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Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

Baron Opal

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Sepulchrave II said:
As Ahma, I take the moral burden of the atrocities to be committed entirely upon myself. Make it clear that all who join us are absolved of all sin. This is a Holy War: their entry to paradise is assured. Are there any questions?
Bloodcookie said:
Yikes. Eadric's obviously getting his Pope Urban II on :uhoh:

Exactly what I was thinking. Eadric seems almost determined to fall, sometimes.

grodog said:
I'm going to have to go back through the threads, since I think that I postulated something about the Cults of Chesne taking the purification of Khu as a first strike of sorts---they well may be viewing this as a justified, provoked war....

I'll second this as well.

Realizing that Jovol was a wild card / plot device and thus not wholly bound by stats and rules, you have to wonder what the comparable power levels are between the cabal that bound what was to become the Claviger and the eleven in Shuth. And isn't there some tie between the source of the entity that became the Claviger and Chesne? The Shuth cabal might be a bit miffed that some other magicians had the temerity to mess with their goddess. It is conceivable to me that one of the major assumptions of the Claviger is that it prosecutes its authority against a single magician, a small cabal of 3-4 valent at best. Assuming that the spell that bound the entity was on par with the Wave of Hate, the Shuth cabal might be able to shunt the Claviger out of this reality all together with proper preparation.

Not much to stop their magics against Wyre then, is there?

It may be that Jovol was not preparing against the self-destruction of the magicians of Wyre but rather creating a bulwark against the Chesne cultists who saw the cascade at Khu as a "first strike".

Enjoying the story as always, Sepulchrave. Thank you. :D

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Baron Opal; I think you might be confusing the Claviger and the Enforcer. The Claviger is an entity of deific proportions. The Enforcer is just an abomination- albeit an abomination who is backed by the Claviger. Oronthon has the power to temporarily magnify (give divine ranks to) his servants. The Claviger can do likewise. The Eleven would have to be pretty tough to take on Gihaahia if she is temporarily an intermediate power. Maybe they could do it- one of their members compelled Orcus, after all. But that much power could easily get the Goddess involved- and She can swat whole pantheons.

The Axe said:
3rded :p


My favorite.... Eadric in the breach of the Palling on Throille <3

That is still the best scene ever depictde in my mind of all the literature I've ever read or any movie I've ever seen. It's so quintessential but soooo powerfull and moving.

Thanks for the linking btw Cheiro!

And Sep, best christmas present I've gotten :D. God I love this stuff, gets me thrilled with each update. I'd pay you for updates if I could and it would speed them up haha :D.



First Post
Good reads :)

Cheiro, I'm sort of behind on all this. Just out of curiosity, how are you involved in Sep's story? Are you a player? Friend? A very nice fellow doing some archiving and commissioning?

Whatever the case may be, thanks for all your hard work in this too. Reading the compiled thread was really convenient for me. I'm glad it was there.
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GoodKingJay said:
Cheiro, I'm sort of behind on all this. Just out of curiosity, how are you involved in Sep's story? Are you a player? Friend? A very nice fellow doing some archiving and commissioning?
I've never played in one of Sep's games, and I only know him from the boards (and board related emails). It's most accurate to say that I'm doing some archiving and commissioning. I'm not qualified to give an opinion on the "very nice" part. Although I am a fellow. :D

I'm also helping Sepulchrave with the Epic Magic rules- currently in the Dog Soul forum. Not much activity there at the moment, but I feel creative urges building.
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First Post
Cool, I was checking those out myself. Sep's story (and both your ideas in Dog Soul's forums) have rekindled my interest in epic play. I'm impressed how he's managed to challenge his players in a very Epic (big-E) and epic (little-e) way. He's escalated the game challenges in an interesting way, but the story is still good larger-than-life mythical fantasy.

His PCs are living legends, doing legendary things. I like that.


grodog said:
What's Dog Soul Games?
A small gaming company. Here are some of their products. I know the owner from another board, and she graciously offered us space when we felt the House Rules thread was too confining. This was just after the ENGS closed, or I would have bought a publisher forum.

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