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After Earth OOC


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Here's a rough mechanical workup of my character...

[sblock]Name: Melara Richter
Class: Fast 2
Occupation: Transporter (navigate, pilot, spacer)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6" Weight: 125
Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown
Age: 18

XP: 1000/3000 xp
Allegiances: Unity, Humanity
Reputation: +0
Speed: 30 Run: 120
AP: 6/6

Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (16/16)
Massive Damage Threshold: 14
Initiative: +3
Defense: 17 (+4 defense, +3 Dex)
BAB: +1 Melee: +0 Ranged: +4
Unarmed +0 (1d3-1; 20, x2)

Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1

Skills: 30
Computer Use (Int) +3 (2 ccranks + 1 Int + 2 in space)
Knowledge (current events) (Int) +6 (5 ranks +1 Int)
Navigate (Int) +6 (5 ranks + 1 Int +2 in space)
Pilot (Dex) +12 (5 ranks +3 Dex +3 Feat +1 occupation +2 in space)
Profession: Belter (Wis) +2 (1 rank + 1 Wis)
Read & Write 2 ranks
Repair (Int) +2 (1 rank +1 Int)
Sleight of Hand (Dex) +8 (5 ranks + 3 Dex)
Speak Language 2 ranks

Languages: English, Spanish, Dah, Korg


1b Simple Weapon Proficiency
1b Spacer
1 Starship Operation (light)
1 Skill Focus: Pilot
2b Personal Firearms Proficiency

Current Wealth: +3

Laser Pistol
Stun Baton
2 powerpacks
Scout armor
Universal Communicator[/sblock]

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First Post
Shayuri said:
Bahaha...with some changes, but yeah... I hate to just let a fun concept die. :)

I'm with you...I can't count the number of times I've reused characters from games that hardly got started.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Ethandrew. I think I'd prefer a group who already knows the mechanics. I'll keep you in mind if we ever need a backup-player.

Raylis. You're in.

You may roll the wealth yourself. I'll be doing most of the rolling during game though. For Vitality Points use average.

You'll get a Universal communicator and ID-chip for free. Your ship will also be equipped with space suits for all of you.
You will all have your private accounts but you will also have a joint account where your trading/rading profits will be deposited. Currently this account has a wealth 10.

Voda Vosa. Yes, there are mining droids.

Currently the characters seem good. I'll check them again with better time later today.


First Post
Blackrat said:
Currently the characters seem good. I'll check them again with better time later today.

I will work on getting my character completed over the next couple of days. I plan on making a few adjustments to him. He will serve as co-pilot for the ship, and hopefully get to see some combat in some boarding action. Because you can't gain wealth if you don't board the ships you attack!


First Post
[sblock=Dr. Michale Cain]
Name: Michael Cain
Class: Dedicated 1/ Smart 1
Occupation: Doctor (starting, Treat Injury/Craft (pharm)
Gender: Male
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 150
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
Age: 23
Wealth: +15

Allegiances: Hippocrates Oath
Reputation: +1
Speed: 30
Action Points: 6/6

Hit Dice: 2d6+4
Massive Damage Threshold: 14
Wound Points: 13
Vitality Points: 14

Initiative: +0
Defense: 11 (1 base + 0 Dex)
Base Attack: +1
Attack: +1 (2d8 laser pistol)

Abilities: Str 8, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 8

Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5

Craft (pharmaceuticals) +11 (5 ranks +3 Int +3 misc)
Craft (chemical) +4 (1 rank +3 int)
Know (earth & life) +8 (5 ranks +3 Int
Know (physical) +8 (5 ranks +3 Int)
Know (technology) +8 (5 ranks +3 Int)
Know (behavioral science) +8 (5 ranks +3 int)
Listen +3 (+3 Wis)
Profession (doctor) +8 (5 ranks +3 wis)
Sense Motive +4 (1 rank +3 wis)
Spot +7 (5 ranks + 3 Wis)
Language (Dah, Thomaar, Latin) 3 ranks
Treat Injury +12 (5 ranks +3 Wis + 4 misc)

Skill Emphasis (Treat Injury)
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Medical Expert


Display Glasses
Grappler Card
Heads up Display
Medkit, Advanced
Medkit, Fast-Use
Chemicals (10 each)
Nausea Wand*
Tool Belt
Explorer’s Outfit
Duct Tape (3 rolls)
Laser Pistol

wealth (2d4=8)

wealth check for Laser Pistol (DC 17) (1d20+13=18)

wealth check for level 2 (1d20+11=25) (meant profession check :heh:)


[sblock=Personal File]

Michael James Cain was 11 years old when the earth was destroyed. A stoic youth, he watched it with only passing interest and resumed his studying while people gasped and paniced around him. A prodigy, Michael had a disdain for those he thought inferior and only entered medical training (at the age of 15) because his parents forced him to (they hoped that if he became a doctor he may mellow out a bit)

Michael thrived in the environment, constantly setting the standard for his peers. His keen intelligence and biting wit earned him no friends, however, and once when berated about his bedside manner he replied "Bedside manner? If you want bedside manner then go see a nurse; if you want someone you can save your life from a gaping wound see me. Despite his attitude, Michale graduated top of his class.

Personality: Michael is blunt, too the point and doesn't bother to mince words. Very sarcastic, he doesn't miss a chance to insert a jibe or a scathing insult, often as an alusion. Part of his arrogance stems from his confidence in his abilities and honestly and strongly believes in the hippocratic oath he took, even though he'll tell people that the real reason he studied medicine was so he would "know where to preciesly shoot someone to kill them the fastest."

Appearance: Michael has sandy brown hair and hazel eyes. At 5'9" he's "the standard height for a male human of his age". Despite keeping himself clean shaven almost to the point of obsessiveness, his face is best described as "scruffy." He is never without a medical kit, often containing a varity of congleaing or stabelzing chemicals in case he needs to "keep someone alive long enough to get them to a clean table."

The items marked with an asterick are from Future Tech, also Blackrat how easy would it be to acquire Boost? just a vial or two?


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Rogues gallery is up: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=203320

Raylis. Boost is available. As it is a drug you can even craft some yourself.

So the crew looks like this:

Voda Vosa: Cnosos Pyropolis, Mechanic
Mithran: Faris Namir, Gunner.
Shayri: Melara Richter, Pilot.
Rhun: Damon Knight, Co-pilot.
Raylis: Dr. Michael Cain, Doc.
Micar Sin: ?, Hopefully you're still interested?
Last edited:


First Post
Blackrat said:
Rhun: Damon Knight, Co-pilot. Sensor Ops & Communications

Not only is he the co-pilot, but I found another role for him as well. Since his Computer Use is tied with Cnosis, and Cnosis is filling the role of mechanic. :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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