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[Adventure] KOGANÙSAN (DM: Sanzuo, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


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Going by your suggestions, I updated the status so hopefully it's less confusing. Also, Brenwar's not prone. Durp.

[sblock=Status]Player Status:

  • Brenwar: 28/47 hp, 3 damage resist until SONT, 2 surges spent, 5 ongoing damage (save ends)
  • Shrakk: 30/35 hp, 3 surges spent
  • Halleck: 6/25 hp, 5 ongoing damage (save ends), bloodied
  • Karma: 9/20 hp, -1 surge, -2 attacks and skill checks, 2 surges spent, bloodied
  • Kavac: -1/33 hp, prone, unconscious dying
  • Shale: -3/24 hp, -1 surge, -2 attacks and skill checks, 1 surge spent, 5 ongoing damage (save ends), prone, unconscious, dying

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Brenwar continues to attack the mandrills surrounding him but fails to land any meaningful blows. He takes a moment to heal his hurt companion Kavac with Palladys' blessings.
[sblock=Brenwar Combat Actions]
Pre-Turn: Take 5 Damage (woot, ties my bloody value)

Standard Action: Virtuous Strike vs. C10 Mandrill (1d20+9=12, 1d10+5=14) It would be really nice to hit something soon...

Minor Action: Lay on Hands for Kavac (Gain a surge +4 of HP, I spend the surge not you) (I spent a surge so gain 3/- DR)

EOT: Save vs. Bleeding (1d20=14)

[sblock=Combat Stats]
Brenwar – Male Human Paladin 4
Initiative: +1, Speed: 5 Passive Perception: 15, Passive Insight: 20
AC: 24 Fort: 17, Reflex: 17, Will: 19, Resist: 1/all
HP: 23/47, Bloodied: 23 , Surge Value: 11, Surges Left: 10/13
Action Points: 0
Feat Note: Whenever Brenwar spends a healing surge, he gains 3 resistance to all damage until the start of his next turn.
OA Basic Melee Attack: +9 Virtuous Strike (Vanguard's Hammer) 1d10+5 Damage
Powers At-Will Powers:Divine Challenge, Ardent Strike, Virtuous Strike, Enfeebling Strike Lay on Hands (1/3 Remaining)
Encounter Powers: Valorous Smite, Righteous Smite, Virtue, Channel Divinity, Second Wind
Daily Powers: Majestic Halo, Magic Item Daily

[sblock=Halleck Combat Actions]
Pre-Turn: Takes 5 damage

Move Action: Shift to D8

Standard Action: Stirring Shout on the Alpha Mandrill (1d20+4=24, 2d6+4=8) Crit so 16 damage...

AP-> Standard: Second Wind

EOT:Save vs Bleed (1d20=3)


First Post

Karma tries to keep up the psychic assault of disheartening energy while the assault continues to break into the mandrill's mind. Clearly Karma's physical weakness reduced the damage he does. Karma then moves under tree cover to defend again a jumping mandrill.


Dishearten targetting A5
Roll Lookup 14+4-2 = 16 vs Will
Roll Lookup 2+4 = 6 damage


Theory: hopefully Shrakk can oath the monkey to death if he comes at me...




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Kavav feels power entering his body as he opens his eyes and finds himself on the floor. He hears Karma shout finish him and jumps to his feat, ignoring everything around him he charges at the weaken mandrill. With one massive upwards swing he severs the mandrill's arm at the pit. It goes down, passing out due to shock, Kavac knows it will bleed out soon. Feeling the blood of a dying creature on his face makes Kavac feel more powerful, as soon as the monkey hits the ground he turns and charges after his next target. His next attack just misses the monkey but Kavac doesn't mind as he is on his feet while his enemies are falling.

[sblock=Kavac's Stats and Actions]

Move: Stand up.
Standard: Charge to B6 and attack money A5. 17 damage with Howling Strike - 1d20+8=22, 1d12+1d6+4=17. Kills it so triggers Rageblood Vigor and Swift Charge.
Minor: -
Free: Rageblood Vigor - +4 temporary HP.
Free: Swift Charge to B9 and attack money in C10. Miss with Howling Strike - 1d20+8=16, 1d12+1d6+4=16.

Kavac - Goliath Barbarian 1
Racial Features: Mountain's Tenacity, Powerful Athlete, Stone's Endurance
Class Features: Barbarian Agility, Rageblood Vigor, Rampage
Passive Perception 18, Passive Insight 11
AC 16, Fort 17, Reflex 14, Will 13
HP 12+4/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges 11/12
Speed 6+2, Initiative +2
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Pressing Strike, Howling Strike
Encounter Powers: Desperate Fury, Swift Charge, Stone's Endurance
Daily Powers: Swift Panther Rage

[sblock=Status]Player Status:

  • Brenwar: 28/47 hp, 3 damage resist until SONT, 2 surges spent, 5 ongoing damage (save ends)
  • Shrakk: 30/35 hp, 3 surges spent
  • Halleck: 6/25 hp, 5 ongoing damage (save ends), bloodied
  • Karma: 9/20 hp, -1 surge, -2 attacks and skill checks, 2 surges spent, bloodied
  • Kavac: -1/33 hp, prone, unconscious dying
  • Shale: -3/24 hp, -1 surge, -2 attacks and skill checks, 1 surge spent, 5 ongoing damage (save ends), prone, unconscious, dying
I've spent a surge


First Post
[sblock=Mid-Round Map for Shrakk]Here is the current map before Shrakk's turn.

