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Age of Heroes - LR Gestalt Game (Roll Call)


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Ferrix: I see that you've finished your character, I'll update the IC thread so that the others run across you on there way to see the High Priest of Oghma.

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Lord_Raven88 said:
Ferrix: I see that you've finished your character, I'll update the IC thread so that the others run across you on there way to see the High Priest of Oghma.

Works with me ! Thanks for the game LR, I always enjoy a good 'venture.


First Post
Thanks! I'm really looking forward to this. But character creation is going slowly. So many options! Plus I haven't played a druid or a gestalt before. But I think Vhandamere will turn out to be both durable and have a nice array of k00l p0werz :D


First Post
Apologies to all involved, but i feel i need to remove myself from this game......im not sure but i think ive lost interest in this somehow, and i think this is the best solution.....


Hey Question, sorry to see you go. This game was pretty much your idea. I thought something must be up since you weren't posting. Hope you find a game that works for you.


First Post
Name: Vhandamere

Desc: In his natural form Vhandamere stands just over 2 feet tall. While his face is wrinkled with age and his fur graying, he still manages to be heartwrenchingly cute. He exudes a warmth and serenity, not to mention a visible celestial glow, that tends to put people at ease. And while his voice is high pitched, its tones are melodious.

Race: Middle-Aged Anthropomorphic Divine Minion Bat Saint
Alignment: Neutral Good

Str 4 base 8 cost 0 (Bat -4, Middle Aged -1)
Dex 8 base 8 cost 0 (Middle Aged -1)
Con 18 base 16 cost 10 (Saint +2, Middle Aged -1, Levels +1)
Int 10 base 9 cost 1 (Middle Aged +1)
Wis 28 base 18 cost 16 (Bat +6, Saint +2, Middle Aged +1, Levels +1)
Cha 22 base 17 cost 13 (Bat -2, Saint +4, Vow of Poverty +2, Middle Aged +1)

Hit Points: 88
AC 36 (base 10 Dex -1 Insight [Saint] +9 untyped [Ninja] +9, Armor [Vow] +7, Deflection +1 Natural +1 Size +1 Flaw -1) Touch 19, Flat 36
Init -1
BAB +9/+4, Grap +1
Speed 5 Land 20 Air
Fort +16 (classes +11 con +4 Vow +1)
Ref +9 (classes +9 Dex -1 Vow +1)
Will +20 (classes +8 Wis +9 Vow +1 Ninja +2)
Additional +1 on all saves vs.spells and spell-like abilities, +2 vs paralysis hold or entange

Druid 1/(Saint) - Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, Alertness, Endurance, Flaw:Murky-Eyed, Flaw:Vulnerable
Druid 2/(Saint) – Nymph's Kiss (Exalted bonus feat)
Druid 3/(Divine Minion) – Eschew Materials
Druid 4/Master of Many Forms 1 - Intuitive Attack (Exalted bonus feat)
Druid 5/ Master of Many Forms 2
Druid6/ Master of Many Forms 3 – Natural Spell, Nimbus of Light (Exalted bonus feat)
Druid7/ Master of Many Forms 4
Druid8/ Master of Many Forms 5 – Touch of Golden Ice (Exalted bonus feat)
Druid 9/ Master of Many Forms 6 – Assume Supernatural Ability:Eye Rays
Druid 10/ Ninja 1 – Lliira's Blessing (Exalted bonus feat)

Concentration (Con) 17 ranks 13
Craft (Int)
Diplomacy (Cha) 9 ranks 3 (11 total on Wild Empathy, synergy)
Disguise (Cha) 7 ranks 1
Handle Animal (Cha) 11 ranks 5
Heal (Wis)
Hide (Dex) 6 ranks 7
Knowledge (nature) (Int) 12 ranks 10 (druid +2)
Listen (Wis) 22 ranks 11 (alertness +2) (26 total with Blindsense)
Profession (Wis)
Ride (Dex)
Spellcraft (Int)
Spot (Wis) 24 ranks 13 (alertness +2) (26 total with Blindsense)
Survival (Wis) 11 ranks 0 (Druid +2)
Swim (Str)

Special Abilities:

Bat Inherited characteristics
Blindsense - A bat notices and locates creatures within 20 feet. Opponents still have 100% concealment against a creature with blindsense.
Skills - A bat has a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Listen checks. These bonuses are lost if its blindsense is negated.

Tongues, always on.
Gain an Insight bonus to AC equal to the Saint’s Wisdom modifier (+9)
Holy Touch – the Saint’s melee attacks do +1d6 Holy damage vs. Evil creatures (or +1d8 vs. Evil Undead or Evil Outsiders). Any Evil creature that attacks the Saint with a Natural Attack takes the same amount of damage.
Able to cast Guidance, Resistance, Virtue, and Bless at will at Character level.(10th)
Gain Fast Healing (5).
Protective Aura – 20’ radius nimbus of light that can be activated as a Free Action. Acts as a double strength Magic Circle against Evil and a Less Globe of Invulnerability.
HD Damage Reduction 5 / evil

Mulhorandi Divine Minion of Isis
Fast Wild Shape - Wild shape as an 11th-level druid into a hawk. The divine minion can use this ability at will, can change form as a free action, and can spend time in animal form indefinitely. Unlike a druid, minions can use this ability even if they're wearing metal armor.
Fear Immunity - Divine minions are immune to fear effects.

