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[Adventure]: Land Ho! FWBTHW (DM:H.M.Gimlord,Judge:Ozymandias79)

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"Fenwick happy to abet Riardon in killing of monster!" the Orc yells, getting into position and charging headlong at the creature Riardon hit. His axe bites deep, setting it up for another attack, which Fenwick takes advantage of, swinging his axe back, then forward again, connecting on the backswing, but not on his last attempt.

Move: to P31
Standard: Charge to Q27: Howling Strike (Charge) vs. Gargoyle #2 (1d20+10+4+1=31, 1d12.minroll(3)+1d8+2d6+7=26)
AP: Since I bloodied him, my or an ally's next attack is +3 to attack and damage. Vault the Fallen (attack #1) vs. Gargoyle #2 (1d20+10+3=22, 1d12.minroll(3)+1d6+10=24) and since he's so close to death, I'll do the second attack against him too. Vault the Fallen (attack #2) vs. Gargoyle #2 (1d20+10=11, 1d12.minroll(3)+1d6+7=13). Drat. So Close.[/sblock][sblock=Fenwick stat block]Fenwick Male Orc Barbarian 5
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Low-light
AC:19, Fort:18, Reflex:13, Will:15
HP:55/55, Bloodied:27, Surge Value:13, Surges left:11/11
Action Points: 0 (used), Second Wind: unused
Powers:Howling Strike, Howl of Fury, Giantkind Gloves
Warrior's Surge, Roar of Triumph, Vault the Fallen, Shrug It Off, Shatterbone Strike, Giantkind Gloves
Swift Panther Rage, Tiger Claw Rage, Rage Strike x2, Vanguard Execution Axe, Skald's Armor[/sblock]


Riardon’s blow to the Runespiral Demon cracks the foul beast’s shell, which releases a resounding

The air scintillates with electricity. Harmless, but loud.

Not so harmless are the swarm of poison darts that immediately fill the room, striking all of the party save Riardon, who somehow manages to be out of the spray. The adventurers soon realize that the prick of these darts is only the beginning as poison works its way into their targets.

“Ouch!” The second gargoyle screams as Riardon and Fenwick continue their attack, “Not fair!”

The other gargoyle ignores his friend’s pleas, choosing, instead, to go after Rujah and Gensai. Managing only to connect with the warden, the gargoyle contents himself to stay and provide support to his companion as he targets the Rhonin again along with Mervin, but both of these attacks prove unsuccessful,

“Intruders in my Master's library!”

he screams, and, not wishing to be killed, the second gargoyle takes flight, disappearing through the opening in the curtain and into the hallway.

Whether in response to the Runspiral Demon’s noisy demise, or in response to the gargoyle’s warning, the sounds of grating stone and voices are heard from beyond the curtain.

Someone is coming…

Poison Dart Wall Trap 1
Attack vs. Gensai: 1d20+11=24
Attack vs. Rujah: 1d20+11=23
Attack vs. Mervin: 1d20+11=26
Attack vs. Fenwick: 1d20+11=29
Damage: 1d8+2=5 + Ongoing 10 Poison Damage (save ends)

Standard: Crashing Stride
Effect: Shift to O29
Target 1: Rujah
Attack1: 1d20+12= 26 vs. AC for 2d6+4=12 damage and slide to N30
Attack: 1d20+12=14 vs. Miss

Standard: Crashing Stride
Effect: Shift to
Attack: 1d20+12=23 vs. AC Miss
Attack: 1d20+12=17 vs. AC Miss

Move: Leaping Glide behind the curtain at O/P31 and out of sight

Stealth: 1d20+12+10=30

Ironstone Gargoyle 2 is invisible

Ruajah: N30 45/62 HP 10/12 HS 1AP Ongoing 10 Poison Damage (Save Ends)
Gensai: P29 57/62 HP 10/11 HS 1AP Ongoing 10 Poison Damage (Save Ends)
Riardon: P27 54/54 HP 8/8 HS 1AP
Fenwick: Q27 50/55 HP 11/11 HS 1AP Ongoing 10 Poison Damage (Save Ends)
Mervin: P30 35/40 8/8 HS 1AP Ongoing 10 Poison Damage (Save Ends)

Ironstone Gargoyle 1: O29 80/80
Ironstone Gargoyle 2: ?? 9/80 Bloodied, Invisible
Runespiral Demon -1/51 Dead

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Walking Dad

First Post

Riardon quickly steps in to flak with Rujah, his sword penetrating the creature hide opening up a better point for Rujah to strike.


