Adventure: Echoes of O

Don Incognito

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i've been super busy, so i haven't really had time to get you guys up to speed.

but i'll have some time tomorrow, so i promise to get things moving again.

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Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Alright then, I'll take over 7 Rabbit for the moment, to save Don some time. Don, if you'd rather do it yourself, then just disregard this post :)[/sblock]
As Rabbit closes on the creature, he looses another blast of arcane power into it.
[sblock=Actions]Move: to E9, provoking an OA.
Standard: Dire Radiance or Eldritch Blast (depending on the answer to JNC's question about Dire Radiance above).

If using Dire Radiance: 1d20+4+1=21 vs. Fort, 1d6+4+1d6=14 radiant damage. If Marley moves closer to 7 Rabbit, he takes another 1d6+4=5 radiant damage.

If using Eldritch Blast: 1d20+4+1=21 vs. Ref, 1d10+4+1d6=15 damage.

Minor: none.[/sblock]
[sblock=7 Rabbit stat block]7 Rabbit- Male Dwarf Warlock 1
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16
AC:15 (17 vs. OA), Fort:14, Reflex:14, Will:13 -- Speed:5
HP:29/30 + 5 thp, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:6/10
Initiative -1
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: used
Powers: Dire Radiance, Eldritch Blast, Diabolic Grasp, Armor of Agathys[/sblock]

Don Incognito

First Post
Raiyek channels holy energy into, revitalizing the dwarf.

Les, stumbling blindly, is able to work her way over to Ash. Fortunately, her vision returns, and she is able to (momentarily) stop the flow of blood from his throat. (Pierce isn't posting, so I would normally need a saving throw, but its a moot point, since you got a 19 on your heal check. You aren't able to let Ash use his Second Wind because he already used it earlier in the battle. Were I a stickler for the rules, I'd say that you just wasted your turn. However, a stickler I am not, so your Heal check is sufficient to stabilize Ash. He's still unconscious, but he won't have to make death saving throws anymore).

Kruk grits his teeth and swings his axe at the Echo's legs, attempting to ground the apparition. Unfortunately, the thing sees the maneuver coming, and simply jumps into the air, avoiding Kruk's attack (Kruk misses).

7 Rabbit lets loose a blast from his eldritch magics, catching the Echo in the lower torso. He then shifts his position so that the Echo is once again in range of he aura of cold (Eldritch blast hits. Rabbit then shifts from C8 to D9).

The swirling magics surrounding 7 Rabbit envelop the Echo of Marley, who looks helpless as the eldritch mist freezes his body. He opens his mouth to let out a scream of pain, but it is too late; its entire body is frozen solid. It is a beautiful, if macabre, scene; the already pale-white Echo wrapped in a second skin of ice. The scene only lasts a moment, however, as the ice suddenly cracks and crumbles, the Echo of Marley crumbling with it.

[sblock=OOC]Armor of Agathys hits for 10. The Echo technically had 11 hit points left, but I'm eager to get going and I'm sure you guys are too, and you had him on the ropes. GREAT job, everyone! With the Echo dead, Raiyek is unblinded, and ya'll can take 20 on heal checks to get Ash back on his feet. Incidentally, I'll need some wishlists, although I think I have a pretty good idea of what stuff you'll be getting.[/sblock]

Dawn Raven

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As Marley collapses into shards and dust, Les turns around and floats across the room to where Ash is laying. She begins to wrap up his wounds and attempt to wake him up.

"Well, that was vicious. Too bad our guide got knocked out in all the commotion. Does anyone want to search the treasury for anything of worth? If I recall what Allip said, there's little chance Marley is still alive if Echoes of him are appearing."

Lord Sessadore

Raiyek's vision clears just in time to see the Echo freeze and crumble; he is glad he witnessed the end of such a vicious creature. "I can see!" he yells in his elation. Seeing Ash's bleeding form being tended to by Les dampens the elf's spirits, though. "Remind me never to get on Marley's bad side ... he wasn't kidding about his prowess in battle."

When Les mentions the real Marley's chances of being alive, Raiyek starts to look impatient. "Didn't Allip say that Echoes could start appearing during the ritual, before the victim is actually killed? I think we should go as soon as we've recovered; if Marley's captors aren't too far away, there is a chance we could still save him."
[sblock=OOC]Wow ... we were really close. Here I thought he had at least another 30 hp :p

I think that as soon as we're done our short rest, we should go hunt down Hyann and try to save Marley. I think he's still alive - what would an adventure with ritualists be without a race to interrupt the Evil Ritual? ;)

About wishlists, I've put one on my character sheet. However, I already got a magic item from the Hoofchew adventure, so you don't need to give me any magic. As I said before, a non-magical fullblade would be great ;) Maybe some coinage too - Raiyek's poor, haha.[/sblock]


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Kruk breaths a long sigh of relief as the echo crumbles away. He collapses on the floor and tends to his wounds. "Nice job everyone. I've never faced a foe with such power and strength. I'll remember this one for a long time."


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As Ashurn regains conscious, he sees a blurry image infront of him. With alacrity, he whipped up his dagger towards the throat of the being, just barely stopping the attack at the nape of Les's throat.

"Oh, it is over?" groaned Ash. "Help me up will you?", sticking his hand out to Les while grinning to hide his pain. Hearing what Raiyek says, "I would love to say I told you so." as Ash stands up with the help from Les, "But I think we have no need for that now, I would suggest hurrying to save Marley but from what I see we all need to take a short rest before advancing. Though not for too long 'lest more 'Marley' appears. I would hate to fight him more than one time."

As Ashurn starts limping towards a chair, "And not to forget to pilfer his vault before we leave, in case some items are not been pilfered we could use it to further our cause."

[sblock=OOC]Wow, that was close. I have thought that we might wipe. :p And thanks Les for stablizing me. I thought I would have to sweat through my Save vs Death throw. :D And my wishlist for current level is simple, I would love to have a magical dagger and shuriken. Basically that's it since I'm not very good at knowing what items to choose. I mean, for a level 1 character, I can only equip Ash with level 1 magical items? Or I can choose up to a certain level of magical items?[/sblock]

Dawn Raven

First Post
The githyanki smiles at Ash and helps him to his feet, glad that he didn't make any mistakes with that blade. She looks over to Raiyek and nods to him, "I had forgotten that. We should best hurry then, Marley may still be alive then. At least these Oans have revealed who they are working with. It makes our jobs a little bit easier."

As lame as it is, I've only really seen one item that screamed "Warlord" to me. I love the Communal Weapons. Being able to give the bonus to an ally is XD

Don Incognito

First Post
[sblock=OOC]So, anyone wanna go check out the vault? Or search the dead gnoll? Or we could all just move on without you guys getting any shinies.[/sblock]

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