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Adventure: Lord Byron’s Economic Woes (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)


[sblock=Tenchuu,ryryguy]Benefit of the doubt, and as an observer, I'm entertained by the originality of the idea of conducting a ritual before a skill challenge. Go for it!

BTW: ryrygy: Have you even submitted yet? When you do, I'll review, but if you don't move the 9gp to Nature, I'll be very upset :rant:.[/sblock]

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First Post
That stuff is a carryover from the sheet that he used as a template (it also links to the treasure he received in my Fire & Ice game

ryryrguy has to still finish the math section and below (he mentioned it earlier) so it's not ready to review. Neither is my PC (need to wait until JNC gives out xp in Keep Striker's Alive so I can officially retire Blade and then submit Kane)


First Post
[sblock=Encounter #1]Success!
Thanks to some ryryguy quick thinking, and judge judging, the ritual is cast, and all players passed their checks.

Generally, until I post my turn, players are welcome to re-do their actions, just make sure that you post an OOC stating that your edited your previous action post.

In this case, I got it, no edits needed.[/sblock]
The adventurers moved with silence through the thick brush and into the clearing of the camp. The smoke plume of the charcoal pit provided concealment as they creep closer to the camp. Splitting up to move around the charcoal pit, they spied four kobolds, two ranged, two melee, as well as a scorpion. They stood in front of three huts.

Passive Perception beat DC: Inside the center hut, there is a humanoid form.

The adventurers had the advantage of surprise on their side.

[sblock=Encounter #2]
2 Kobold Slingers, 2 Kobold Skirmishers, 1 Stormclaw Scorpion.

Surprise Round: You have surprise, so each player gets a major, minor or move (pick 1) this round. Any attacks get a +2 to hit.

Roll Init: Each player needs to roll initiative. Any players with initiative higher than 19 can perform their regular turn after their surprise action. If you roll lower than 19, you need to wait for the enemies to go.

I picked out tokens for you. If you find another you prefer, just let me know.
C12 - Kane
C13 - Wil
G12 - Herguna
G13 - Tessa
Enemy Initiative Roll = 19
Wil Rando (?): C13 28/28 HS 10/10 AP 1
Tessa Tressd'n (?): G13 23/23 HS 7/7 AP 1
Hergunna (?): G12 31/31 HS 9/9 AP 1
Kane (?): C12 35/35 HS 10/10 AP 1

Kobold Slinger (19) - D6 24/24
Kobold Slinger (19) - E6 24/24
Kobold Skirmisher (19) - G4 27/27
Kobold Skirmisher (19) - I5 27/27
Stormclaw Scorpion (19) - F4 32/32

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Wil sees the fiendish kobolds ahead and draws his arrow. Before they notice him, he looses a shot while whistling a few deliberately off key notes. The arrow goes wide of the target, but Wil looks optimistic. Close on the ones with the slings first! he calls out to Kane

Initiative 1d20+1=12
Surprise action (Standard) Jinx Shot 1d20+7=9 (vs Slinger in D6 AC) for 1d10+5=10 damage. Looks like a miss
Knowledge Nature for kobolds and scorpion 1d20+5=14

Initiative: +1 Speed: 5 Passive Perception:13 Passive Insight: 15
AC: 16 NAD:13/12/16
HP: 28/28 Surges: 10/10 Surge Value: 7 AP: 1
Languages: Allarian, Imperia, Draconic
Str:8 Dex:13 Wis:11 Con:16 Int:10 Cha:20

Bardic Virtue (Once per round, when any ally within 5 squares of you reduces an enemy to 0 hit points or bloodies an enemy, you can grant 3 temporary hit points to that ally as a free action.)
Jinx Shot
Cutting Words

Shout of Triumph
Twin Strike
Hunter's Quarry
Majestic Word
Words of Friendship

Arrow of Warning

Full Character Sheet



First Post
Tessa moved around the fire shielding her eyes, the acrid smoke making them water, when she spies the kobolds in the distance...

[sblock=Inititive] 3... guess who is slow to go. Roll Lookup

(On her surprise turn)
Tessa would leap into form pulling a red crystal sphere out in one hand and a long slender athame in the other, the orb contained magical twisting arcane energy inside, similar energy would form over the two kobold slingers and silvery blades would rain down upon them, but the kobolds would fend off the bulk of the blades.