Animal Companion (see below)
Nature Sense +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Wild Empathy - improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. The druid rolls 1d20 and adds her druid level and her Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the druid and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. A druid can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes a -4 penalty on the check.
Woodland Stride - Starting at 2nd level, a druid may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect her.
Trackless Step - Starting at 3rd level, a druid leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to leave a trail if so desired.
Resist Nature’s Lure +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of fey.
Wild Shape - Turn into any Small or Medium animal and back again once per day. Her options for new forms include all creatures with the animal type. This ability functions like the alternate form special ability, except as noted here. The effect lasts for 1 hour per druid level, or until she changes back. Changing form (to animal or back) is a standard action and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. Each time you use wild shape, you regain lost hit points as if you had rested for a night. Any gear worn or carried by the druid melds into the new form and becomes nonfunctional. When the druid reverts to her true form, any objects previously melded into the new form reappear in the same location on her body that they previously occupied and are once again functional. Any new items worn in the assumed form fall off and land at the druid's feet. The form chosen must be that of an animal the druid is familiar with. The new form’s Hit Dice can’t exceed the character’s druid level.
Venom Immunity - Immunity to all poisons.
Master of Many Forms
Shifter Speech – You may speak verbally regardless of the form you take. You may also communicate with other creatures of the same kind while in a Wild
Improved Wild Shape (Humanoid, Giant, Monstrous Humanoid, Fey, Vermin, Aberration) – You may now use Wild Shape to take the form of a Humanoid, Giant, Monstrous Humanoid, Fey, Vermin, or Aberration whose base hit dice are not greater than your hit dice.
Improved Wild Shape (Large, Huge, Tiny) – Your Wild Shapes may now be up to Huge-sized or as small as Tiny-sized.

Wisdom bonus to AC (+9). This bonus applies even when Flat-Footed, but not when immobilized, wearing any armor, using a shield, or when carrying a Medium (or heavier) load.
+2 bonus on Will saves, not while wearing any armor, using a shield, or when carrying a Medium (or heavier) load.
Sudden Strike +1d6 – When attacking a creature vulnerable to Sneak Attack who is denied his/her Dexterity bonus to AC. May not be used to do non-lethal damage. May be used with a Melee weapon or a Ranged weapon within 30’.
Note: The main difference from Sneak Attack is that it does not applied to Flanked foes.

Vow of Poverty
+7 AC doesn't effect touch attacks, doesn't stack with armor.
Exalted bonus feats at 1st level 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter.
Endure Elements – no need for fortitude saves between -50 and 140 degrees.
+2 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls, good typed.
Sustenance – Doesn't need to eat or drink.
+1 Deflection bonus to AC
+1 Resistance bonus to all saving throws
+2 to a single ability score
+1 Natural Armor bonus
Mind Shielding - Immune to Detect Thoughts, Discern Lies, and any attempt to discern alignment
Damage Reduction – DR 5/evil

Animal Companion
Hopzeru, Fleshraker Dinosaur
M Animal HD 8d8+16 Init +6 Speed 50' AC 25 touch 15 flat 20 Base Attack +6 Grap +10 Attack +10 d6+4 Full 2 claws +10 d6+4 1 bite +5 d6+2 and tail +5 d6+2 and poison (cannot use bite and tail at same time) SA leaping pounce – full attack on charge, if hits M or smaller free trip attempt, if successful free grapple attempt. If trip fails opponent can't trip in return, if grapple fails opponent still prone. SA poison DC 14 d6 Dex/d6 Dex con save


0 Detect Magic X4, Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds
1st EntangleX2, Obscuring Mist, Omen of Peril (CD,SC), Animate Wood, Wood Wose (CD,SC), Enrage Animal (SC)
2nd Blinding Spittle (PgtF), Gust of Wind, Lesser Restoration, Major Resistance (SS), Embrace the Wild (Cadv), Briar Web (CD,SC)
3rd Lion's Charge X2 (SC), Venomfire (Serpent Kingdoms), Hypothermia X2 (SC)
4th Flame strike, Blast of Sand (Sandstorm), Arc of Lightning (SC), Enhance Wild Shape X2 (SC)
5th Animal Growth, Baleful Polymorph X3



This build is predicated on a several assumptions that may or may not be the case. If any of the assumptions are incorrect, some adjustments to the build will be necessary (or at least desired).
-The Divine Minion Template (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a) can be taken to allow early entrance into the Master of Many Forms PrC. This is potentially cheesy but does incur a +1 LA essentially just for that privilege.
-Assume Supernatural Ability: Eye Rays applies to both Beholders and Beholder-kin OR it can be taken now just for Beholders even though Vhandamere can't yet wildshape into one (one HD shy). EDIT: Neither assumption re Assume Supernatural is likely to be correct. Is the feat even allowed?
- The most recent version of the polymorph rules (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20060502a) are being used.
-Though the build overall is admittedly somewhat broken, the character can be kept in check by the roleplaying constraints of exalted status. Vhandamere must always seek peaceful solutions before resorting to violence, can't conveniently walk away when other PCs want to rough a villian up for information etc.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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