[sblock=HEY EVERYONE]For the rest of the fight, anyone who hits the Alpha Mandrill with an attack heals 4 hit points.[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]Thanks for the map & battle tip :) [/sblock] Noticing that for the first time in this battle they had a tactical advantage, Shrakk decides to make good use of it.

"Get the boss first! The rest will probably flee once we've defeated him!"

Minor: Oath on Alpha Mandril
Standard: Angelic Alacrity on Alpha Mandric, shift to F-10 to get combat advantage & attack. 1d20+11=30 vs AC, 2d12+7=17 damage.
Free: Heal 4HP [/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Stats]Shrakk, Githzerai Avenger 2
Speaks in DarkOrange
HP 34/35 Temp HP 0
Initiative +4
AC 18, Fort 14, Reflex 16, Will 16
AP 0, Surges 6/9
Second Wind [X]
Iron Mind [ ]
Angelic Alacrity [X]
Distracting Flare [ ]
Channel Divinity: Divine Guidance [X]
Channel Divinity: Abjure Undead [ ]
Aspect of Might [ ]

Shift 3 when using second wind.
+2 bonus to saves vs. daze, dominate & stun.


First Post
[sblock=Karma]You didn't have enough movement to make it to A9, so he's in B8.[/sblock]

As the Shale-pile twitches on the ground, the rest of the party continues to press the advantage. Karma continues to cow a mandrill with his mind while Brenwar continues to keep as much attention on himself as possible and dragging Kavac to his feet. Halleck directs an inspiring war cry imbued with psychic force at the mandrill leader, causing it to roar in pain. Once he's back up, Kavac spots a wounded mandrill in his red barbarian tunnel of rage, the very same mandrill being forced back by Karma's power. The goliath leaps through the thick foliage, slays the beast and moves onto the next without slowing down. Meanwhile, bolstered by Halleck's shout, Shrakk charges forward, gleaming sword in hand and plants his blade in the back of the distracted alpha mandrill.

The enraged beast is not yet out of the fight, however. It swings wildly at Brenwar and Shrakk, but they are ready and barely dodge its blows. The remaining two members of its pack desperately try to help their leader, tearing at Brenwar and Shrakk with their paws and gouging them with their fangs.

[sblock=Actions]Player Actions:

  • Shale: Succeeds on saving throw, fails death save.
  • Karma: Hits A5 with Dishearten for 6 damage, moves to B8
  • Brenwar: Ongoing 5 damage, Misses C10 with Virtuous Strike, lay on hands on Kavac, succeeds on saving throw
  • Halleck: Ongoing 5 damage, Shifts to D8, Crits Alpha Mandrill for 16 damage, Action Point: Second Wind, fails saving throw
  • Kavac: Stand, Charges B6 and kills A5 with Howling Strike, +4 temps, Charges B9 and misses C10 with Howling Strike
  • Shrakk: Oath of Enmity on Alpha Mandrill, Angelic Alacrity; shifts to F-10 and hits Alpha Mandrill for 17 damage. Heals 4 hp.

Enemy Actions:

  • Alpha Mandrill:Uses Howl
  • Mandrill J6: Free move to G10.
  • Alpha Mandrill: Misses Brenwar and Shrakk with flailing arms.
  • Mandrill C10: Crits Brenwar for 15(-3) damage and grabs him, bites Brenwar for ongoing 5 damage, leaps to B15.
  • Mandrill G10: Hits Shrakk with a slam for 12 damage and grabs him, bites Shrakk for ongoing 5 damage, Leaps to K10
[/sblock][sblock=Monster Stats]Alpha Mandrill
85/126 HP
AC 19, Fort 17, Ref 17, Will 16
OA: +10 vs. AC, 2d6+4 damage and target is knocked prone

45 HP
AC 17, Fort 15, Ref 16, Will 14
OA: +8 vs. AC, 1d10 + 5 damage and the target is grabbed (until escape)[/sblock][sblock=Status]Player Status:

  • Brenwar: 11/47 hp 3 damage resist until SONT, 3 surges spent, 5 ongoing damage (save ends), bloodied
  • Shrakk: 18/35 hp 3 surges spent, 5 ongoing damage (save ends)
  • Halleck: 7/25 +2 defenses until EONT, 5 ongoing damage (save ends), bloodied
  • Karma: 9/20 hp -1 surge, -2 attacks and skill checks, 2 surges spent, bloodied
  • Kavac: 12/33 hp 1 surge spent, bloodied
  • Shale: -8/22 hp -1 surge, -2 attacks and skill checks, 1 surge spent, prone, unconscious, dying, 1 failed death roll

Enemy Status:

  • Alpha Mandrill: 85/126 Oath of Enmity from Shrakk
  • Mandrill B15: 24/45 hp
  • Mandrill K10: 14/45 bloodied

Reminder: If you hit the Alpha Mandrill with an attack you heal 4 hp.

Voidrunner's Codex

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