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(Adventure) Crocodile Rock [Knight Otu judging]


Calamar awaits to hear from the Lady Fant about whether or not we are getting 50 gold or 200 gold. He sits silently, taking mental notes of the conversation.

OOC Damn, the DMG 3.5 page 25 and 26 suggests that you do not allow players to ready actions out of combat, but it is up to the DM.

Okay, after looking it up I think it would go like this:
1) Ready alchemists fire (standard action)
2) Cast Prestidigitation to slide door bolt(standard action)
3) Redirect Prestidigitation to produce balls(move equivilent action)
Ready alchemists fire again (standard action)
4) Redirect Presidigitation to levitate ball slowly (move eq action)
Ready alchemists fire again (standard action)

1) there is no preparing of an alchemists fire, it is either in your hand or not, it is like drawing a weapon, you don't really need to ready it by lighting it of fire or anything, you just need it handy, I was merely saying that I had one in hand, so I didn't have to take a standard action looking (or drawing) one.

2)the initial casting of Prestidigitation is a standard action

3)The duration to Prestidigitation is 1 hour, in that hour you can change the trick as much as you want as a free action, that is what the spell does. If I was to use it in someway to make an attack or distraction, then it would be considered a standard action. Spells like hypnotic pattern have a duration of concentration +2. When you have a duration of concentration, you must concentrate on a subject or object and that is a standard action. Again, the reading of the alchemist fire is free since I already have the fire in my hand.

4) see above

Hope that helps. I have been DMing for 23 years, mostly anyway:)

Don't worry, someday we will get to it, this was far more stylish.;)

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First Post
OOC: Sorry if I'm stepping on toes, KO and GK, but I'm awake, i'm bored and I noticed...

From the SRD, prestidigitation: "Finally, a prestidigitation lacks the power to duplicate any other spell effects."

Also from the SRD, open/close: "You can open or close (your choice) a door, chest, box, window, bag, pouch, bottle, barrel, or other container."

If you guys are going to nitpick, then prestidigitation cannot open or close doors. You'd have to cast open/close.

What's more... From the SRD, prestidigitation: "It cannot deal damage or affect the concentration of spellcasters." So you cannot use prestidigitation to attack or distract in any way. That's what ray of frost, flare and daze are for.



Ooc, thanks for noticing, however, if you read the above more carefully, I didn't use it to open or close a door (with a spell effect), Cain did that on his way out (with his hand), I mearly used it to bolt the lock on the door:) .

Cain finally lowers his hand. "Yes, Ma'am! I'll take the second option. Come on, Calamar. Let's finish this outside."
Cain backs out of the room and says to the others "I'll see you in the morning, Grendath willing."
He closes the door behind him. He draws his sword on the way out of the Red Dragon.
Not to nit pick of course;) .
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Thomas Hobbes

First Post
DM-Rocco said:
"I believe that I heard something about 200 gold?,"

Fant grits her teeth with disdain. Arrogant hostility to arrogant avarice in two seconds flat. Impressive. "I'm negotiating a pay increase for the professionals," she says, with no actual empahasis on the last word but the implications clear.

"However, you must understand I don't buy anything sight unseen unless it is from someone I implicitly trust. I trust Joe, he is a good man. But..." He waves his hand indicating the rest of the room.

"Or course," says Fant. "I expected nothing less. I ask for no more than what you've given us before we do any work- afterwards, if you believe we've acted appropriately," and again, although there is no emphasis on the last part it's clear who's she's talking to, "than we will accept the additional payment. I trust a man of your station," she says, inclining her head slightly. "When should the five of us- or perhaps, four, if Calamar is inclined to keep his appointments," she throws in perhaps one last jab at the mage, "be ready to leave?"


Calamar continues to juggle his glowing balls of lavendar flame, watching the debate about payment continue.

OOC, it must have been nice everywhere, no one replied all day:cool:

The Goblin King

First Post
"We shall depart tomarrow morning. Its not far from here." He collects his papers and hops down. "Unless there is anything else I shall see you all then."


Calamar the Dark ignores the pomus ravings of the Fiery Fant and casually looks over his shoulder to see who she may be speaking about.

"Well, I have an engagement, it seems that everything is in order," he said as he rose to his feet, "I will take my advance payment and pick up a few last minute suplies. Good day gentlemen, lady," he finished, although to himself he added, 'I use the term loosly' and he chuckled slightly to himself.

With that he moved to the door, and before he got to the door, he used his magic to unbolt it and then he turned the nob to leave (with his hand nit pickers:) )

OOC, I am going to buy two more alchiemist bags and memorize the following spells for tomorrow:
0-Level- read magic, light, prestiditation

1-Level- Ray of enfeeblement X3


Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Fant gives a shallow bow from the waist. "Until then, Lord Donoros." She heads back to the Tavern at large.

Goblin King, since Calamar and Cain have business in the tavern, mind if the rest of us kick around in there until they're done and we can start the adventure?

Voidrunner's Codex

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