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[Adventure] Desolation Island (DM: jsb420; JUDGE: covaithe)


Ixenvalignat turns to Ardens with a look that betrays a mix of fear and contrite thankfulness as if he knows he just nearly bought the farm, managing a quick, "Thanks."

Finding his strength again, he pulls back from his surrounded position and strikes out at the clicker he just charged, "Hold -umph- still! I'm -umph- getting -umph hungry!" The dragonborn unleashes two strong blows, but they fall at oblique angles and barely nick the scales off the oversized prawn.[sblock=Actions]Free: Take 5 OG damage
Minor: Inspiring Word
Target: Ixenvalignat
Healing: 1d6=5

Move: Shift to T7

Standard: MBA
Target: Impailer 1
Attack: 1d20+7+2(CA)=22 vs. AC for 1d10+5=6 damage

Target: Impailer 1
Attack: 1d20+7+2(CA)=22 vs. AC for 1d10+5=6 damage

Save vs. OG damage: 1d20=19 Success!
[/sblock][sblock=Tactic]This is awkward for us melee types. We need to lure these guys out onto the atoll where we can flank them or blast them (either one). Right now, they are so backed up on the water that we can't get around them without swimming.

I guess Ixenvalignat could try his hand at swimming around them, but that would put him at a disadvantage (-2 to attack and continual athletics checks).[/sblock][sblock=Ministats]Ixenvalignat
Male Dragonborn Warlord Level 1 Initiative: +0
Speed 5
Passive Perceoption: 10; Passive Insight: 10; Senses: Normal Vision
Draconic Fury: +1 to attack rolls while bloodied
Languages: Draconic, Common
AC: 19; Fortitude; 17; Reflex: 13; Will: 16
HP: 20/22 Bloodied
Surge Value: 5; Surges Left: 6/8
Action Points: 0

At Will Powers:
:bmelee: Melee Basic Attack 1d20+7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 damage

:branged: Ranged Basic Attack 1d20 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 damage

:melee: Wolfpack Tactics 1d20+7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 damage and one ally adjacent to Ixenvalignat or the target can shift 1 square as a free action

:melee: Viper's Strike 1d20+7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 damage. Effect: If the target shifts before the start of Ixenvalignat's next turn, it provokes an opportunity attack from an ally of my choice.

Encounter Powers:
:close: Powerful Warning
The target gains +4 power bonus to all defenses against the attack. The target can make a melee basic attack against the enemy as a free action.

Battlefront Shift

Effect: Target shifts speed on initiative roll

:close:Inspiring Word 1 2
Effect: Target within 5 squares spends healing surge for HS value+1d6 hitpoints
Special: Can be used twice per encounter

:close: Dragonfear 1d20+7 vs. Will
Target takes -2 to attack rolls and grants Combat Advantage until the end of Ixenvalignat's next turn.

Daily Powers:

:melee: White Raven Onslaught 1d20+7 vs. AC
Hit: 3d10+5 damage and Ixenvalignat slides an adjacent ally 1 square. Until the end of the encounter, whenever Ixenvalignat or an ally within 10 squares of himself makes a succesful attack, the attacker slides an adjacent ally 1 square.
Miss: An ally within 10 squares slides an adjacent ally 1 square on each successful attack for the rest of the encounter.
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[sblock=treex]Best I idea I've got (didn't say it was the best idea out there). We just need to make sure we do it right without being surrounded. I'm not sure how though.[/sblock]


First Post
Reef(er) Madness – Round 2

Jesse realized what was going on. Jesse lashes out instinctively turns around and lashes out at the creatures behind him, less worried about the ones in front. His allies can deal with them. Shadow tendrils burst forth and cling to the over sized lobsters, pulling them down and fooling their crustacean mind.

Cyrus ducks and weaves past the fray he was in. He rolls out to on side. Quickly getting back up to his feet. He is agile and swift. His speed and footwork getting the batter of the slower crabs. He feints to the side and then brings in a blows to one of the Craud Impaler's legs, except instead the fates yet again mock him. The blade simply bouncing off the Craud's thick carapace.

Finnean tries to pull away from the swarm, but several hundred of the tiny creatures had already rushed over him. As he tumbled back, he crushed a few dozen, but it was like roll over razor blades. His injuries do not impede his attack, as he finds a gap in the chitinous plates of the crusher, finishing it. Finnean takes a moment to let his psychic energy heal his wounds and the bleeding wounds are soon closed.

Ardens thrusts his hands forward, jets of flame shooting from his hands to engulf the area in front of him. Seeing Ixen nearly collapse under the force of his attack, Ardens moves up next to him and pulls out the potion Rogar had given him. "Snap out of it already you fool. I need you alive so these beasts will chase you instead of me." With that, he dumps the potion down Ixen's throat.

