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And your favorite module writer is?

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Melan said:
Favourite module: Dark Tower (Judges Guild).
Favourite module writer: Paul Jaquays (he also wrote The Book of Treasure Maps, Caverns of Thracia, Hellpits of Nightfang and a handful of mini-scenarios, of which Realm of the Slime God is the best).

I agree completely that Paul J. is the man. I can't rate Dark Tower, since alas I've never seen a copy, but Caverns of Thracia is truly excellent. To the above list you must also add Duck Tower and co-authorship of Griffin Mountain (both for RuneQuest). My favourite module of his, though, is The Enchanted Wood (written for DragonQuest).

All of which allows me to forgive him for DQ1 The Shattered Statue, which stank on ice. :\


I was going to say Chris Perkins and Seeking Bloodsilver.

But honestly? Whispering Cairn and the entire backdrop to Diamond Lake is my fave of all time right now because this thing is so real, fun and and so highly adaptable.

And that makes Erik Mona my kick-ass author.

The 1e modules just aren't up to snuff anymore in terms of comparing with later work. That does not make them excellent examples of the era - but the current standards by which they are to be judged?

They fall short.


First Post
Favorites: Where to start? OK, at the beginning. Treasure Vaults of Lindoran(JG) Fortress Badabaskor(JG) The Portals of Torsh and Irontooth (JG) Hellpits of Nightfang, Snakepipe Hollow (Chaosium), Apple Lane, LichLords (RoleAids) War of Darkness (RoleAids) The G series, The whole Empire in Flames for Warhammer (Ken Rolston) Castle Drachenfels (Warhammer) RAPPAN ATHUK ( Necromancer ) The Abduction of Good King Despot (EGG's Fantastic Adventures) Did I mention anything for RQII, Griffin Mtn, Pavis and the Big Rubble etc.....


First Post
OD&D/1e - Paul Jaquays from early stuff in the Dungeoneer, through the RQ stuff one of my favourites.

3e - no one outstanding yet, but I like the one module I've seen written by Nathan Paul The Grey Citadel and I know he's got another in the pipeline with Necromancer Games.


Lance Hawvermale said:
Thanks to those of you so kind as to mention my name! But I have to step aside for classic Dungeon author Willie Walsh. Old-timers will likely recognize his name.

Module? Graeme Morris's When a Star Falls, followed closely by I9.



Willie posts here on ENWurld.

Voidrunner's Codex

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