[Adventure] The Predicament of Mr. Gimo Tine [Judge:?]


First Post
"Pull back!" shouts Morvannon. "You're all bottled up in there like fish in a barrel!" He punctuates this outcry with an energy blast leveled at the dwarf, but it goes awry and fizzles out on the doorframe.

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Attack dwarf with Eldritch Blast. Hits Reflex 11 for 14 damage, which I'm sure is a miss.
Move: Walk to H-13, retaining concealment from Shadow Walk[/sblock]
[sblock="Mini stat"]Morvannon Rinael - Level 4 Half-Elf Warlock
Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 20, Initiative: +2 Senses: Low-light
AC: 19, Fortitude: 15, Reflex: 17, Will: 18 -- Speed: 6, Size: Medium
HP: 42/42, Bloodied 21, Surge Value 10, Surges left 8/8
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Eldritch Blast
Warlock's Curse (minor)
Misty Step (Warlock Pact Boon)

Hands of Ihbar
Scorching Burst (Dilettante power)
Thunderwave (Arcane Initiate feat)
Caiphon's Leap (Utility)

Curse of the Dark Dream[/sblock]

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Voda Vosa

First Post
The halfling looks startled as the magical shield absorbs most of his attack.

OOC: Damage corrected. Still waiting on [MENTION=47833]EvolutionKB[/MENTION] to move forward in the battle.
Last edited:


First Post
Cliff retreats a bit, even his heritage takes over, his hairy arms bulge and feral growl escapes his lips. The shifter slashes out with both knives again at the dwarf, but the close quarters impede the shifter's attacks.

Minor: Longtooth Shifting
Move: Shift to G8.
Standard: Twin strike vs dwarf: twin strike vs dwarf, shifted (1d20+14=17, 1d20+13=22, 1d6+4=7, 1d6+3=4)Miss both.[/sblock]
[sblock=Stats; Shifted]
Cliff Longtooth Shifter Seeker|Ranger 6
Initiative: +8, Passive Perception: 24, Passive Insight: 17, Senses: Low-light vision
AC:21, Fort:19, Reflex:15, Will:19
HP: 22/51, 0 temp HP, Bloodied:25, Surge Value:12, Surges left:8/8
Action Points/Daily Item Uses Left/Milestones: 1/1/0
Twin Strike
Biting Swarm
Hunter's Quarry
Longtooth Shifting
Second Wind
Possessing Spirits
Disruptive Strike
Inevitable Shot
Sudden Leap
Rebounding Drow Longknife
Amulet of Life
Swarming Bats
Spitting Cobra Stance[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Round 3

The heroes’ attackes prove too easy to dodge or delect by the enemies, who counterattack powerfully. The man with the club follows Cliff and batters him with his wooden weapon (6dmg)
The dwarf takes his chance after deflecting Grakk’s blows, and connects, although superficially, with the goliath’s body (4dmg).
The turrets aim and shoot, one missing Grakk, and the other putting a crossbow bolt in Cliff’s back! (10 dmg).


Need [MENTION=79620]Ozymandias79[/MENTION], [MENTION=13739]Velmont[/MENTION], [MENTION=41601]ScorpiusRisk[/MENTION] actions
Character   		Initiative  Contition/HP

Cliff	     	 	18		11/51 Shapeshifted
Garkk		  	17 		25/52 

Mercenary 2		18		??/??
Mercenary fighter 1	17		Killed by Soldier
Mercenary Dwarf 	16		-31/?? Marked by Soldier
Turret			16		-8/??

Jarel-Karn		12		62/62
Soldier  		11		69/69
Bell         		8		??/??

Mercenary fighter 2	12		??/66
Mercenary 1		12		??/??
Mercenary rouge 2	9		34/34

Morvannon    		3		42/42

Enemy's defenses unlocked:
Mercenary rouge: AC: 16
Mercenary fighter: AC: 18
Turret: Ref: 13
Mercenary Dwarf: AC: 23


M2: Roll Lookup
MD: Roll Lookup
Turrets: Roll Lookup


First Post
As the dwarf attacks the barbarian, Soldier sees an opening in the dwarfs defenses and strikes but misses

[sblock=Action Details]
Immediate interrupt: misses

then he swings again but misses this time also

[sblock=Action Details]
Standard Action:Steel serpent strike(Misses)(remarks the dwarf)
Move Action:N/A
Minor Action:N/A


First Post
"Soldier, leave me your position a moment"

[SBLOCK=OOC]I need to teleport from Soldier position, if he can just shift away form there, he'll be able to return there next turn. I want to teleport behind them, but I want to keep Armathor Step to be able to get out of there.

I was sure I had already made that post. I must ahve forgotten to click on post.[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Jarel-karn quickly move toward Cliff and suddenly disappear just to reappear behind the mercenary. He strikes at the mercenary with two quick slash. He then put his Aegis on the Dwarf, knowing he won't be able to attack him. Jarel-kern then prepare to receive a storm of blow.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Move: Walk to G9

Standard: Dimensional Thunder vs Fort on M2 (1d20+13=19, 3d8+11=26) If that hit, M2 take 26 lightning damage. Also, M1, M2 and MF2 takes 5 ongoing thunder damages (save ends).

Action Point: Booming Blade vs AC on M2 (1d20+13=26, 2d8+8=15)

Minor: Mark Dwarf[/SBLOCK]

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