[Adventure] Serpent's Skull: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv (DM: Mewness; Judge: THB)


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"Ooh!" Hú Lí says excitedly. "It is a giant puppet! Just think. On the stage this could be a marvel that people would travel far to see. The crab could dance, and the singers could sing the old crab song."

She launches into a song in Tsugo, which freely translated runs thus:

"Old Crab! Try to get the leaf.
First he runs left,
Then he runs right.
He can't move forward
Only side to side."

[sblock=roll]Hú Lí perception roll after crab opens: 3(1d20) +7 = 10[/sblock]

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“Quick, get inside!” says the kenku, indicating the “door” that leads inside the crab. “I’ll just run out and get the weapons. There are ... very bad people about.” And he runs over to the spot where everyone dropped their weapons.

This, in particular, pushes Noriaki's limits a little too far. Haltingly, he speaks up, "I-I'd prefer to grab my own sword.". And he also walks to the weapons.


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As they walk towards the giant crab Takahaan hears a ghostly whisper in his ear.

[sblock=Takahaan] "I am bonded to my sword and so I can call it to me. My powers to bring your sword are far more limited, and beyond my powers to do both at once if the need is great. But I can protect Hu Li while you retrieve your blade." [/sblock]

When the Kenku makes a move to retrieve their weapons Kane calls his sword to him causing it to lift from the ground and fly through the air straight into his hand where he catches it beaming a toothy grin. "No t-touching B-birdman."

OOC: Swordbond only affects my own sword; its a standard action. With Ghost hand I'm less sure how it works. I can pick up a sword (minor) and move it 5 (move action) with a Range limit of 5 squares? Or does it pick up and move 5 as minor and I can from there move it 5 more as a move action?

My doubt comes because in one part of the effect description it says: Effect: You conjure a spectral, floating hand in an unoccupied square within range. The hand picks up, moves, or manipulates an adjacent object weighing 20 pounds or less and carries it up to 5 squares.

And later it says: As a move action, you can move the hand up to 5 squares.

I'm interpreting it as the second option, giving it movement as part of the minor action as it seems more useful, but it would be good to get some clarity on it to make sure :) It's all for show, I know, but it's good to know how things work as it might be important sometime in the future.
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GM: The version of mage hand you have on your sheet is too condensed. A minor action is enough to conjure the hand and use it to move something on your own person (that's all in the Effect line). All other functions of the cantrip are separate actions: you then need to spend a move action to move the hand, a minor action to pick something up, etc.

So, to pick up the sword and move it back, you need:

Minor action to conjure the hand.

Minor action to pick up the sword.

Move action to bring it back.

So, not doable in one round even if you're using a standard action to retrieve your own sword.


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The kenku starts as Kane sword flies to his hand. "Put that back!" he says. He looks around nervously at Noriaki, then says, "Leave them here, if you insist, but you will not come armed into my house! And my name is Pezock, not 'bird-man'!"

OOC: I'm going out of town for a couple of days, so there probably won't be anything more from me until Wednesday.


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Takahaan speaks up, trying to assuage the tenseness in the air. "Forgive us, Pezock. We have been caught up with many deadly creatures so far on this fallen island, and would feel much more comfortable knowing our weapons are secured on our persons rather than elsewhere. Is it possible for us to bring them, albeit sheathed and put away?" He lets the question sit for a second, but continues.

"I understand your concern, and if that is too much to ask for, we could bring them inside but leave them at the door." Takahaan's tone is unusually comforting and persuasive, combating the nervous kenku's worried looks toward the dragonborn.


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Kane raises an eyebrow his grin vanishing. A wierd ghastly voice issue forth though his lips do not move.

"Apologies Pezock. I accept your decision. You have no need to speak to me nor I to listen. I have no interest in your house, taking your things or your life. You have nothing to fear from Kane Arkane. But I understand the dangers of the Shiv makes one wary. I too am wary. Kane knows nothing of Pezock. Pezock knows nothing of Kane. I will wait here outside until my friends have finished speaking with you."

Kane sheathes his sword and sits down on a rock outside the giant crab.


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Pezock seems somewhat mollified (not to mention relieved). "Well, then, you can stow them behind the crab's claw. Nobody will see them there. But you should come inside," he says to Kane. "There are killers on the island. They must not see you alone outside--and the rain will come soon, at any rate." He hurries back to the entrance to his crab, leaving the weapons where they are.

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