Seeing the Craud fall under the flurry of blows Damien readies his arrow to lay down yet another hail of arrows on the beast attacking Cyrus

Ixenvalignat turns to Ardens with a look that betrays a mix of fear and contrite thankfulness as if he knows he just nearly bought the farm, managing a quick, "Thanks." Finding his strength again, he pulls back from his surrounded position and strikes out at the clicker he just charged, "Hold -umph- still! I'm -umph- getting -umph hungry!" The dragonborn unleashes two strong blows, but they fall at oblique angles and barely nick the scales off the oversized prawn.

The craud continue to advance on their prey, looking for a quick meal. The swarm lashes out at Ardens before attacking him a second time. The craud impaler strikes back at Ixen. The large craud crusher steps forward and uses it’s hammerclaw on the tiefling wizard. Another of the creatures skirts the Loose Lady to try to impale Damien while the impaler fighting Jesse’s psychic influence strikes at Finnean. The impaler Cyrus knocked prone stands and attacks.

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Craud Shrimp Swarm: Aura Attack: Ardens: Swarm aura attack against Ardens +7 vs. Ref; 1d6+5 and ongoing 3 damage (save ends) (1d20+7=17, 1d6+5=10) hit for 10 powerful warning (Ixen: imm interrupt, Ardens gains +4 to all defenses vs this attack and can make a MBA vs swarm); Attack Ardens: MBA against Ardens +7 vs REF; 1d6+5 and ongoing 3 damage (save ends) (1d20+7=10, 1d6+5=10) miss

Craud Impaler 1: attacks Ixen: claw against Ixen +8 vs. AC; 1d6+4 (1d20+8=23, 1d6+4=10) Hit for 10 dmg.BLOODIED

Craud Impaler 2: stands up, attacks Cyrus: Claw against Cyrus +8 vs AC; 1d6+4 (1d20+8=25, 1d6+4=8) hit for 8

Craud Impaler 3: moves from V12 to V11 and attacks Finnean with Impale: Impale against Finnean +10 vs AC 1d4+4 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends) (1d20+10=15, 1d4+4=7) Miss

Craud Impaler 4:shifts from Q11 to T11 and attacks Damien with Impale: impale against Damien +10 vs AC; 1d4+4 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends) (1d20+10=30, 1d4+4=7) CRIT for 8 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends)

Craud Crusher 1: shifts from R8 to S8 and attacks Jesse with Hammerclaw: hammerclaw against Jesse (reach 2) +7 vs. REF; 1d10+4 and pushes 1 square and knocked prone (+1d4 damage) (1d20+7=20, 1d10+4=11, 1d4=4) hit for 11, pushed to V8 and knocked prone (4 damage)

Craud Crusher 2: dead


[sblock=Terrain, Please Read]Coral Atoll (whitish area): firm ground, not difficult terrain; if knocked prone, that PC takes 1d4 damage in addition to any other damage.

Coral Mounds (C7: D8; G10:H12; J10:L11; U7:V8; Y10:Z11; AB10:AC11): considered difficult terrain.

Submerged Coral (light green area): Consider one FULL square adjacent to the Coral Atoll to be underwater and difficult terrain, this also applies to the area between the two coral atolls. Depth ranges from 1 to 2 feet of water.

Deep Water: Beyond one square from the coral atoll is a 20-foot vertical drop to the sea floor.

Swim or Tread: (as part of movement): DC 10 (calm waters) If swimming north or south, every 2 squares of movement towards the coral atoll will slide you 1 square to the east. If swimming to the west, you can only move 1/4 speed. If swimming east, double your swimming movement.

Success: you swim half your speed

Failure (by 4 or less): you can’t swim any further as part of a movement action, but you are treading water
Failure (by 5 or more): you can’t move any further and you sink 1 square.

*NOTE: The sea grass becomes thicker as you move away from the coral atoll. The DC to swim increases by 2 for each square beyond the start of the Deep Water (EX: DC 10 - 1 sq away from the Submerged Coral; DC 12 - 2 sq away, etc).

**NOTE: There is no Athletics check to climb up onto the difficult terrain of the Submerged Coral areas.



Finnean: V10
Ixenvalignat: T7 BLOODIED
Cyrus: Y8
Damien: U10 BLOODIED
Ardens: T9
Jesse: V8, prone

Craud Shrimp Swarm: R9:S10 (on atoll)
Craud Impaler 1: S7 (in water; difficult terrain)
Craud Impaler 2: X9 (on atoll)
Craud Impaler 3: V11 (in water; difficult terrain); -2 to attacks vs. Jesse; grants CA to Jesse; slowed until EoNT (Jesse)
Craud Impaler 4: T11 (in water; difficult terrain)
Craud Crusher 1: S8 (on atoll)
Craud Crusher 2: dead

[sblock=Notes on Aquatic Combat]*Any power that has the keyword FIRE takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Damage rolls are unaffected. NOTE: the target must be in the water for this penalty.

