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[Adventure] Serpent's Skull: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv (DM: Mewness; Judge: THB)


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Takahaan has broken into a light sweat under the weight of the box, but it proves no difficult task for him to carry during the trek. He offers to hold on to it the entire time, politely insisting that Lady Castile not be bothered with such brute tasks as hauling, and preemptively assuming Noriaki will be offended if asked to carry it. He sets it down for a moment as they inspect the outside of the ship.

"Well, since we're here, we might as well take a look around. We're searching for something that can prove Jade's innocence. Shall we?"

Takahaan motions the adventurers forward as he begins to walk toward any recognizable entrance.
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[sblock=nat 1 insight]Insight 5. (1d20+4=5)[/sblock]
"Not right? No need to be so skittish, Pezock! Here, I'll go first - you can stay behind me." Castile, not showing any sign of worry, walks into the ruptured hull of the ship and starts looking around.


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Kane clearly can't believe his luck. Two treasure hunts in the same day! He joins the others in poopooing Pezock's fears, falling in behind Castile and Takahaan. As he nears the ship he does pause for a moment ... but it is only to flash a grin back to wave the others to come along.
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"Pezock is correct," Hú Lí says. "There is something... wrong here. I feel it too. I can not tell what it is, though. We must be wary. Whatever it is may get loose."


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Kane pauses, his grin fading at Hú Lí's words of warning. He draws his blade and extends his fingers with a soft crack conjuring up his arcane shield in his empty hand. He casts light onto the sword and nods at the bard as if to say, 'if you say so then I believe you'.

He heads into the wrecked ship now with extreme caution.


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The “interior” of the Brine Demon is very exposed, with light coming in through the smashed hull and a hole in the deck. Nevertheless a sense of gloom hangs over it--perhaps a manifestation of the force that Pezock seems so afraid of, but perhaps just a trick of the mind.

The tide is going out, but it looks as though the sea washes through the wreck every day, and the chances of finding much in the way of loot seem slim. In the captain’s cabin, there is a skeleton slumped on the floor, most likely the captain himself. Much of the furniture in the cabin is still there, although overturned and rotting.

The group feels a sense of foreboding as they approach the skeleton, but it remains still, apparently quite uninclined to get up and come after them.

[sblock=Perception 18 (active only)]A rotting, overturned desk is wedged against a wall, and there is a secret compartment in it standing open, though not easily visible. Inside there is a well-made coffer that looks to be watertight: its contents are likely intact. The coffer has a lock on the front, but the lock is heavily rusted.[/sblock]


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Kane stifles a chuckle. "H-hú ... I th-think he's d-dead already" he jokes irreverantly poking the skeleton with his boot. A weak attempt to lighten the heavy mood. Kane casts a cursory look about with his one good eye but sees little. He looks with hope towards his dwarven companion hoping her sharp eyes will detect something of value.


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The lock is in bad shape, and will probably be simple enough to bypass one way or another. There doesn't seem to be anything else of value on the Brine Demon.


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Takahaan grunts, a smirk on his face. He takes his nodachi, already unsheathed, and gives the lock a good smack with the hilt of his weapon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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