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(Adventure) The bastards of XXXXXX Bluerun

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Still the Same
Finding himself face to face with a thrower of stones, Joseph now a mess of leaves and dirt, speaks to the man with fluidity of tone. "You will cease resistance. The day is won for us, and you are to remain under my personal protection. "

Joseph then brings his claymore high above both men's heads and brings the mighty blade to bear against the other man's *weapon*.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Protean said:
Joseph then brings his claymore high above both men's heads and brings the mighty blade to bear against the other man's *weapon*.

OK, I've just had a vision of what would happen if you tried to sunder a tiny weapon with a great sword, and it wasn't pretty... :eek:

The slingman facing joseph throws himself at the scarey claymore mans feet and begins some serious groveling for his life. One of the reamining melee artists manages to slip out of rainca's herding pattern, running flat out into the hills. The other finds himself trapped between the axe weilding warrior and lupics embrace of death and drops his weapon to stand perfectly still and not a small bit frightened. The final sling weilder on the other side of the road from Joseph seems to have either run faster than the others or may be hiding in the nearby brush, no one was engaged enough with him to notice.

Redarn unrolls the healers kit he grabbed from under the wagon's seat and applies several powders and bandages to the still bleeding barbarian. He looks worried about his "patient" but seems mostly unconcerned about the possibility of further damage to himself.

(sorry for the delay, but theres been some developments forcing a serious reprioritization of late. I will try to post to my adventures at least twice per week, but I can't promise my previous obsessive posting behavior. :( )


Registered User
Cursing under her breath at the fleeing man, Rainca mutters as she herds the remaining hoar-sun toward the wagon. Rainca will remember that one's face. And the face of the man with the table knife. She grunts as she gently puts down her blood-soaked battleaxe to switch it out for one of her kukri. Hoping Lupic is ready to stand down (and a little chilled by his combat) she gestures the man before her over to the other with a sharp toss of her head.

"Amongst Rainca's people, prisoners in battle are honored guests. They are bathed and fed."

She wrinkles her nose, "Though these may need more than a bath. Does anyone have rope with which we may bind their hands so that we may see to the fallen." She looks over to where Redarn minsters to Gath.

She then turns her proud gaze to the wagon, "Council Man, there are no more hoar-suns in the road."


Still the Same
Sparky said:
Cursing under her breath at the fleeing man, Rainca mutters as she herds the remaining hoar-sun toward the wagon. Rainca will remember that one's face. And the face of the man with the table knife. She grunts as she gently puts down her blood-soaked battleaxe to switch it out for one of her kukri. Hoping Lupic is ready to stand down (and a little chilled by his combat) she gestures the man before her over to the other with a sharp toss of her head.

"Amongst Rainca's people, prisoners in battle are honored guests. They are bathed and fed."

She wrinkles her nose, "Though these may need more than a bath. Does anyone have rope with which we may bind their hands so that we may see to the fallen." She looks over to where Redarn minsters to Gath.

She then turns her proud gaze to the wagon, "Council Man, there are no more hoar-suns in the road."

Joseph Dar'maryon turns his attention to the quivering man under his protection. "Do I have a pledge in good-faith that you will stay where you are? I would hate to turn you ever, bound to the wolves. I take it that you would help us in seeing to the proper burial of your fellows. If I have your oath, you will be treated as an honored guest, *despite* any objections to the contrary."

"Redarn, may we have a word?"

OOC: His weapons of course will be stripped, but Joseph will leave the man's other belongings to him.
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Registered User
When she, Dar'maryon and the others are satisfied that the hoar-suns will not flee like scared rabbits, Rainca turns her eyes to the fallen. She walks over to Gath and Redarn, grit and gravel grating under her soft boots.

"Redarn. Rainca thinks that perhaps next time Gath should pretend not to hear The Laugher's call." Her eyes narrow, "Do you need help? She is no healer, but Rainca has seen worse." The bloodied woman kneels at the wagon-driver's side and busies herself with helping him.

She peers over her shoulder at the wagon inquisitively and then, again into the sky. Where are you, Brother Owl? What ill omen will you bring us next?

When Gath is all trussed and gauzed up she will help move him into the wagon. After seeing to him she will move from bandit to bandit, asking any who will help stabilize those who are not quite dead.

Her movements are ritual, rote and practiced. She chants quietly in her strange language, a constant, low, eerie tone, and kneels at the side of the first bandit she killed. With her first and second fingers she drags blood from his wounds down her brow, over her eyelids, cheekbones and jaw, touching some at last to her tongue. She unstoppers her wineskin and pours a splash of wine onto the young man's lips. She stands, looking grim and moves to the next body. Her voice trails off quietly as she finishes her droning dirge. When all are seen to she stands, bloodied and wild. She flexes her shoulders and her face twitches in an involuntary snarl. She blinks, takes a deep breath and moves wordlessly away to collect her scattered weapons.

OOC: : She is aiding Redarn's healing attempt and still keeping a lookout. She also keeps a watchful eye on the captives.


First Post
Lupic will stand down, but continue to give the prisoners unpleasant glances so as to keep them in line.
"If we hired to deal with ones like this, I think we have easy job. Hmm, well Gath may not agree though."



After counting and to an extent examining the prisoners, Dioran adresses his fellows in a subdued tone:
"Most unfortenate how one of our would-be besiegers got away. He may not know exactly the purpose of our presence, but this knowledge amongst their leaders cannot be in our favor. We're unsure how fast we can get these men into custody, but a speedy response to this attack may be a prudent course of action.

Commendations on your battle prowess are in order. Good job. We will be sure to learn from your tactics for future engagements.

After this, and a concerned but somewhat dubious glance towards Gath, Dioran will assist Redarn in order to get underway as soon as possible.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
The councilman emerges finally from the safety of the wagon, and looks with great pleasure at the scene before him. "Yes, I knew these whoresons would be put to rout by a few good swords!" Redarn looks more skeptical, but holds his tounge while he helps tend the wounded. There is only one other bandit who survived besides the surrenders, and he is stabalized and loaded into the wagon with the others. As she works, rainca thinks she sees the owl flying away to the west, but it could be a hawk or other bird instead...

Taking his place wearily on the bench seat, redarn again starts the wagon forward, and it is only another hour before you reach a small village. The townsfolk are delighted to see the prisoners who have been brought ad there is a moment when it seems that the councilman is willing to turn them over to the mob. A stern look from Joseph sets him to rights however, and he merely says "There is a small jail in the basement of the councilhouse... I will summon the healers there as well to tend to my truebrother and your... friend."


First Post
Kahuna Burger said:
Taking his place wearily on the bench seat, redarn again starts the wagon forward, and it is only another hour before you reach a small village. The townsfolk are delighted to see the prisoners who have been brought ad there is a moment when it seems that the councilman is willing to turn them over to the mob. A stern look from Joseph sets him to rights however, and he merely says "There is a small jail in the basement of the councilhouse... I will summon the healers there as well to tend to my truebrother and your... friend."

"You make sure they take good care of Gath. He got hurt doing your work. I don't work for people who have no loyalty to me. " Responds Lupic when he hears the hesitation.


Voidrunner's Codex

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