[Adventure] Artemis' Pact


I remember something else being up here... Gil stares into the darkness, as he ponders the feeling in his stomach that he should be worried.


"Yes, the human known for some reason as 7 rabbit, who wasn't 7 or a rabbit for that matter. I find strange he wasn't swallowed up by the hole in the first place."

"I'm drained of energy, more than can be replenished by resting for some minutes. However, if I'm going to rest I'd prefer not to rest here - this place holds negative connotations. I'm glad the ritual to get rid of Artemis' patron was successful, if in an unexpected way, but I think it's time to divide our findings and go back to our previous lives."

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"However, if I'm going to rest I'd prefer not to rest here - this place holds negative connotations. I'm glad the ritual to get rid of Artemis' patron was successful."

"Actually Shale, the ritual was to bind me to a greater power. That ritual is not complete. We have removed the infestation of my soul. For that I am eternally grateful to you all. I was hoping 7 Rabbit would be here to complete the ritual."

At Bob's inquiry, "In some ways, Bob, this is the best I've ever felt."


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Alarm rang inside Gil, he thought fast, attempting to identify his fear, night haunt, night hunt, night... Night Gaunt! The wizard looks straight up, There was a Night Gaunt out here, we need 7 Rabbit.


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You ok Artemis? Bob? Gil looks around, Can you stand Lilli?

"Yes, I can. Don't worry I was just resting. I'm glad you aren't too bad either. I fell drained, but there's several things I want to do here first." Lilli stands and approaches the summit of the hill again. She looks quite serious when she intones, "Firstly, I claim this site, Stargazer Hill for The Institute for Arcane Cyphers; I or others will be back to post a warning notice and I classify this area site as deemed hazardous to public health."

Lilli turns to look at her companions one by one as she carries on in a less official sounding voice. "Next, I'd like to thank-you all for being such good companions. I'm sorry Karma couldn't be here, but I'd like to thank-you all for making sure I was. I hope to see you all again."

"Thirdly, there's something I'd like to perform here on this hill of my own. It's an experiment of my own, but I'll give fair notice for those who want to leave first. Since we arrived, I have felt the calling of an old companion of mine here very strongly; perhaps it's because I've been thinking of my friend off and on for a while now, but I now feel quite strongly that I could draw my companion to me here. If you wish to wait at a discreet distance for me, then that will be fine."

Lilli moves to the near centre of the hill and turns in the direction of the woodlands. She centres herself, closes her eyes and takes several deep breaths. For moment she is still; then slowly her arms raise and stretch out, as though in welcome. For those who stay to listen in silence, it becomes apparent that she is starting to quietly sing.

[sblock=occ]For those who can speak the language, the song is in a peculiar dialect of Eladrin.[/sblock]


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There is a rustling in the bushes at the base of the hill. Twigs crackle as something pushes its way through the undergrowth. There is a grunting, piggish snuffling. Suddenly the thing pushes its way into view from the trees... and 7 Rabbit staggers free, falls to the ground, rolls over like a wagon wheel, bounds to his feet, and brushes mud from his robe.

"There you are! You're back!" he calls. He starts puffing his way up the hill. "Sorry, sorry. I went off trying to figure out where the other end of this hole came out - got nowhere - and, uh, got lost in the woods. I would never have found my way back if I hadn't heard the young lady singing."

He looks at each of your bruised faces in turn. "You look a little roughed up. What was down there?"


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I stand here lost amongst strange stars,
For unwound is my link to home;
I hear the whisperings of unknown trees,
No web-hung wood, nor crooked hedge;
I drift through spheres of resplendent glory,
No gossamer vine to guide me down.

Yet long are paths of silver made,
A tireless tracing of suspended threads.

I weave my dreams near reaching spars,
Far aloft upon ancient forest dome;
I feel the freshening of a seeking breeze,
We cast our lines to renew our pledge;
I take you up with open hands to carry upon our story,
There yonder lies hidden roads we’re bound.

Yet long are paths of silver made,
A tireless tracing of suspended threads.


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As the song subsides, Lilli turns at last towards the commotion, with hands still wide. A flicker of a grin turns suddenly to a worried frown as she moves down the slope towards Rabbit, reaching out with her mind...

"Why, 7 Rabbit, it's good to see you've met my old friend...ahhh wait, please everybody, don't overreact!"

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