[sblock=Cloud of Daggers]15 vs Ref for the first 1(w surprise)http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2331165/, 20 vs Ref for the second (w/surprise) http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2331166/, and a paltry 5 damage
Roll Lookup[/sblock]
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That stuff is a carryover from the sheet that he used as a template (it also links to the treasure he received in my Fire & Ice game

ryryrguy has to still finish the math section and below (he mentioned it earlier) so it's not ready to review. Neither is my PC (need to wait until JNC gives out xp in Keep Striker's Alive so I can officially retire Blade and then submit Kane)

In any case, Ryryguy is committed to spending 10gp on Nature components as of execution of this ritual[/sblock]


First Post
Kane smiles as he sees the enemies before him, with a silent nod to Hergunna for her aide, the barbarian charges in, his bastard sword held high above him. The blade slams into the kobold and Kane cries out "First blood to me!". The bugbear smiles as he waits for the inevitable counterattack.

Charge to C7 (against D6) - vs ac; dmg; init (1d20 10=28, 1d12 6 1d8=12, 1d20 5=12) Hits AC 28 for 12 damage
Initiative is 12

[sblock=ministats]Kane Male Bugbear Barbarian 2
Initiative: +5, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11, Senses: Low-light
AC:19, Fort:17, Reflex:16, Will:12
HP:35/35, Bloodied:17, Surge Value:8, Surges left:10/10
Action Points: 1
Howl of Fury
Whirling Rend

Predatory Eye
Whirling Lunge
Whirling Frenzy
Shrug it Off

Swift Panther Rage

Important Stuff:
+1d8 damage when charging. Cool stuff happens when he bloodies or kills a bad guy


Full sheet: L4W:pC:Kane (renau1g - ENWiki) [/sblock]


First Post
That stuff is a carryover from the sheet that he used as a template (it also links to the treasure he received in my Fire & Ice game

ryryrguy has to still finish the math section and below (he mentioned it earlier) so it's not ready to review. Neither is my PC (need to wait until JNC gives out xp in Keep Striker's Alive so I can officially retire Blade and then submit Kane)

[sblock=ooc, components]Exactly right, the math section on down is just copied from Ingot's sheet (plus a few search and replace like "Druid" for "Cleric"). I did already purchase some nature components in Character Builder... though of course you'll have to take my word for that, I have no way to prove it. :( If it helps, the only rituals that Hergunna knows are both Nature, so it wouldn't make sense for Hergunna to have Arcana components.

And no I haven't submitted yet obviously as the sheet is half Ingot. :)

I will go ahead and stick my character builder summary in Hergunna's sheet, that should show all the choices I've made at least, and I'll try to get the rest of the sheet done soon so I can officially submit. Sorry for the confusion.

Also I am extremely pleased that I actually managed to choose a useful ritual and use it! First time ever for me!

*edit* Ok, I put the Char Builder summary on the sheet. Hopefully this can serve as the stopgap "official" version of Hergunna until I actually submit.[/sblock]
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First Post
Hergunna looks over the camp quickly, noting the positions of the kobolds and a shadow in the hut straight ahead. "Careful, there's somebody in the middle hut too!", she calls out.

She moves her arm in a throwing motion, and a bolt of flame leaves her hand, flying at the kobold that Kane engaged. As it travels through the air, the bolt unfold wings and legs and beak, taking the form of a hawk. It screeches like a live thing as it rockets down at the kobold...

[sblock=Actions]Initiative (1d20+3=19) (Drat, almost beat them! That would have been nice.)
Standard: Fire Hawk: Fire Hawk vs. Slinger D6 (Ref) (1d20+4+2=18, 1d8+4=7) Hits, maybe?
Note that (if a hit) Hergunna can attack using Fire Hawk as an opportunity attack if the slinger does something that provokes opportunity attacks.[/sblock]
[sblock=Judge]Hey H.M., I want to ask premptively about Fire Hawk. It says I can use the follow-on opportunity attack if the target "takes any action that can provoke opportunity attacks." How would that work if the target moves? Would it have to leave a threatened space in order to trigger, or would any (non-shift) movement do it? I'm not sure.[/sblock]
[sblock=Hergunna stat block]Hergunna- Female Human Druid 1
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19
AC:16, Fort:13, Reflex:15, Will:16 -- Speed:7
HP:31/31, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:9/9
Initiative +3
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Not Used
Powers: Fire Hawk, Call of the Beast, Chill Wind, Savage Rend, Wild Shape, Thorn Spray, Summon Pack Wolf, Hunter's Quarry


First Post
[sblock=Judge,LadyJane]Am I reading cloud of daggers right? To me it looks like a 1-square target area. I want to make sure I'm not short changing the players. At the moment, I have it targeting the slinger than Kane attacked. If the judge corrects me, I'll add the damage to the other slinger.

