move - >L8
Standard - :ranged: Thunder of Judgement vs. Wisp; 1d20+5= 21 vs. Fort; 2d6+5+1= 9 thunder damage, the target is dazed until the end of my next turn.
Free - save vs. slowed; failed; becomes immobilised
[sblock=Ministats: Psais]
Deva Invoker 1
Character Sheet,
Initiative: +0
Senses: Normal
P-Perception: 16 P-Insight: 19
HP: 19/26 SurgeValue: 6 Surges: 8/9
AC:15 Fort:14 Ref:13 Will:15

Action Points: 0
Resist: Radiant 5, Necrotic 5
Languages: Allarian, Primordial, Draconic

:branged: Avenging Light +5 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 5 radiant damage; if a bloodied ally is adjacent + 3 radiant damage.
:bmelee: Quarterstaff +1 vs. AC; 1d8 - 1 damage.

Combat Notes
IMMOBALISED (save ends)
Astral Majesty - +1 to all defences against bloodied foes.
Covenant of Wrath - +1 damage per target for divine encounter and daily powers.
Staff of the Warmage - +1d6 on a crit [Implement]

Acrobatics +0
Arcana +7
Athletics -1
Bluff +0
Diplomacy +0
Dungeoneering +4
Endurance +3
Heal +4
History +9
Insight +9
Intimidate +0
Nature +9
Perception +6
Religion +9
Stealth +0
Streetwise +0
Thievery +0
Avenging Light
Grasping Shards
Call Spirit Companion

Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes
CD: Armour of Wrath
CD: Rubuke Undead
Raven's Claw
Thunder of Judgement

The Lady's Aid
Invocation of Ice and Fire
ITEM Staff of the Warmage
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On Puget Sound

First Post
[sblock="Psais"]To where did you push the wisp, or did you leave it where it is? The flaming sphere wants to know. It may not matter, you might have killed it.[/sblock]


OOC: Three squares directly away from me though that's not set in stone if you'd rather I didn't:p Oh and thanks for the healing Mewness :)

On Puget Sound

First Post
[sblock="Psais"]well if it stays next to the sphere it takes damage at start of its turn...should be enough to finish it. It was bloodied at 13, and it's now taken 25 so it's either dead or a point away.[/sblock]


First Post
Jade's mind finally cleared but now she's in slow motion. She slowly makes her way towards the tunnel and enters it

Move Action: Move to F6
Standard action: Move to E5
Minor Action: Return to humanoid form and shift to E4
End: save vs slow


Save made. Jade out of LOS from monster.

OCC: Seems lame that you have to hit with the power since they were given to allow the druid to stay in melee with multiple bad guys. A crappy set of hit rolls and you're taking X2 the amount of damage you expected. :(

[sblock=stat block]
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 18, Fort: 15, Reflex: 11, Will: 15 - Speed: 6
HP: 21/32 Bloodied: 16 Surge Value: 8, Surges left: 12/12
Action Points: 1

1/1 Second wind
1/1 Infernal Quills
1/1 Scattered Form
1/1 Summon Pack Wolf

-5 damage from ranged and melee attacks
Area targets are top to bottom, left to right
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Voidrunner's Codex

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