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Adventure:Land Ho! FWBTHW (DM:H.M.Gimlord,Judge:Ozymandias79)


Fenwick attempts to bring the boat about as Jin, losing his temper at being targeted without cause, extricates the javelin from the side of the launch and lofts it back toward the eerie light from whence it came. To his surprise, the javelin strikes home forcing a ghastly howl to emanate from its mark, and with muffled splash, the light falls into the water and goes dark.

As Fenwick finishes his turn, the boat comes about and bumps into a smaller boat that they had not seen until now. Riardon notices a body lying in the bottom of the small craft.

Several other lights appear just outside the obscuring wall of fog that encircles the launch. Talon and Jin count three lights between them. All is silent for a moment, but then there is a stirring sound in the air followed quickly by a rain of steel and wood.

Most of the javelins either fall harmlessly either in the water, or as is the case with six of them, embed themselves in the solid oak timbers of the launch, but one catches Fenwick on the shoulder, leaving a nasty gash.

The water begins to boil with life as fetid, rotting arms grasp the side of the boat. One of these creatures manages to climb in. He grins toothlessly at you through a jaw that sags hanging on a single mandibular joint in what must, at one time, have been his right temple. His body is decomposed and missing several organs, one of which, being the most obvious, is his skin. Reaching with his right arm, he grabs his left wrist and proceeds to dislodge his left arm from its rotator cuff. Using the disembodied limb as club, he brings it down across Jin’s face, whiplashing him badly and leaving a cut on his cheek.

The rotten undead mass laughs silently, his lungs unable to produce the sound because they are missing. He maintains his toothless, dangling grin as his fellow corpses climb aboard.

The dwarf is nowhere in sight.

Riardon, alarmed by the sheer number of assailants, conjures a sheet of ice that coats the surface of the water. Six of the horrid undead freeze and crumble to dust as the ice shifts on the calm waters, but one manages to break free from the lower half of his body and clamber his way up to the side of the launch.

The zombie at the bow of the boat, the one with the dangling jaw and disembodied arm, continues to laugh ignoring the ice that climbs up his legs and coats the outside of his exposed organs. The laughter stops only when the ice finishes encasing the creature, at which point he crumbles to the deck of the launch shattering into frozen dust.[sblock=Mechanics] A bajillion drowned ones swim in to surround the boat
One is close enough to end his move inside the boat.

13 javelins fly from all directions, but only 5 are targeted at squares in which the party is standing.

[sblock=Mechanics]Drowned Ones beyond the wall of fog:
Standard: 1d20+7-5(TC)=14;20;14;14;14 vs. AC

From front to back in the boat: 1=Jin (miss), 2=Fenwick (hit for 4 damage), 3=Riardon (miss), 4=Talon(miss), 5=Dayna(miss)

DO 1:
Standard: Slam
Target: Jin
Attack: 1d20+5=19 vs. AC Hit for 4 damage

Standard: Chilling Cloud
Target: Drowned One at G-1
Attack: 1d20+4=18;15;8;19;14;19 vs. Fortitude Hits 5 out of 6!
Drowned One’s entering F-2- H0 suffer -2 penalty to attack until end of Riardon’s next turn.
[/sblock][sblock=status]Jin F1 28/32 AP 1 HS 6
Fenwick G2 33/37 AP 1 HS 11
Riardon G1 39/39 AP 1 HS 8
Talon H2 31/31 AP 1 HS 8
Dayna H3 30/30 AP 1 HS 2

Drowned Ones are Minions. Either they’re alive or dead, and you can’t see all of them, so I’m just going to keep their numbers a secret for now.[/sblock][sblock=Map Broad View]
[/sblock][sblock=Map Close Up]
[/sblock][sblock=OOC]OK. Everybody gets a turn![/sblock]

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First Post
Startled and wounded, Fenwick sets down his oar, hefts his axe, and leans over the edge of the boat to strike at the undead creature floating in the water. Unfortunately, he loses his balance, and topples over into the bottom of the boat. He still swats at the enemy, but his blow swings wide.

"Fenwick annoyed with unsteady boat!"
he yells.

Athletics Check: 1d20+9=14 fail.
Move->Minor: put down oar carefully.
Minor: pick up axe.
Standard: Howl of Fury at Drowned One in F3 1d20+8-2=11

Probably just as well. Attempting to strike a creature in the water, I'm not sure whether there's any additional penalty or not. I'm not requesting one. With the trouble we have staying upright, it's tough enough.[/sblock]
[sblock=Fenwick stat block]Fenwick Male Orc Barbarian 2
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11, Senses: Low-light
AC:18, Fort:16, Reflex:13, Will:14
HP:33/37, Bloodied:18, Surge Value:9, Surges left:11/11
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: unused
Powers:Howling Strike, Howl of Fury, Warrior's Surge, Roar of Triumph,
Vault the Fallen, Shrug It Off,
Swift Panther Rage, Vanguard Execution Axe

Feral Might: When Fenwick bloodies an enemy, the next attack by him
or one of his allies against that enemy gains a +3 bonus to the attack roll.