Free: Change damage to radiant
Move: Shift to P28
Standard: Intuitive strike vs gargoyle (Hits 31 will for 8 damage); Rujah gets a +2 extra bonus to hit in addition to flanking.


When you spend an AP, you get a +1 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Riardon d'Caelis
Perception: 19 Insight: 14 Low-light Vision
AC 22 Fortitude 19 Reflex 19 Will 17
Initiative: +3
Hit Points: 54 / 54 Bloodied: 27
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:13 Surges per day: 8 / 8
At-Will Powers: Directing Strike, Intuitive Strike
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 2/2, Battlefront Shift, Arcane Mutterings, Chilling Cloud, Warlords Favor, Steel Monsoon, Feystep, Rousing Words, Amulet of Life
Daily Powers: Calculated Assault, Stand the Fallen, Sunblade Burst


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First Post
OOC: About that trap... a DC 27 is impossible for our group, so it can't be disabled. My question is two fold:
1. I assume it will fire every round. Correct?
2. Can we tell were the dart holes were? It's too bad the enemies weren't caught in it yet, but maybe we can still do that.
3. If we leave the the room for the hallway, would that be out of range of the trap?


OOC: About that trap... a DC 27 is impossible for our group, so it can't be disabled. My question is two fold:
GM: The trap actually can be disabled with a concentrated search (not recommended until after combat), but it would require a high roll and AAs from just about everyone. I actually had to reduce the DC from the cookie-cutter version to make it possible.
OOC: 1. I assume it will fire every round. Correct?
GM: No. The trap will fire on its initiative after a PC has entered the triggering square. See "Trigger" in the stat block.

OOC: 2. Can we tell were the dart holes were? It's too bad the enemies weren't caught in it yet, but maybe we can still do that.
GM: Yes. See "Perception" in the stat block for DCs and results.

OOC: 3. If we leave the the room for the hallway, would that be out of range of the trap?
GM: You can always try. :devil:
BenBrown said:
Are the tables just difficult terrain? Any special rules
  • There are DT markers on the map where the tables present difficult terrain (specifically, M26,M27, O26,P26,Q26, R26-R28, N28,N29, O28,O29, M31, N31, Q31, R31). Since the gargoyles can fly, they aren't affected.
  • The desks in the center of the room (N28,N29, O28,O29) grant superior cover to prone creatures provided that the desks block line of effect.
  • The curtain blocks line of sight, but not line of effect for area and adjacent melee attacks.
  • The curtain grants cover and concealment (total where line of sight is blocked enough).
  • It is a minor action to open the curtain completely, though a simple move action can take a PC through it at P31 because it is already partially open.
  • I'm open to PCs using their imagination when it comes to improvised weapons (chairs, lecturns, candelabras, etc...)
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First Post
Fenwick winces at the dart, but his habit of eating strange plants protects him from the poison's worst effects. He then moves swiftly around the table, before jumping up on it so as to leave the monster in the midst of it surrounded.
"Perish now, enemy!" he shouts at the gargoyle as his axe swings wide, much to his embarrasment.

[sblock=actions]Before Fenwick's turn: Shrug it Off save vs. Poison (1d20=11). Since this succeeds, he shifts 1 square to P27.
Move: to N29 via M28.
Standard: Howling Strike vs. Gargoyle #1 (1d20+10+2=16, 1d12.minroll(3)+1d6+7=18) Miss.[/sblock][sblock=Fenwick stat block]Fenwick Male Orc Barbarian 5
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Low-light
AC:19, Fort:18, Reflex:13, Will:15
HP:50/55, Bloodied:27, Surge Value:13, Surges left:11/11
Action Points: 0 (used), Second Wind: unused
Powers:Howling Strike, Howl of Fury, Giantkind Gloves
Warrior's Surge, Roar of Triumph, Vault the Fallen, Shrug It Off, Shatterbone Strike, Giantkind Gloves
Swift Panther Rage, Tiger Claw Rage, Rage Strike x2, Vanguard Execution Axe, Skald's Armor[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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