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Against Nockmort!



Wow, it has been 36 hours and there is no discussion on Nockmort yet. Let me get you started.

You opened the door out of the temple and a short distance away is a huge treat wielding a scythe with a piece of purple glowing stone tied around it's trunk.

That's where we left off. That's where we will pick back up. Feel free to discuss strategy to your heart's content.

Your knowledge on Treants consists of the following:
  • They are like big walking trees
  • They can animate other trees ("You saw Rootshaker do this)
  • They are more vulnerable to fire than most creatures

Sadly, none of you rolled particularly well regarding Treants in your knowledge checks. I tossed in an extra freebie because Kind has a little more knowledge on Treants with his backstory.

Come up with a plan.

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First Post
I used a lot of spells against the naga, so I'm kinda hurting. Right now, the most effective spell I could cast would summon a fire elemental - and I could cast this twice. The problem with this is by the time I got the spell off, the battle would likely be over. The casting time is outrageously long.
If anybody has any strategies in mind or strengths we can build off of, it would be great to hear em.


First Post
Fire elementals eh? Well that sounds like a mighty fine start to a big ordeal. Perhaps we should start with this.

Here's a bit of a plan.

Maybe we should try and shut these doors and buy everyone a bit of time to prepare. I imagine Nockmort to be very strong so it is likely that everyone would have to help hold the doors where they are. I imagine this would buy a couple of rounds but that's not considering what powers or abilities Nockmort has. Good thing the doors are steel and there aren't too many plants real close to the doors themselves. A couple of things we do need to worry about.

- We should keep the battle inside the temple IMO simply because Nockmort will likely use the vegitation outside to aid him. This also depends on the powers the stone will have.

- We have no idea (for better or worse) what effect the large stone will have on us or Nockmort.

- We should utilize every opportunity to use fire on Nockmort. Including torches. (A given I know)

- We have no idea where Damin Teak (sp?) is located.

- Nockmort undoubtedly has a large reach when engaged in melee.

We also need to decide if we should even engage him at all or try and run.

A couple of notes on Gelvin

Current HP: 18
Current Power Points: 0

Gelvin has trained himself to destroy other's weapons and armor and may be able to render Nockmort unarmed if given the chance.


First Post
I agree that staying in the temple area is a good idea, although it might give KM some benefit once he gets in.

Unfortunately, the doors while sturdy are well balanced. THere were no handles on the outside, should be some on this side. BUt what to bar it with? If the door seal is tight enough I could spike it with hand axes of if someone has pitons.

The Naga tunnel would provide good protection as KM would not fit.

I also think that while gaining some time is good, too much time is bad. He has a vitual army out there waiting to be animated. Next time we open those doors it could be a sea of angry trees.

I think I saw 76 candles in Tyrm's pack as you were all rifling through his stuff. We could light him up like a christmas tree.

I thought RootShaker said there was a complex under the shrine. Might be another door hidden in the temple.

Luvaine is near full strength but not much of anything that might take out a Treant. I could tumble past him to try to lure him away.

Only other wild thought is luring him to the shed and igniting the fertilizer. Although a bag of manure likly pales to prepared potasium nitrate.


First Post
As much as I admire your idea I don't think candles are going to do much. I'd imagine he could just blow them out as fast as we light them!

One thing - If we do not actually confront Nockmort we should come back at some point to finish the job. If we choose to run out the main doors we run the risk of being overrun. If we go down below the complex we run more of a risk of running into Damin Teak (sp?). Either choice is pretty dangerous. If we actually succeed at leaving Nockmort will likely be more prepared when we come back.

If Gelvin has a choice he would much rather confront Nockmort then some undead treant any day.

I don't think we'll get much time behind the doors before: a) we are forced to give the plan up or b) we are simply pushed out of the way. My estimate would be 2-3 rounds and I would say we don't let it go much further then that anyway. It would also give Nockmort time to prepare too - if he already hasn't.

