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[Adventure] Murder Most Foul! Part 2 (Judge: EvolutionKB)


[sblock=OOC] Yet another thing I forgot to talk with you :). Since my build potentially uses 2 (or more!) interrupts every round (for short fights anyway) I'd prefer if you just went ahead and apply the aegis of shielding when you post, leaving me with the option of using only one interrupt when I post.

I also believe it would be ok to use any amount of interrupts as long as I warn you ahead of time?

Just tell me how it works best for you and I'll find a way to adjust. I don't want to be a headache :)

I hope that's ok with you.

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[sblock=OOC] Yet another thing I forgot to talk with you :). Since my build potentially uses 2 (or more!) interrupts every round (for short fights anyway) I'd prefer if you just went ahead and apply the aegis of shielding when you post, leaving me with the option of using only one interrupt when I post.

I also believe it would be ok to use any amount of interrupts as long as I warn you ahead of time?

Just tell me how it works best for you and I'll find a way to adjust. I don't want to be a headache :)

I hope that's ok with you.

Only one Interrupt per turn. That's the core rules.

Please read the PM I sent to you on how we can resolve this more easily. The suggestions I made there should make it easier for everyone and if you'd like to make some other suggestions to them, just PM me.

In this particular case, the Dimensional Vortex retcon for last rounds actions might be signficant, so I'll pretty much ruling that last round stays the way it did. Otherwise, the Hobgoblin leader would have shouted a new order for the other hobgoblins and they wouldn't have attacked Vex and several of the NPCs would be in different squares and attacking other PCs. Plus, Knoepf might have done a different action this round, etc.

That's too much confusion and work, so we'll just chalk this up as a learning experience and move on with the Aegis of Shielding being the interrupt as posted for last round.


First Post
Acre steps next to Knoepf and brushes him with the tips of his right hand - the dwarf feels an instant connection to the half-elf as both feel a protecting glow. The half elf then attempts to gut the minotaur directly in front of him with a powerful lunge.

Move - shift one square north
Minor - Body adjustment on Knoepf - Knoepf gains 5 tmp hp - min roll!
Standard - energizing strike (unaugmented) on adjacent minotaur hits (misses I assume) ac 17 for 10 (nonlethal) damage. If for some reason that hits, Garrick gains 7 tmp hp

[sblock=Acre Stat Block]
Acre Hills, Half-Elf Ardent 6
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 14
AC 22, Fort 19, Reflex 16, Will 19 (base defenses)
HP 56/56 +3 TMP Bloodied 28 Surge Value 14, Surges 11/11
Speed 5, Initiative +4
Power Points: 4/4 Action Points: 1

Current Effects

Encounter Resources
USED First Ardent Surge
Second Ardent Surge
Ardent Outrage
Dimension Swap
USED Body Adjustment
Blazing Starfall
Second Wind
Use Action Point

Daily Resources
Battleborn Acuity
Persistent Veil
Brooch of No Regrets
Bloodthirst Bracers

[sblock=Bonuses for Acre's allies]
Within 10 of acre: +1 to Diplomacy
Within 5 of acre: +4 bonus to opportunity attack damage rolls and +2 (additional) to Diplomacy and Intimidate.
When acre spends a surge, an ally within 5 of acre can either gain 5 tmp hp or make a saving throw.


First Post
Malehan follows the Minotaur as he is slided by Garrick. He then try to swing but he is still unable to connect with his opponent. "It seems I lack practice, big bull, you're lucky."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Move: Walk to M10
Standard:Bond of Pursuit (1d20+13=18, 1d20+13=17, 2d4.minroll(3)+10=17) What the hell!!!! Hit 19 for 17 damage.

I'll post stats block when I'll have time, I hadn't made it yet, and I'm in vacation, I try to post as much as possible to not slow down. My sheet is linked in my signature.[/SBLOCK]


[sblock=OOC, Apologies] Well, just let me apologize to our DM for being such a pain. ;) I just had my rules mixed up. This means I actually didn't help out Vex this turn. [/sblock]


[sblock=OOC, Apologies] Well, just let me apologize to our DM for being such a pain. ;) I just had my rules mixed up. This means I actually didn't help out Vex this turn. [/sblock]

No worries. It's all good. :)

Did you mean to adjust your last action post? Are you planning on using Dimensional Vortex this coming round?


First Post
Energy shimmered around Vex for the briefest of moments, and her armor shifted from the light half-plate she had been wearing into a full suit of plate armor more suited to a heavy infantry soldier. "That's the spirit boys! Keep it up- we'll have a slaughterhouse on both sides of this place," Vex taunted the band of hobgoblins as she continued to swing her sword in a constant lashing spiral. She aimed another cut at the hobgoblin leader's head, and tried to tag the gnoll on the backswing. Despite (or perhaps because of) the foes pressing her, she seemed to be having fun...

[sblock= OOC]
>Does the Resist 1 All that Vex gets from her armor apply before or after the weakened effect?
>Move: used for Minor- shift armor to full coverage, AC increases to 23, but Speed drops to 5 and takes -2 skill check armor penalty
>Standard: Cleave against Hob 1, +13 vs. AC= 29 (probable hit for 14 and mark with Combat Challenge- if that hit Cleave deals 4 damage to Gnoll 2; rolls Roll Lookup

>Minor: initiate Rain of blows (Fighter Daily 5, stance)- I was hoping to get through this without using a daily, but the way we're rolling... Any enemy that starts turn adjacent to Vex takes 1d10+4 damage (6 damage this round, roll included in link above). I don't think this counts as an "attack" on her part, so no mark effect. [/sblock]

[sblock= Vex]
HP 27 at start of round +20+surge/15 from Knoepf= 27+35= 62, max 61

Revekka Amalthea d’Deneith- Human hybrid Barbarian/Fighter 6
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception 19, Passive Insight 14
AC: 23 /FORT: 21/REF: 16/WILL: 16; Resist 1 (all); Speed 5
HP: 61/61, Bloodied 30, Surge value: 15; Surges left 9/11
+5 to saving throws vs. Fear effects
Action points 0 of 1 left; Second Wind: not used
Swordbond (1 mile), Badge of the berserker

Howling Strike
Howl of fury
Vault the fallen (used)
Sweeping blow (used)
Physician’s care
Macetail’s rage
Rain of steel (In use/active stance)
Boundless endurance




[sblock=II's]Garrick will use Dimensional Vortex if Vex is hit once again. If not, he'll use his standard aegis if it's triggered. [/sblock]


[sblock=Garrick and Malehan]
Garrick missed the minotaur.

So, multiple things that Otakkun posted do not happen as people assumed.

I suspect that Garrick does not want to move and draw two Opportunity Attacks, so what do you want to do instead?

Also, the minotaur did not slide, so I assume that Malehan did not chase it. Do you want to change or drop his move Velmont?

I'll post the results of round 3 once Otakkun let's me know what he wants to do.


[sblock=OOC]Hmm, he has one damn nasty AC then :). I assumed a 25 would hit. I'll just stay put in there then. [/sblock]

[sblock=OOC, group tactics]Well guys, this encounter seems to be a lot more tough that I first thought, so we need to get our act together rather quick. Missing AC 25 kind of scared me ;) [/sblock]
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