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(Adventure) The bastards of XXXXXX Bluerun

Knight Otu

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buzzard said:
[Gath being even dumber will probably wait and drool-just kidding]
I'd actually expect him to rush right into melee, without regard for his own health. ;)
I'd like to hear back from the players before moving on - remember, the whoresons are not yet there.

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Rainca peers at the rider, waiting barely patiently for his response. She cocks her head listening for the sisters within and decides they are either too slow or not in and will have to figure out what's going on on their own.

"REDARN! HORSE-WARDEN!" Rainca throws her head back and calls loudly. She makes for the house of Council Man Therick.

OOC: Hof (Dioran) and GPEKO (Gath) are likely to check in, Protean (Joseph) is MIA and I don't think we should hold wrapping this thread up waiting on him.

Rainca wants to warn the town and then will ready herself based on any information the rider has to offer - direction of the attack, number of attackers, etc, etc. She doesn't relish being tactically uninformed, but, with a moniker like 'the Brute' it's a fair guess that closing into melee with him will be dangerous - but fun!

Rainca will attack casters and ranged attackers first, closing with her 200' run speed if possible, selecting her first targets by going after the ones nearest Dioran (because he, as a caster himself, is a target). If no such targets present themselves she will attack Richard in melee combat.
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Knight Otu

First Post
Err, Sparky, while I welcome your enthusiasm and understand your desire to wrap this up, just because I have not posted any reactions from the rider and the sisters yet, doesn't mean there won't be any. ;) My original plan was to wait until three or so of you posted that they are there, and continue from the exact moment where Kahuna Burger left. So, I think it is best to assume the previous post didn't happen for ease of transition, ok? Should have made this clearer.
Sparky said:
OOC: Hof (Dioran) and GPEKO (Gath) are likely to check in, Protean (Joseph) is MIA and I don't think we should hold wrapping this thread up waiting on him.
Protean apparently now posts as Campbell, and Campbell is around, just not in this thread.:\ I've tried to attract him with a post in GD, but no luck. Maybe if I can find where he last posted...

And don't worry, I'll post an update today. :)

Knight Otu

First Post
"Lady Rainca..." The rider begins as he sees her already leaving, and follows her quickly. "Lady Rainca, Redarn should still be in Andren. Andrew sent a messenger there as well to warn him that the Brute is on his way to Bluerun, so that Redarn does not run into him."

"The band is about a dozen and three, mostly armed with clubs and staves, but a few also may carry swords. They'll propably come the same way as I, at night. Richard wants to raze the town, but he'll certainly want to deal with your group as soon as possible."

One of the young guards offers to warn Councilman Therick that the Whoresons are on their way "all of them", as he puts it.

The Serin sisters leave their house silently, and one asks "What aid do you need? We cannot fight, just heal."

Most of the other townfolk can be seen barricading themselves in their homes, though a few remain, looking at Rainca as if they wait for something.


Registered User
OOC: I wasn't assuming any lagardliness in your response, I just don't like to post OOC actions without at least some IC activity (though I do make exceptions). I decided to use the post to highlight Rainca's impatience - not mine. Nice transiton, btw. It's not easy to take the reins of someone else's game.

Knight Otu

First Post
Let's hope I can keep it up then. ;). Luckily, Kahuna Burger was able to give the needed information after leaving - most other games where the DM disappears aren't that lucky.
BTW, I sent Campbell an e-mail, so we'll see if he turns up. Maybe the others have also v-card downloads activated, so I can contact them.


"Mylady Rainca, you are obviously the most intimidating warrior here. No offense to Lupic and Gath, but their skills lie almost solely in the swift conclusion of battle, while you may win one before it even starts. If you deem it a sound idea, we might try to make you even more frightening. Some relatively simple lights could, especially in the dark, make our besiegers believe your words are backed by arcane might. Which of course they are."

OOC: The plan is to Prestidigitate Rainca with some harmless but ominous lighting effects. Dioran otherwise defers to Rainca and Joseph with regards to tactical decisions.

Knight Otu

First Post
Night draws closer, and even most of the stalwart citizens now have barricaded themselves in their houses, hoping for the band of adventurers to deal with the whoresons. The young guard that left to warn Therick returns, saying "I've told Councilman Therick of the approaching bandits. He says he will come around later to see the whoresons eradicated by you. He didn't seem to be convinced that all of them will come, but seemed to accept it."

The messenger approaches Rainca with the question about her plans. "What do you want to do? I believe none of them have managed to grab a bow, and the Brute certainly prefers to get into melee quickly, if that helps with your decisions."


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"Rainca is certain of victory with the magics of Dioran Uthelem on her." She turns to the messenger and squints suspiciously, "How do you know this, swiftrider?" She waves her hand dismissing her own question, "It does not matter." She turns to the others, unslinging her battle axe. Her posture changes slightly and her eyes - she is suddenly tense, taut and radiating feral danger.

"Take up your arms my brothers, we will meet this Brute face to face and defend Bluerun from the hoar-suns!" She thrusts her battleaxe in the air roaring.

Turning away, sashes fluttering, she unshoulders her pack, keeping out her wineskin. She unstoppers it with her free hand and pours a blessing of wine onto the blade of her battleaxe. It slides along the blade's edge, thin and pale red. She watches it momentarily, lips moving silently and wets her fingertips with the wine and goes to each of her comrades, the messenger included, touching her fingertips to their lips, "The Laugher comes," she murmurs.

When finished she wipes her axe blade and puts the wineskin with the rest of her pack. She grips her axe in both hands, knuckles paling and peers up, hoping to see Restless Brother Owl.

Rainca did not think she would need call on the Blood Father to her side so soon.
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First Post
"Huh, I don't get it. That not enough wine to do any good. " Grunts Lupic as he is included in the strange ritual.


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