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Adventure: Get Me to the Church on Time (DM: BenBrown, Judge: Renau1g)


Slightly entitled.
"Issa alla dat ale makin ya 'ead forget all dat ya 'ear?" Spider jests, "A course I an I been onna saila like dis; I an I came from Allaria, dis da true. Don't ya worry Grava: Inna no time t'all, ya been 'eavin ya guts from da side a da ship!" Spider laughed, clapping the dwarf on the shoulder.

"An land ya eyes on dis won," Spider said, spotting Eraden. "I an I gotta god sword on da ship." Spider was about to great the paladin, when Goldenhorn clomped aboard. "Gold'orn! Ya come ta see my 'omeland, eh?"

Graval gives a momentary frown. "All tha ale an' all me hearin' from ye is: 'cannae keep wit' yer pred...predigi...wit' yer grea' drinkin' abili'y, ye migh'y dwarf!'"

"God sword?" he inquires a moment before turning toward Eraden. "A paladin, aye. Wha' say ye, paladin? Ye here fer love or fer tha gold tha's been promised?"

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First Post
Perin jogged through the docks, dodging workers and loaders as he went. He'd lost the group in the crowds of the city and was worried that he would not reach the ship before it left. He was traveling light, just his staves and a small kit, so the jog was quick and easy. He looked to the west and saw the sun low in the sky. "Need to hurry up." Perin said to himself as he lept around a corner headed for the dock the ship was berthed.

He reached the ship, the Starlight's Veil just as they were shouting the final orders to leave port. A quick scramble up the gangway and the young man was on board, his chest heaving from exertion. He looked around, admiring the ship and noting the others that were at the table. He whistled, "This is the biggest boat I've ever been on!"


First Post
"I an I gotta god sword on da ship." Spider was about to great the paladin, when Goldenhorn clomped aboard. "Gold'orn! Ya come ta see my 'omeland, eh?"
"I would see it very willingly, and count myself fortunate to have a guide," says Goldenhorn. He turns to Graval. "I have done very little sea-travel myself, but I understand it is best to stay out of doors and fix one's gaze outward, to the horizon, so as to become used to the motion of the boat."

OOC: Almightyfoon: I don't see an approval request for your character in the email queue. I went ahead and reviewed your character anyway, possibly prematurely (you can see my comments at the bottom of the wiki page), but you'll need to send an email to the judges to get properly approved.


"Don't ya be gettin too fa' aheada I, Grava," Spider called, leaping on to the boat with relative ease. Looking over at Zardi, he says, "Now who be dis? Mount'in-mon 'ere looks like a hellouva fighta, ya?"

Zardi nods to Spider, with a slight smile on his lips.

"I don't know much other than fighting. It is in my blood to fight...and to win."

Zardi straightens up as he looks out across the ocean and squints into the setting sun. Changing the subject, he asks:

"So...why do they call you Spider?"


First Post
Perin put down his pack on the edge of the ships railing and sat against it. He pulled out some trail biscuits from it and munched idly on them. The crew milled around him, he looked up and asked to no one in particular. "So, think we'll run into any pirates?" The crew around him groaned, but continued with their work.

[sblock="Stat Block"]Perin
AC: 13 F/R/W: 12/14/17
Init: +3 Passive Perception: 9, Passive insight: 9
HP: 25/25 Bloodied: 12 Surge value: 6 Surges/Day: 7
Lightning Bolt, Chaos Bolt, Stormwalk
Thunder Slam
Shocking Magnetism[/sblock]


First Post
The water in the harbor laps at the edge of the quay. Along the pier, a priest of Netari walks back and forth ceremoniously, offering a supplication to his god for a safe and rapid voyage for the vessel. As the water reaches the high tide marker, the captain looks over at the hourglass perched in its gimbals next to the ship's bell, an impatient look on his face.

He says a word to his clerk, who runs below deck, and returns a minute later with the mate in tow. The mate and captain converse quietly, the captain scowling, and the mate with a look of weary suffering.

Then the clerk, standing by points towards the land end of the pier. As all eyes follow, they can see a fancy looking carriage turn onto the quay, drawn by four horses. The carriage pulls to a stop near to the ship, and the door opens, in such a way that the crew and passengers of the Starlight's Veil can get a reasonable look inside.

Lord Adelin Mallaby steps out, his elegant town clothes not made one whit more martial looking by the addition of a long rapier at his side. His hand remains clasped to that of the attractive and well-dressed lady who stands in the open door.

"Farewell, my dear," Mallaby says, "I shall not be too long." He bends forward to kiss her hand, and then separates from her, moving towards the ship, his fingers lingering on hers briefly before he lets go, smiles, then turns and walks up the gangplank.

"Captain," he announces, "I have come on board. Are we ready to sail?"

"Ready, my lord," the captain says. Then in a booming voice yells "All hands on deck! Stand by to cast off!"

There is a rush of activities with sailors running in all directions about the ship. The hawsers holding the ship to the pier are drawn in, the anchor is weighed, and as the outgoing tide pulls the Starlight's Veil towards the harbor mouth, some of the crew clambers up the masts and unfurls the topsails.

"Well and sailorly done," Mallaby says. He turns to his new companions. "Let us go below. I'll show you your cabin myself, and we can take a look at the map."

He turns, and walks down the short stairway leading under the poopdeck.


First Post
"God sword?" he inquires a moment before turning toward Eraden. "A paladin, aye. Wha' say ye, paladin? Ye here fer love or fer tha gold tha's been promised?"

Eraden took a moment to think about his answer, surely love was a good reason to venture out, but gold was always welcome as well. "Graval my friend." he finally says "I chose to accompany Mallaby to insure no injustice is done. The fact that by doing so a young man may find love just makes it that much sweeter and even a paladin of Palladys must find the means to eat."

Not far from where the group stood Eraden notices a young man in a grey tunic run on to the ship. On his heels araived a carriage from which Lord Mallaby steps off gives word to set sail. Just in time, he thought to himself.

Lord Mallaby invites the group below the deck and as he leads the way Eraden follows...

Eraden-Male Half-Elf Paladin
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 21
AC: 21, For: 14, Ref: 14, Will: 16
HP: 41/41, Bloodied: 20, Surge Value: 10, Surges/Day: 12/12
Speed: 5 Squares, Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin
AP: 1, Second Wind: Unused

Powers: Lay on Hands, Divine Challange, Bolstering Stike, Enfeebling strike, Channel Divinity: Devine Mettle, Channel Divinity: Divine Strength, Shielding Smite, Eyebite, Virtue, Radiant Delirium

Condition: Mint

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First Post
Perin watched the noble arrive at the ship and break with his companion. Perin stood and followed when Lord Mallaby instructed the group to follow, a little sad to not be able to see the ship pull out of dock.

[sblock=Perception and Insight]http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2933708/[/sblock]


First Post
Goldenhorn watches the priest's activities with some curiosity, then follows Mallaby below deck, though he has to duck his head so that his horns point outward. "I had best not stumble around in the dark," he says, trying to prevent himself from poking anyone. "I should impale someone before I was aware."


Slightly entitled.
Goldenhorn watches the priest's activities with some curiosity, then follows Mallaby below deck, though he has to duck his head so that his horns point outward. "I had best not stumble around in the dark," he says, trying to prevent himself from poking anyone. "I should impale someone before I was aware."

Graval mulls over the paladin's statement a moment, letting the words wash over his foggy thoughts. He may call it by a different name, but perhaps the dwarf feels the same way.

"Or get yerself stuck in tha doorframe, what," he chuckled, following Goldenhorn below decks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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