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Airwalkrr's Temple of Elemental Evil (IC)


At the gnome's comments, the man atop the tower lets out a chortle, Hah! You've got to be joking, he laughs, this place, well-prepared? Well I guess that answers the question of whether or not you come from the Viscount. Obviously you wouldn't be so misinformed if you had come from him. Still, I would like to ask what you are doing brandishing arms and armor if all you want to do is parley? This is a peaceful village and we'd like to keep it that way. If you'd be willing to lay down your arms as a sign of good will, we might be persuaded to see if Burne has time to speak with you.

OOC: A successful Diplomacy check is required to persuade them to allow your group inside. Aredal appears to have the highest Diplomacy modifier so I recommend he make the roll. One other character may aid. The guards are currently unfriendly.

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First Post
Dolan looks at his comrades questioningly. They don't seem to be needin' our help. If they be more worried about us enterin' with arms, they can't be that sore up fer our aid. I'm fer findin' out what we can do, but I ain't fer leavin' me hammer on the road fer any to take.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Oh you mean this harmless knife?" the gnome says patting his sheathed weapon. "Come come, if we would wish to hurt you my dear humans, we would not be talking right now"


Oh no, the guards reply with a bit of annoyance, the knife doesn't bother us one bit. It's the swords and bows and hammers that have us worried. Some of your comrades come as if prepared for battle, not civil discussion. I assure you there are no battles to be fought within the tower if you surrender your weapons at the door. And of course we promise no one will make off with them.

[sblock=OOC]If it helps, imagine this analogous situation from real life. Suppose you wish to speak with the sheriff of your city. If you go to meet with him, they have a metal detector and armed policeman at the door. I once went to visit a judge and they wouldn't even allow me to bring a box-cutter inside. At least that is the way it works in the US. It might be different for those of you in other countries, but most of the world is even less forgiving of possession of weapons from what I understand. So if you guys want to talk to Burne, the guards are perfectly within their right to insist you disarm. I don't want you thinking that I am trying to trick you into walking into a trap.[/sblock]


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"Ah my friends. This is only a friendly conversation we are going to. I'd suggest we do as the guard says. I trust they will take good care of the weapons. Now afterall, we are visitors in their village, not brigands or vigilantes. This is a peacefull village and they seem to be afraid we'd become a source of trouble ourself. They have probably not seen this well armed strangers since the days of the temple" Aredal says to the party. "But if you feel like you'd rather not leave the weapons then some of us could stay behind and watch the gear of those going in." He then shouts to the battlements. "Yes, ahem, it seems some of my friends are not very accustomed to the human ways. We will have a short parley together and I'll try to convince them to leave their weapons in your care. But at least those of us who would come in will do so. And as you can see, personally I am already unarmed." Aredal says, opening his arms to show his words are true.
[sblock=Diplomacy]Diplomacy (1d20+9=18) now that should move them to indifferent.[/sblock]


Aredal's words seem to calm the guards, who up until now have been rather on edge having armed visitors at their door. Very well. You, in the vestments, you may enter, as well as any of your friends who agree to leave their arms and metal armor at the door. I promise they won't be harassed if they choose not to do so, but otherwise, we aren't letting them in.

OOC: Decide now, who among you will be going in. I will assume those of you who don't respond stick with your original intent, though you can "change your mind" later if I post an update before you had a chance to post your response.


First Post
At the inclusion of his armor in the demand, Dolan's dwarven mind becomes truly set in stone. I'll not be goin' in with ye, priest. I wouldn't be much use to ye, anyway, but I'll not be strippin' down in front of the likes of these.

[sblock=ooc] I totally understand the guards' suspicions and demands, but Dolan's a dwarf and just can't part with his armor that easily. [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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