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Against the Slavers A1: Slave Pits of the Undercity


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Capt. Jack:
You know that there is a local black market which you frequented, but you never saw slaves there. Some of the more illicit contraband is sold through personal contacts. If you want to know more about the city, just ask me and I'll tell you.

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Bob Aberton

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(OOC Halivar: Sorry if my posting's been a bit spotty of late, I've been having intermittent connection difficulties for about a week now. So my posting might continue to be kind of sporadic for a while...)

"Why, Thunderword, I do b'lieve you're catchin' on t' this subterfuge business," Captain Jack says in a dry undertone. He then addresses the rest of the party;

"Gentlemen, I have some ideas rattling 'round in me head right now, but this isn't the best place t' speak of them. Perhaps we should repair t' my cabin ter hold council? An' if no one has any objections, I'll be movin' this ship to a moorin' offshore of this dock, I don't like the way any old street scum can just hop aboard while we're docked here."

Captain Jack leaves the quarterdeck in command of his second mate and goes below to his cabin.

I'm goin' to have to use my inside knowledge t' get to the heart of this...and when they realize that only a slaver would know what I know, I've a feelin' there'll be awkward questions. Perhaps it'll be best just to get in the open now, before I have to trust these fellows to cover me back in a fight...


A suffusion of yellow
Orbril shakes himself feeling dirty after the near encounter with goblin scum. Mr Pymm and Poggy are safely at his side as he joins the others.
Many are the thoughts in his head as he follows the captain to his cabin not least the futility of this trip into the very mouth of hell!


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The Whore o' the Sea is now sitting in the center of the bay, away from the docks. You guys have a plan from Capt. Jack, but how are you going to implement it?


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Following the others into the Capt'ns cabin Tarasin states calmlyAs long as your plan sounds likely to get us in, I am willing to take any risk to rid the world of skum like this...

Bob Aberton

First Post
When all are assembled in his cabin, Capt. Jack gestures for them to take a seat.

"Port, anyone? Or perhaps something stronger - I've brandy and rum too."

His steward pours a drink for anyone that wants one. Captain Jack drains his rum glass in one long gulp and sets it down with a crash.

"Now, to business. It just so happens thet I know this city pretty well. Matter o' fact, I...grew up here. So unless things have changed drastically, there'll be a black market down on Block Street which sells some fairly expensive goods thet never saw Customs. Never saw slaves there, though. But it might be a place t' consider when makin' discreet inquiries.

And thet's the key, gentlemen, discreet inquiries. I know you've all scores of your own to settle with these slavers, I know I do, but we're going to have t' blend in for the time bein'.

An' while we're speakin' o' thet, my name is pretty well known around these parts. And not in a good way, either. The slavers gave me this - " he gestures to the scar on his left cheek " - years ago, though the man who did it regretted it. An' just two months ago I had to put in for repairs here, an' they tried again. Twice.

So, gen'lemen, I would appreciate if you not refer to me as 'Captain Crosstree.' Y' can call me 'Jack,' though I'd prefer 'Captain Jack,' or 'Captain.' But if you value my life and your own, don't let yerselves be heard callin' me Captain Crosstree. Savvy?"

(OOC Halivar:
As an ex-slave ship captain, would I know any wholesalers or former wholesalers of slaves? I'd have to sell my cargoes to someone...


Good thinking Jack. We can check the market in the morning, but tonight we might want to find a decent inn where we won't get our throats slit, and then invite ourselves to a disreputable tavern where we can look for rumors. Men who drink too much oft give away secrets they mean not to, Marcon says flatly, looking away from the massive amount of alcohol Jack was swilling.

It may also be wise if we invent personas for ourselves. Why are we here? Who are we? I'll be a cleric of an evil deity who serves as advisor to Jack here.


A suffusion of yellow
The gnome looked up at the others wondering what possible persona he could take.
"I'm a circus performer, thats what I know" he shrugs his shoulders after taking down a huge pint of rum "pretty good with artillery too. So I'm not sure what persona I'd be taken. I suppose even a den of rogues like this needs entertainment!, or I could simply be a theif like any other - always good for a bit of sneaking when needs be

As for sleeping in an Inn, I've gotthe feeling that the safest place to sleep might be on the ship - what say you captain?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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