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[Adventure] Trouble in Moonwatch (Judge: THB) - Part II


"If the water is shallow, it will take less time to wade or jump each area than it will to raft around each minor islands. Rafts are actually slow and get caught up on every little stump and protrusion. If the water is not shallow, jumping and swimming across will still be faster than a raft. Course, jumping could result in Kortauhk jumping neck deep into quicksand too." Sheeva says.

"The only advantages of a raft are that we probably will not get as wet, and smaller creatures in the water won't attack us. Big creatures will attack us even on a raft. But rafts are slow and cumbersome to maneuver without open water. A canoe would be better and even that would be tough to manage here."

Sheeva thinks for a second.

"In fact, the best idea is to probably rope ourselves together at the waist and just slog through this stuff, using long sticks to probe in front of us. That would be the fastest. But I do want to find out how deep this is before we decide on that."

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Kortauhk scratches his head in confusion as River and Sheeva discuss how it would be best for them to go about getting from one area to the other.

When Sheeva mentions bigger creatures attacking those on a raft, "the resident rock" as Sheeva so kindly put it, chimes in.

"Big bones for big chomp-chomp! Kortauhk no want bigger chomp-chomp come get Kortauhk and peoples!"

He continues to listen to the two, hoping the issue is resolved quickly so that they could get out of the nasty swampy area. Kortauhk was beginning to miss his high mountain cliffs.


First Post
With his prodigious leap, Korthauk lands upon the island's soft ground, his large feet making an indelible mark on the island. Pok feels the rush of wind over his face as the pair jump. When they land and nothing jumps out, the other group begins discussing options for transportation, although they managed to get to this point with little difficulty, besides minor discomforts. Sheeva tosses her across to the goliath and leaves Valahad to hold the other end. The water only goes midway up to her thighs at the deepest point and the drow makes it across the water with no difficulties. She thought she saw something ripple in the water, but nothing immediately appeared.

Valahad and River begin looking around for appropriate materials for a raft and Feall is contemplating the last few days with his new traveling companions

Suddenly, the water explodes outwards as a massive crocodile appears, it is easily twice as large as Korthauk, perhaps even three times the size! The very air around it begins warping and it becomes heavy and difficult to move through. The water around it turns thicker and more fetid.

From the eastern island a mound of plant roots pulls itself from the ground and begins shambling towards you, dragging part of its root system behind it.

Those on the central island her the clicking and clattering of many tiny chitinous feet. From the trees on the island appear hundreds of beetle-sized insects with black shells and long, spiked proboscis protrude from their heads.

[sblock=Nature DC 15]
Shambling mounds roam swamps and marshes. The common variety envelops its prey and crushes it with its rootlike tendrils. Shamblind Mounds recover their vitality quickly.

The insects are known as Swamp Striders and they carry a deadly poison when they bite. They are considered a delicacy for some nobles when properly roasted.
[sblock=Nature DC 20]
Shambling mounds are healed by lightning. They can envelop lesser sized creatures and drain their strength. [/sblock] [/sblock]

[sblock=Arcana DC 20]
The crocodile is known as a Feymire crocodile. A feymire crocodile hails from the untamed marshlands of the Feywild, although they inhabit worldly swamps as well. The crocodile constantly extends roots and tendrils into its surrounding environment to draw nourishment from it. The creature also has regenerative abilities, although the application of fire will stop it for a few seconds, similar to a troll [/sblock]

[sblock=Unlocked stats]
TBD - I'll add knowledge in here as it's gained, i.e. if you hit AC 20 then the monster's AC is 20 or lower, once the number is hit right on, I'll let you know. Hopefully this is useful. [/sblock]

Red Square around crocodile is difficult terrain, even out of the water.

Water squares are difficult terrain, the tree will provide cover, can be climbed with DC 15 athletics. Rocks provide some cover also.

Valahad - 22
Pok - 21
Feall - 20
Korthauk - 13
Bad guys - 10
Sheeva - 10
River - 7

bad guys, feall, River, Val, Korthauk, Sheeva, Pok (1d20 7=10, 1d20 7=20, 1d20 2=7, 1d20 3=22, 1d20 3=13, 1d20 6=10, 1d20 5=21) [/sblock]
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First Post
Looking frantically around him at the various sounds, Kortauhk explodes with a mouthful of verbal surprise!

"Oh no! Giant Chomp-Chomp, big Poison Bug, and *GASP* OH NO! WALK-PLANT-MAN-WHAT-LIKE-ZAP-ZAP! Ohhh! Pretty girl, no use zap-zap to walk-plant-man! Him like zap-zap! Oooh! Small Man, no be at Poison Bug! It have bad bite!"

For a frantic second, Kortauhk eyes each of their enemies, spinning around in a circle as he looks at each one.

"What do...what do!?"

[sblock=Nature Check] Kortauhk rolled a 28 Nature, enough for all of the info on the Swamp Strider and the Shambling Mound [/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
"'Ware the bugs - their bite carries a deadly poison! And don't use Electricity against the moving plants, it restores their health!"

[sblock=OOC]Nature Check 20! I don't even care that Kortauhk already made it irrelevant - just happy he knows a bit of something that's definitely NOT in his area . . .[/sblock]


"So does Thunder heal it too? I have Thunder and Lightning spells out the ying yang and Kortauhk might too." Sheeva shouts.

"Kortauhk, you kill the Giant Chomp-Chomp. Pok and I can take care of the bugs."
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First Post
Kortauhk nods to the other two frantically. "Walk-Plant-Man no like big boom! Pretty girl make big boom what got no zap-zap! Kortauhk fight big chomp-chomp!"

Kortauhk looks across the mire towards his companions.

"Valahad help Kortauhk fight big chomp-chomp!"


First Post
Valahad has heard of shambling mound and the bugs, but he still takes his allies warnings in stride.

[sblock=Nature, Arcana rolls]nature roll (1d20+7=22)arcana roll (1d20+2=5)

Valahad sends a telepathic message to the crocodile, marking it as his enemy. He speaks in the mind of Pok and Kortauhk. "Pok, keep the shambling mound away from us! Kor, I'll help with Chomp-Chomp, but let's stay out of the water. I'll draw it to me!"

Stepping out of the thick air, the kalashtar levels his longsword at the creature. He swings his longword at the creature, a spray of acid striking the reptile, burning along it's scales.

Minor: Divine Challenge the croc.
Move: Shift to E4.
Standard: Use Encounter power of Acidic longsword to make a melee basic attack at range. Use Virtuous strike for this. acidic virtuous strike (1d20+12=25, 1d8+8=16)Assuming that hit, I gain a +2 to saves until the end of my next turn and the croc gains vulnurable 3 to radiant damage.[/sblock]

Passive Perception: 17 Passive Insight: 28
HP: 63/63 Surge: 11/11(15)
AC: 24 F: 16 R: 17 W: 19
AP: 1
Valorous Strike
Enfeebling Strike
Ardent Strike****
Valorous Smite
Righteous Smite
Oath of Enmity
Divine Mettle
Bastion of Mental Clarity
Call of Challenge
Acidic Longsword
Majestic Halo
Name of Might
Wrath of the Gods
Dwarven Plate
Acidic Longsword
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