As the firehawk soared to it's target, the slinger screamed out; it would be its final sound. The slinger next to it, shocked by the attack and angered by the death of its comrade, bared its teeth and hissed as it moved away. "To the hellsss with you, intrudersss!"

The slinger retreated south, and then flung a bullet at Kane, but the attack sailed high. The two skirmishers moved into action, pushing ahead. In position, the first attacked with its spear. The blow sneaked in below Kane's guard and sliced his leg.

While occupied, the second skirmisher moved around the back of Kane, flanking with his spear, driving the point into Kane's back.

The Scorpion moved up last, focusing on he barbarian. Its large claws gripped the bugbear, cutting deeping into his flesh, drawing a stream of hot blood. Kane was now caught in the Scorpion's grasp.

"Yessss!" The kobolds hissed at the sight of enemy blood.

Slinger 2
Move: E6 to I6.
Standard: Special Shot Miss.
Minor: shift to J5

Skirmisher 1
Move: I5, H6, G6, F7, E7, D8
Standard: Spear Attack=19 Hit
Damage: 5 to Kane

Skirmisher 2
Move: G4, F5, E5, D5, C6
Minor: Shifty (shifts to B6)
Standard: Spear attack, flanking=27 Hit
Damage: 8 to Kane

Move: F4 to D7
Standard: Claw Grab=28 critial hit
Damage: Kane takes full damage, 9
Wil Rando (12): C13 28/28 HS 10/10 AP 1
Tessa Tressd'n (3): G13 23/23 HS 7/7 AP 1
Hergunna (19): G12 31/31 HS 9/9 AP 1
Kane (12): C7 15/35 bloodied HS 10/10 AP 1 Grabbed by Scorpion until Escape

Kobold Slinger (19) - D6 0/24 dead
Kobold Slinger (19) - J5 24/24
Kobold Skirmisher (19) - D8 27/27
Kobold Skirmisher (19) - B6 27/27
Stormclaw Scorpion (19) - D7 32/32

Kobold Skirmisher
HP 27; Bloodied 13
AC 15; Fortitude 11, Reflex 14, Will 13;
Speed 6
Spear (standard; at-will) Weapon
+6 vs. AC; 1d8 damage; see also mob attack.
Combat Advantage
The kobold skirmisher deals an extra 1d6 damage on melee and ranged attacks against any target it has combat advantage against.
Mob Attack
The kobold skirmisher gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls per kobold ally adjacent to the target.
Shifty (minor; at-will)
The kobold shifts 1 square.

Kobold Slinger
HP 24; Bloodied 12
AC 13; Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 12;
Speed 6
Dagger (standard; at-will) Weapon
+5 vs. AC; 1d4 + 3 damage.
Sling (standard; at-will) Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +6 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage; see also special shot.
Special Shot
The kobold slinger can fi re special ammunition from its sling. It typically carries 3 rounds of special shot, chosen from the types listed below. A special shot attack that hits deals normal damage and has an additional eff ect depending on its type:
Stinkpot: The target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Firepot (Fire): The target takes ongoing 2 fi re damage (save ends).
Gluepot: The target is immobilized (save ends).
Shifty (minor; at-will)
The kobold shifts 1 square.
Stormclaw Scorpion
HP 32; Bloodied 16
AC 16; Fortitude 14, Reflex 12, Will 11
Speed 6
Claws (standard; at-will) Lightning
+8 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage, and a Medium or smaller target is grabbed (until escape). A grabbed target takes 5 lightning damage at the start of the stormclaw scorpion’s turn.
Sting (standard; at-will) Poison
+6 vs. Fortitude; 1d4 + 3 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and is immobilized (save ends both). The stormclaw scorpion can use this attack against a target it has grabbed.
Reactive Sting (immediate reaction, when an enemy grabbed by the scorpion escapes; at-will)
So, Kane, sorry man. IC was against you in this set of rolls. You were the only target close enough for them to gang up on (bad for you, good for everyone else).

My outside recruit is creating his character now. I am hoping to introduce him at the end of this encounter, or at the beginning of the next.

Also, sorry about the delay. We just got a foster child placement, and I am still trying to work out a new schedule of things.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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