*While swimming or submerged: -2 to melee attack rolls with non spear-type melee or ranged weapons or crossbow-type ranged weapons.

Craud Shrimp Swarm: Swarm Attack Aura 1: at the start of the craud swarm’s turn it makes a MELEE basic attack against each enemy it is adjacent to it; HP 38/56; Resist half damage from melee/ranged attacks; Vulnerable 10 to close/blast attacks; AC 17, FORT 15, REF 15, WILL 14; MBA Swarm of Mandibles: +7 vs. Ref; 1d6+4 and ongoing 3 damage (save ends).

Craud Impaler: HP 51; AC 17, FORT 15, REF 15, WILL 13; MBA Claw: +8 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage;
Impaler 1: 13/51; Impale; BLOODIED
Impaler 2:29/51; Impale
Imapler 3: 44/51; Impale
Impaler 4: 40/51; Impale

Craud Crusher: HP 70; AC 15, FORT 16, REF 16, WILL 15; MBA Claw: +9 vs. AC; 1d8+4 damage and grabbed (until escape)
Crusher 1: 59/70; Hammerclaw
Crusher 2:
[sblock=Escape]Action: Move action
Acrobatics DC 16
Athletics DC 16
Success: escape and shift 1 square[/sblock]

Finnean: 24/24; HS 6/7; AP 1; Ardent Surge; Status ; +6 to AC and REF unitl EoNT (Finnean)
Ixenvalignat: 5/22; HS 6/8; AP 1; Healing Word: 1, 2; Status BLOODIED; (saved vs. ongoing dmg)
Cyrus: 18/26; HS 9/9; AP 1; Status
Damien: 13/28; HS 9/9; AP 1; Status Aspect of the Pouncing Lynx; BLOODIED; Ongoing 5 damage (save ends)
Ardens: 26/26; HS 9/9; AP 1; Status Ongoing 3 damage (save ends) Powerful Warning (Ixen)
Jesse: 12/23; HS 7/7; AP 1; Status; PSYCHIC zone until EONT (Jesse) enters takes 5 psychic damage; prone
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First Post
[sblock=Son of Meepo]You are correct. I adjusted Round 2's post accordingly. I also forgot to add your bonus to AC/Ref for last attack, thankfully a miss anyways[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Unless I'm missing something, Jesse does not take the extra 1d4 damage from being knocked prone because he was standing on U8 and pushed to V8. Both are coral mounds...
I haven't been in many fights, but I do believe we're in a rather bad situation. I can drop my Daily on the swarm dealing 13~27 damage to it and...knock it prone...how does that work o_0? Oh, as well as the Impaler+Crusher.
Oh and my action point...(my at-wills can slide or grant CA)
Thoughts? (I'd be completely willing, just checking if it's worth it)

Son of Meepo

First Post
[sblock=Son of Meepo]You are correct. I adjusted Round 2's post accordingly. I also forgot to add your bonus to AC/Ref for last attack, thankfully a miss anyways[/sblock]

[sblock=jsb420]I also have a +1 to all defenses from using Ardent Surge which is untyped and thus stacks with Opening Move. I keep my current defenses up to date on my mini stat block.[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Unless I'm missing something, Jesse does not take the extra 1d4 damage from being knocked prone because he was standing on U8 and pushed to V8. Both are coral mounds...
I haven't been in many fights, but I do believe we're in a rather bad situation. I can drop my Daily on the swarm dealing 13~27 damage to it and...knock it prone...how does that work o_0? Oh, as well as the Impaler+Crusher.
Oh and my action point...(my at-wills can slide or grant CA)
Thoughts? (I'd be completely willing, just checking if it's worth it)

[sblock=OOC]I find it's better for the party to space out their resources (half the party uses their AP each encounter, one or two use their dailies, etc.) rather than having everyone "go nova" at once.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Tactics]We are not actually in that bad of a situation current.

If Finnean and myself attack Craud Impaler 2 with flank this round we should be able to drop it. Negating further damage out put.

Those that still have any area attacks should focus on blasting to the left. It's too good to pass up. Them all line up all cute and cuddly like that. If a couple burst, blasts, or bombs get dropped over that way. It well seriously hamper the swarm of course but should kill Craud Impaler 1 as well. Further negating damage out put.

I would primarily drop Craud Impaler 1 and 2 this round. Dig into the Shrimp Swarm with bombs. If a third target it needed to those without bombs, dig into Impaler 4. Less creatures on the board equals less attacks being thrown our way. Less attacks equals less damage. I understand that the Crusher is nasty and deals more damage then the Impaler but the difference in damage out put is minor. We can almost drop two before we hammer through his HP. Leave him for last.

My two cents.[/sblock]

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