[sblock=OOC]I hope we're not waiting for me, because I'm waiting for P8 to decide if he wants to retcon his post given the current situation.[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post

"Don't let them swarm the boat! Shove them back into the water! If to many enter, back-to-back!" Riardon commands, but his companions are not mere soldier and already take their actions. Just a habit...

I'm very fine with your roll last round! :)

New action from Riardon? Don't sure if you need one.


Everyone in 20 sq around Riardon gets a +2 to initiative.
When you spend an AP, you get a +3 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 17 Insight: 12 Low-light Vision
AC 19 Fortitude 17 Reflex 16 Will 15
Hit Points: 39 / 39 Bloodied: 19
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:9 Surges per day: 8 / 8
At-Will Powers: Commander's Strike, Opening Shove
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 2/2, Aid the Injured, Chilling Cloud, Warlords Favor, Steel Monsoon, Feystep
Daily Powers: Calculated Assault, Sunblade Burst




[sblock=WD]How was the weekend?
I'm just waiting on P8. He jumped out of initiative, and I'm giving him the chance to change his mind, given the outcome of the enemy attack.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Undead]Can't anyone turn the undead? or has a massive undead area attack?[/sblock]

"Water Oni..." Jin muttered, readying himself in battle stance. He watched as the enemies approached, letting them come to him before he would cut them down. Though the boat bobbed with the waves, he stood firm, unaffected.

[sblock=Action Block, Mini-Stats]
Readied action: Twin Strike (1 hit, 1 miss)
Readied action: Unbalancing Parry (if DO in boat and misses me)

[sblock=Action Block]
Move: N/A
Minor: N/A
: Twin Strike

  • Readying Trigger: Two enemies are adjacent, target two enemies; or all enemies have moved, only one enemy is adjacent, target that enemy.
  • Target: DO
  • Attack1: 1D20 + 8 => 16 Hit
  • Attack2: 1D20 + 7 => 9 Miss
[sblock=ignore]Standard: Twin Strike

  • Target: Drake
  • Attack1: 1D20 + 6 => 8 miss
  • Damage1: N/a
  • Attack2: 1D20 + 6 => 15 miss
  • Damage2: n/a
[/sblock]Interrupt: unbalancing Parry

  • Readying Trigger: One DO is in the boat and misses me. The DO is adjacent to water that is a legal shift into.
  • Target: DO who missed
  • Effect: Shift DO back into water. Preferably water adjacent to Jin
Athletics Check: 1D20 + 9 => 27 (At least I didn't fall)
[/sblock][sblock=Jin Stat block]Ashikaga Jin'emon - Male Human Ranger 2
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: +18, Passive Insight: +14
AC: 17, Fort: 16, Reflex: 17, Will: 14 -- Speed: 6

HP: 32/32, Bloodied: 16, Surge Value: 8, Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Common, Elven

Basic Attacks
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +8 vs AC - Acidic Katana 1d10+5
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +7 vs AC - Thrown Dagger 1D4+3

Hunter's Quarry, Twin Strike, Shield of Blades, Hit & Run
Encounter: Off-Hand Strike, Acidic Katana Ranged Attack, Healer's Gift
Daily: Jaws of the Wolf, Acid Katana Attack

1 Acidic Katana (Acidic Bastard Sword +1 stats)
1 Katana (Bastard Sword stats)
[/sblock]One hit is better than none.

Walking Dad

First Post
[sblock=WD]How was the weekend?
I'm just waiting on P8. He jumped out of initiative, and I'm giving him the chance to change his mind, given the outcome of the enemy attack.[/sblock]
[sblock=HMG]Thanks, was fine. As I said, great rolls for Riardon.
Just wanted to say something out of initiative and make a change to the statblock because of the (effectively) used encounter power. The tactic to shove them back was just a in-time tactic. Game wise, I fear it will only delay the inevitable.[/sblock]


First Post
The shifter wishes he could dive in to try and rescue the dwarf, but Talon sees the waves churn with the movement of so many foes and knows he would likely die as well. Not liking the idea of them swarming up both sides of the launch, he leans hard into the nearest oar and tries to shift the boat to make all of the creatures on one side of it along with shielding the smaller boat beside them from the creatures. He also marks the nearest enemy he sees for a target once he's done turning the boat here.

