(Adventure)M2.5: Irene Alone, again.


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Jezibel waits impatiently for Irene to prepare her spells. "I guess you wizards go about things a little diffently. But hey, we need your spells."

Farlic is apparently a sound sleeper and doesn't seem to move while Irene stuides.

Once done, Jezibel has prepared Orion for the trip. "Why don't you wake up Farlic," she says with a grin. "Then we can go."

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[OoC: Gah, a week has passed since my last post. I feel really bad about not letting you know about my busy week, but I didnt expect to be so short on time.]

Irene checks her crossbow while walking over to Orion to put away her books, then turning around to face Jezibel, some 15ft away. She makes sure her crossbow is ready, as this is the moment she has been waiting for, or at least, that's what she hopes.

"To be honest, I have a better idea Jez. How about I don't, and return you the favor from the One Eyed Owl?"

Not waiting for Jez's reply, Irene blasts the girl with a Color Spray, and depending on the effect, she'll attack Jezibel. If she's stunned, Irene will launch a crossbow bolt, if she resists the spell, it'll depend on how actions are taken.

[OoC: Funny detail, I actually remembered the name of the tavern from the first adventure. Now I'm praying the dice will be in Irene's favor for a change ^^]


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No problem on the pace. Since its just the two of us now, you're not holding anyone up. I assigned Irene XPs in the main thread. I believe that post would be on the last page. If/when Irene gets a chance to rest and study in peace, she can add these and level up.

For this battle, I am going to ask that all die rolls be made online. This is because its just the two of us, and b/c this is an important battle. If Irene loses, there will be no calvary, no healers, just anonymous death.

Let's assume Irene is standing 15 feet away from Jezibel. J is standing next to her horse, weapons sheathed.

Irene's color spray save. Will +4
Jezibel's save: 13+1 wis +1 class. success.

Initiative: DRR 4+3 = 7

Jezibel's hand instinctively flies up to cover her eyes. "You bitch!" she shreiks, drawing her weapons.

Roll you inititaive. If you win, go ahead & act.
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Irene's Initiative: 20+3(dex) = 23

Seeing her spell failed her, Irene takes aim and fires the crossbow at Jezibel. "Take two!" Irene bites at Jezibel as she lets the bolt fly.


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Irene's bolt misses. Jezibel's eyes flash with hate as she closes with Irene.

OOC: Draw sword (move action); move 15 feet(move action) Now Irene's turn for round 2. Since Jezibel has closed, casting a spell would provoke an AoO

Jezibel stats:
[sblock]Female Human Rog5; hp 22 (current: 16); AC 16 (MW studded leather + dex); Atk: +4 melee (1d6+1) short sword or +6 short bow (1d6); str 12 dex 17 con 10 int 12 wis 12 chr 14; feats: Acrobatic, persusive, skill focus (bluff)[/sblock]


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With Jezibel being in range, Irene sucessfully casts Mage Armor while dodging any stabs Jezibel might throw at her.

Concentration for Casting on the Defensive: 18+5 = 23, succes. Mage Armor activated. Irene has now 18AC.


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round 2

Jezibel stabs with her short sword. "You've made a big mistake, little bitch!" Irene easily dodges the thrust.

OOG: Attack roll: 3+4=7


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Taking a 5ft. step, backing away from the assaulting Jezibel, Irene finds the time and room to reload her crossbow (Move action) and fire it (Standard action) again at the human girl, but her just loaded bolt misses the girl by a mile. (3+5=8, quite sure that's not enough)

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