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(Adventure) The Island of Varras'zul (Manzanita Judging) (Concluded)


LEW Judge
Mona shook her head at Razh's suggestion to wait.

"No. We can't stay in one place. Not when we're so vulnerable like this"

Mona pulled out a tiny, clay horn and crushed it. Afterward, she picks up the bedroll that held Ogrin's body and rope to Rillian's bedroll. "Let's move"


Hours passed and exhaustion returned to Mona's and Rasereit's limbs. Their burdens were heavy and slowed their pace. They jumped at every movement and sound in that jungle. Would another "guardian" rise against them? Would their escape fail at the cusp of completion?

Not this night.

Razh and Mona reached the shore and found several sailors waiting for them with a rowboat. They loaded the party members onto the vessel and prepared to cast off toward the Winder.

Mona looked to the jungle behind them and sighed in relief. "It's finally over"

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Rae ArdGaoth

Right when they see the ship and the sailors, Razh halts. He grabs Mona's shoulder and says, "Nah, look 'ere, miss. A'fore we get on that there shi... ship, Ah'd like ye t'tell meh what ye haven' been tellin' me. Somethin' that ye've been keepin' from the rest o' us. Ah think we 'ave a right t'know, what with almost gettin' ourselves kilt by big bugs and... by ourselves! Mind tellin' me why a... a cure... is in a cursed book? Eh? Ah hate t'put ye on the spot like this, but Ah tell ye, the rest of 'em are gonna have the same questions and it'll probably be easier t'tell jus' one of us than a whole group, neh? So, miss...?"


LEW Judge
Mona shrugged off Rasereit's brawny hand from her shoulder. Her face was red from rage at the accusation that was leveled upon her.

"Keep your hands off of me! What makes you think that I've been decieving you? What sign have I given of deviltry?

Cures in accursed books, a guardian in the form of a monstrous spider. Nothing is as simple as what it seems, Razh. You should know this by now. Books contain many a piece of lore that their owners would feel obligated to protect. What could be more precious than a cure for a disasterous poison?"

Mona sighed, breathing deeply to calm herself down. "Let us away from this island. It breeds only madness the longer we stay here." She clambered into the boat when everyone of the unconscious party members were aboard.

Rae ArdGaoth

Razh stands, slightly stunned. Then he shrugs and mutters, "Women..." He climbs aboard the boat and curses as the sea sickness takes hold of him again, even in these relatively calm waters.

He never claimed to be good with people, I guess. =P


LEW Judge
The rowboat reached the Winder without incident, though Mona and Razh could have sworn that there were several large presences beneath the water. The storm surrounding the Island did not let up, felling rain upon the rowboat and the Winder.

No one in the crew seemed to be happy to see the party, though they weren't angry either. It seemed as if a bleak malaise had broken upon the ship, affecting most of the crew.

Razh saw that Captain Wander stood near the helm of the ship, looking as if he was trying his best not to order the ship into a panicked flight.

"Captain?" Mona walked up to him, motioning Razh to join them in conversation if he wished. "Are you well?"

"Aye, lass. I be well enough to voyage back to Orussus." he said hurriedly. "Are your companions... are they dead? Can we leave now?"

"No, they are not. But they shall need good beds and the care of the ship's physician. I shall be in my quarters, divining the needed lore from this book. See to it that I am not disturbed by anyone. It is a delicate ritual and deadly enough without the interference of others.

Captain Wander, I concur about our leaving. We should leave this place as soon as possible"

Without wasting a heartbeat's time, Captain Wander ordered his men to bring the Winder back to Orussus at full speed.


Nezrak and Rillian awoke in their own rooms, an hour or so into the voyage. Their wounds were cleaned and bound by the ship's medic. They were free to wander the ship, though they were told to stay out of the crew's and to stay away from Mona's locked quarters.

The First Mate posted two guards beside her room, in case any of the more superstitious crewmembers had funny ideas.

oog: actions from Razh, Rillian and Nezrak before moving on


First Post

Rillian wakes with a memory of pain, and confusion. He searches around until he finds Rahz and Nezrak.

"Nez, did you learn anything at all? Rahz how did we get to the ship, and why are there guards on Mona's room?"

Rae ArdGaoth

"Ril, me boy! Good to see yer awake! Feelin' alrigh'?" Razh gives Rillian a hearty slap on the back, perhaps too hearty. "How'd we get 'ere? Well, ye remember the book, righ'? See, Ah think that Mona might... might've stabbed ye in the back, mate. That book's dangerous. Nezrak- Oh, hi there, elfie- Nezrak went crazy, too. They both went nuts and started kickin' and screamin' and fightin' and Ah think Mona... Ah think she stabbed ye in the back! Some book o' healin', eh? What, makes ye stab yer friends? Ah'm a tad suspicious o' the little lady, meself. She's locked 'erself up in 'er room, sayin' no one's t'disturb 'er. Ah dunno, mates, Ah'd like t'think this is all over nah, but Ah'm thinkin'... Ah'm thinkin' that's wishful thinkin'. Mongrel protect us..." Suddenly, Razh swoons and looks up to his companions with a nauseated expression. Holding his stomach, he barrels through Rillian and Nezrak to the side of the boat where he leans over the rail and heaves the contents of his stomach into the water. "Blasted... ship..."


First Post
After waking up and clearing his head, Nezrak ansvers to Rillian and joins the discussion. "Nope. Exept that the book really is trapped, but that's not very comforting. I'm not really that surprised Mona decided to lock herself in her room, the spell on the book should't cause her to hurt herself, but she would be of danger for the others. I guess we should wait until she manages to find what she's looking for from the book and comes out. I just hope that it won't take very long."

Voidrunner's Codex

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