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(Adventure) Hunt for the Cirya de Pietro [Judge - garyh]


KB - could you be more specific about communications aids? Also, how do you plan on going about attempting to collect information (ie, going through taverns, talking to people on the street, going to merchants' shops, etc)?

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ao'Thuir will make his way through the market trying to see if he can pick up any information on trouble with pirates lately. Surely the merchants in this area must have had a run in or two lately, if this devil of the seas really is as mean as they say anyways.

Kahuna Burger said:
(ooc: scrolls of both animal messenger and wispering wind would be possibilities for this plan, and animal messenger is on the ranger list as well as the bard, but it would require a caster level check. A feather token: bird would do the trick without a roll but is more expensive. Wands of the two spells don't seem to be standard, though one would think items of this nature would be in large demand in a port city.)

GW, Kahuna posted a page back about the stuff Katherine was looking for communication wise. Good luck on your upcoming exams and papers, I know what crunch time can be like.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Katherine haunts the markets as well as the less reputable taverns, announcing herself as the new captain of the 'Fang and playing up the cocky pirate queen angle. She inquires openly about ways for ships at sea to coordinate their actions, and if questioned will simply give a sly grin and comment that she believes there are some things that two or more ships could do better than one. (ooc: since katherine is hoping to lure Peitro with an invitation to work together in attacking other ships, she would not hide her interest in this area. If any rumors spread that she is interested in coordinated piracy, all to the better.)

Any questions about her ship and how an unknown suddenly became the captain, or her background or plans will be answered with two parts honesty and a twist of lie. That is, her background (which is quite detailed in my head but hasn't come up in game) would be unaltered, and she would explain that after some profitable adventures she was traveling on a merchant vessel which was attacked by the Fang. Having lead the charge to beat back the disorganized boarders and discovering they lacked a captain, she made a change of plans, and took the ship for her own. She plans on begining her own career 'on the seas' as soon as repairs are completed, but having been raised amoung nobility seems interested in following any protocols that may exist amoung the 'unlicensed captains' of this coast...

(if you want a more detailed roleplay of any given conversation I'd be happy to oblige, but considering the pace of things already I don't want to hog all the thread time. ;) )

Kahuna Burger

First Post
I hate to say it, but I think we should consider wrapping this up. Things seem to be picking up in terms of games being run and such, and heading back to the inn is looking like a better and better option.

That said, and knowing our fearless leader is still around here somewhere, I'd like to rough out a semi happy ending to this, rather than "and then they went home." At the very least for the effort we've all put in, I think we should be able to assume success on the lesser part of our assignment. One option for the ending would be:

Through the captured pirates and other information gathered, the venom Fang manages to set up a meeting with the devil of the sea to pay him tribute etc. He is quite a bit more experinced with bluffing than Katherine and suspects an alterior motive in her secondary proposal (but believes she is truely a young and brash pirate queen wanna be and doesn't attack the Fang outright over it.) From clues gathered on the brief time on the Cirya, (including Remi's identification of some of the fruits and the pets the pirates have) the group is able to get a good idea of the general location of the pirate's hideout. Regrouping with the others on the gazelle, they scout the suspected area and find not only the island, but some intimidating defenders. Various heriocs allow them to escape with their lives, and the group returns to Orurrus with the information requested (worth the rest of their minimum pay) the damaged Gazelle (returned to their employer) and the Fang (sold and profits split.)

This gives us slightly more than we have now, and more dignity, but far less than we could have come out with had we actually taken the Cirya. If GW and a judge will agree to it, and assign time spent XP, would everyone be ok with it?

Kahuna Burger


I do apologize for not posting an update, people.

I haven't been putting the time and effort into this that I should've been. I could say that I've been busy with work and whatnot, but that doesn't really hold any water when I've been posting elsewhere, now does it? ;) I mean, it's been over a month since I last posted... I could've at least had the decency to post an "update in progress" post at some point (which I considered, but decided against... I didn't want to post that and then not update for weeks).

Also, our judge has disappeared, so we've been running without one for quite awhile.

This game has had some rough spots, and I know I wouldn't have any hard feelings for anybody if we ended it as KB suggested - and not just because I wouldn't have to worry about updating ;). Hopefully the same holds true on everybody else's end. :)

However, if everyone does decide to continue, then I will do my best to update. At least once a week, that much I will promise; I don't know if I can do more than that, though. But it's better than what you've had, as of late.
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Kahuna Burger

First Post
obviously we need buy in from the other active players, but preliminarily I've posted for a new judge to coordinate on XP and treasure. I don't know if you want to consider any RP XP or other than what we got for the pirates and 'time served'

Kahuna Burger


First Post
GW, if you're going to start posting regularly again I'd be plenty happy to keep playing, but I'd really like you to commit to posting 2x/week if we're going to continue.

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