OH! But I did forget. Ceru should be carrying an Immovable rod which would be perfect for holding the doors I think. It may also work for something else.

Maybe if we could get Nockmort prone we could put the immovable rod on his back so he couldn't get up! :)

If we engage him...

We may want to focus on keeping him from using any magic by trying to disrupt him in some way. Perhaps we could also make use of Tyrm's smoke sticks, any oil we have or even a 15 foot pruning stick :).

Gelvin will likely try to sunder the Sickle or Scythe ASAP if he even can. (If it's magical at all Gelvin won't be able to break it w/o a comparable weapon.)

We still have the large piece of meteorite we chisled out - should we bother experimenting with that?


First Post
THanks for appreciating the candle comment, but that was pretty much a joke. :D

Sundering his necklace might be a better option, unless that meteorite is embedded in his bark. As it is, he knows how to use it, we don't. Getting him in the room, now without its starmetal piece, and taking away his, may sap some of his strength, or restore his sanity. Rootshaker said he seemed to go mad after acquiring the stone.

But, the rod to hold the doors is great. I am sure he is good a smashing things, but it might take awhile to break the huge steel doors. I was calling him KM for some reason thinking his name was Knockmort, my bad.


First Post
LOL - I figured the candles were a joke. I also figured KM = Nockmort in some way :).

Well maybe we'll get some feedback and/or ideas from somone else but as far as removing that amulet - sounds good to me if I can get close enough.


First Post
If there is a spider climb potion or spell, someone above the door could drop down on him. I know Kend(sp?) was thinking of taking that spell for dealing with the vines.


Not to kibitz too much here, but you are in a pickle. Nockmort is a fearsome adversary. But he isn't unbeatable. The problem is that you guys are not fully prepped to take him on. Of course, the entire module is geared to wearing you down so the battle with the BBEG isn't a cakewalk. I would suggest being forthcoming with all your resources within the group. Even if you can't think of a way to use a spell/ability/item, somebody else might. Think creatively. Also figure out what your criteria for success is. If you go toe-to-toe with Nockmort, it is going to hurt. The group might win that way, but maybe not. Figure out how good a 'win' you need to have victory. Then ascertain if the group, as a whole, is willing to make that comittment & possible sacrifice.


First Post
Yeah, I think blocking the doors with the rod is our best bet. gives us some time to get ready. After that... I don't know, but ehre's some ideas:

-Move Oceas into Melee. He's got as much max HP as Deigh (which ties for highest HP in the party), and Deigh's hurt. Give Oceas as much AC boosting power as possible and try to get hom to soak some.

-Deigh has two bottle of Tholos Blood he's been saving for just this occasion. Each one makes a weapon Flaming (Tormaling?) for 5 rounds. Deigh will use one, I would say Luvaine or gelvin (or Oceas, if he tanks for us) gets the other. Deigh also has two bottles of Antitoxin, if we need them.

-If we're trying to get a jump on Nockmort, and we have some time to prepare, Deigh could loan his dagger to someone else. This dagger gives +2 to initiative, so it may be useful if, say, we have a spell that we REALLY want to cast before he can do anything.

-Assuming roughly equal reach, Deigh can move up to Nockmort, hit him, and move back out beyond where Nockmort can hit him each round. (20 ft in to within 10 ft, attack, Spring Attack back to 20 feet out, and we know these guys move slow, so we hope he moves less then 20 feet in a single move).

-Deigh also has a Masterwork cold Iron mace, if anybody needs a weapon.

Deigh's current HP is 32 out of a max of 50. He has no other status ailments, and no abilities that recharge/have uses per day.

So, overall, I think our best bet is to figure out an alternate 'win' condition. What are we really trying to do here?

If we do go toe-to-toe, I say we block the door, summon an elemental, have Oceas tank for as long as possible, let Deigh spring attack each round with a Flaming Chain, and generally try to not get killed. I'm also all in favor of removing the rock, at worst it does nothing, at best it weakens him or returns hi to sanity.

Voidrunner's Codex

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