[sblock=Actions/Stat block]Start= 31/31 hps
Minor= Mark F3 as w/ Hunters Quarry
Standard= turn boat 45 degrees to line it up in the G/H lines on the map.
Move= try to stop the boat from drifting
End=31/31 still, unless the bad guys go before him.
[sblock=Talon Stat block]Talon- Male Longtooth Shifter Beastmaster Ranger 2
Passive Perception: +14, Passive Insight: +19, Initiative: +4
AC: 17, Fort: 15, Reflex: 15, Will: 14 -- Speed: 6
HP: 31/31, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
:bmelee: Basic Attack: +7 vs AC - +1 Longspear 1d10+4
:bmelee: Basic Attack: +7 vs AC (with reach 3) - +1 Longspear 1d10+4 lightning
:bmelee: Basic Attack: +4 vs Reflex - Savage Rend 1d8+3 and slide target 1 square
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +6 vs AC - Longbow 1d10+3
Circling Strike, Predator Strike, Wild Shape, Reach 3 basic attack
Encounter: Longtooth Shifting, Enclose the Prey, Savage Rend
Daily: Partnered Savaging, Longspear Push[/sblock][sblock=Wolf Companion stat block] Dayna - Wolf Companion 2
Passive Perception: +17, Passive Insight: +12
AC: 16, Fort: 14, Reflex: 14, Will: 15 -- Speed: 7
HP: 30/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges left: 2/2
:bmelee: Basic Attack: Bite, +6 vs. AC; 1d8+2 (Dex)
Racial Abilities: Combat Advantage- When a wolf has CA, it gets +2(Wis mod) to damage rolls.[/sblock][/sblock]


Talon manages to turn the boat as the putrid creatures close. Realizing that they are being out maneuvered, they quickly reposition themselves to encircle the craft.

The water stirs as the party recognizes, for the first time, the vessels that bear the strange lights. Three large skiffs float into view carrying more of the same undead menace.

With gnashing teeth (or jawbones for those that have none remaining), the water-wrinkled zombies attack the small rescue party as if they were blaming their first deaths on this group of innocents.

Javelins fly between boats, raining on Jin and Riardon. The points find chinks in their armor, and the begin to bleed. Dayna, though not pierced is bludgeoned by the side of a javelin that strikes the side of the boat and twirls end-over-end like a drum major’s baton. The wayward weapon flips over rail and pounds Dayna’s flank. As she leaps to her feat, a half-disintegrated body climbs up over the port, aft rail. Launching himself forward, he throws what is left of his body against the side of the wolf, slamming her against the side of the boat.

Fenwick is likewise, indirectly struck by a bouncing missile. As he rights himself from the blow, one of the corpses frozen in Riardon’s floe breaks loose from his lower limbs. The disembodied combination of Torso, head, and arms clamors its way up onto the boat, but Jin is ready and runs him through. The creature crumbles to dust while another reaches over the rail, taking vain swipe at the rhonin.

Though the pain of the attack is severe, it is not altogether blinding. Riardon looks over the port rail of the boat and discovers to his amazement and dismay that the unconscious lump in the small craft is none other than Rujah. This realization can come none too soon, for at just that moment, a zombie climbs into the comatose dragonborn’s launch looking for a victim on which to concentrate a lifetime of rage.

Talon also notices one of the eerie lights has come around toward the aft of their boat. It’s a little different than the others. It’s hovering about 20 feet above the surface of the water.
[sblock=Mechanics]Drowned Ones in Boat Throw 12 javelins:

Jin is hit twice for 8 damage
Riardon hit twice for 8 damage
Fenwick is hit once for 4 damage
Dayna is hit once for 4 damage each

IC could only accept 8 rolls at a time, so I had to split this up into two posts: 1, 2

Drowned One F0:
Standard: Slam
Target: Jin
Attack: 1d20+5-2(Cover)=5

Drowned One H5:
Standard: Slam
Target: Dayna
Attack: 1d20+5=19 Hit for 4 damage

Other Moves: Too numerous to list, but with a swim 8, and a speed 6, it’s not hard to see that they can pretty much get to where ever they want to in one turn. From here on out, however, I will track their moves more explicitly. Suffice to say, you can trust that I am not giving them wings.[/sblock][sblock=Status]Jin G1 20/32 AP 1 HS 6
Fenwick G2 29/37 AP 1 HS 11
Riardon H2 31/39 AP 1 HS 8
Talon G3 31/31 AP 1 HS 8
Dayna G4 22/30 AP 1 HS 2
Rujah I0 0/41 Unconscious (no death saves required) AP 1 HS 12

Enemies (that you can see :devil:):

Mysterious Light: H11 (5 squares in the air)

Last edited:

Voidrunner's Codex

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