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All Star Wars Movies Delayed Until 2025?


George Lucas consciously modelled Star Wars on the monomyth, as set out by Joseph Campbell.
some refs:
Star Wars, the Monomyth, and Why Some Things Never Change – Monomyth
Joseph Campbell, Star Wars and the Hero’s Journey
Oh I get what you mean. Yeah, I'm familiar with that stuff. That's all fine, though. That's talking about the bones. There's many layers to storytelling. I think what I'm trying to get at is that they think we want to see the same characters or themes over and over whereas I think we want new characters and updated themes, just set in the same universe.

It should still be the heroes' journey, and still be a space-western-samurai piece. Favreau understood it with the Mandalorian - he took a newer samurai story to steal from (newer than the Hidden Fortress, anyway): Lone Wolf and Cub.

He didn't just remake A New Hope again, like both Phantom Menace and Force Awakens did, nor did he make a movie about Han Solo (but without Harrison Ford). I mean, who asked for that? (Solo would probably have been an okay Star Wars movie if it hadn't been about Han, Chewie, Lando, and the Falcon). Much as I love Lando...

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who asked for that?
Well, Brian Daley's Han Solo novels where good* (and the very first EU stuff). I guess they got the idea from that. And it could have made a decent TV series. The counterpoint to the Heroes Journey is the Picaresque. Also see: Firefly.

* What do you mean, Bollux?


I sometimes wonder what we would have gotten for Episode 9 had Carrie Fisher not died unexpectedly. It was meant to be her movie after all (like how Ep 7 was Han’s and Ep 8 was Luke’s).


We got the Mandalorian, which is pretty fresh and much beloved. When it did bring in existing characters, they were in service to the main cast's story.
This was one of the differences between "The Mandalorian" and "Book of Boba Fett", IMO - as you say, when Ahsoka and Luke show up in TM they serve to advance the story of Mando and Grogu, and it works well.

By contrast, the second half of BoBF becomes season 2.5 of TM - there's an entire episode in which Fett doesn't appear and we instead catch up with Mando, then we're off to the new Jedi temple and Luke and Ahsoka (and, of course, the more we see and hear CGI Luke, the more glaring the perfections).

On a wider note: I don't particularly care if they do new stuff or old stuff, just as long as they do good stuff.

I think Splinter of the Mind's Eye was first. But best forgotten.
Splinter of the Mind's Eye was the first, as it was going to be the low-budget sequel to Star Wars.

Once they realised they had a hit on their hands, and could get a much higher budget for the next movie, they came up with The Empire Strikes Back instead.

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