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Anyone's campaign NOT focused on fighting the forces of evil?

While our group does go on certain quests to fight evil (i.e., when we play the modules), the main focus of our campaign is to make the world a better place to live in. Of course, each character has a different idea of what "better" means.

Eg. The Elf thinks more forests and nurturing of nature is what's needed, the Paladin wants more churches to his god built, and the Dwarf thinks anything that gets him more gold is beneficial.

This tends to put us in some conflict with each other but also with many NPCs, be they good, neutral or evil aligned. As our characters are politically significant, this conflict can lead to wars, even between two good-aligned realms.

It's been very enjoyable to this point.

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That's Latin for "cool"
I think things are best when it's not clear who the forces of evil actually are. Is it the wizard who belives the end justifies the means or is it the king who will only fight the "bad guys" on his own terms? Which is better for the populace?

Players should be allowed to make as many decisions as possible. Including the good guys and the bad guys.


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Fade said:
Make money. Lots and lots of money....

Yeah. Greed and vengeance allways seems to be good motivations. You rarely see the players let the villains stay alive to learn from their mistakes ( save their souls and stuff.... Hey there's an idea for a campagine.. Anyway). And not so soon have they died before you'll see even the guys with supposedly high standards argue to get some of the loot:)
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Against the Elves

Well, I'm in Forrester's Against the Elves campaign. We play orcs, goblins, kobalds, and other such creatures battling the elves who are encroaching on our territory. We hate those pointy-eared creeps, but I don't think they qualify as evil.


Glory to Maglubiyet!


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Sometimes fighting evil....

The campaign I used to run we usually didn't use alignment for the characters and NPC's, this allowed our game to be more ambivalent, so that a power struggle between the church and the state could be played out in realistic machievellian terms. Classes, like paladin were held to their code of conduct.

The main thrust of the game iwas a pollitical power struggle in a crumbling, decadent empire. Forces from within and without are trying to gain the upper hand while forces in the government struggle to stay on top of it all (and they aren't even necessarily the good guys!). These were the main factions:

The Kith Roi (Think Jack Nicholson from A Few Good Men: "I have neither the time nor inclination to explain my actions to a man who sleeps and rises under the very blanket of freedom I provide and who questions the methods I use to safeguard those freedoms...). The Kith Roi, translated Crown's Brothers, are the secret police who protect the realm and seek to out maneuver the others. Their principle tools are assisination, political manipulation, and intimidation. The Roi are the true power behind the throne, and the king is part and parcle a member of their organization. It is an organization filled with both Paladins and assasins, although there is equal representation of all classes.

Sons of Mythonius (An underground religious organization carrying out its own inquisition.) Aelfric Mythonius was a Church inquisitor who carried his inquiry to the foot of the throne and whose order was decimated for it. Their libraries filled with esoterica were put to the torch, their members burned at the stake, for crimes of heresy, necromancy, and .... worse. Over time the Sons appropriated the methods of those they hunted. Most notably their use of the undead, who they preach work of years in Purgatorio by serving the order. They are the closest thing to true good guys the campaign has, although their methods are suspect. Mostly wizards and clerics.

The Fiona (Ethnic seperatists, revolutionaries) The Empire actually straddles several ethnicities. One of those ethnicities wants out and the Fiona are their revolutionary arm. All classes though mostly rangers, druids, and rogues.

Society of the Common Meal (Anarchists, radical revolutionaries) The Common Meal wishes to free people from the thumb or aristocratic oppression, or so they say. Their goals are to generally destabilize the infrastructure of the realm. They are hardly the most popular sort. Their aims frequently bring them into conflict with the Fiona as well as the Kith Roi.

Those were the major factions. Characters spent their time getting played by all sides and trying to decide what is right to do.


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My players don't care about evil (half are evil). They just want to get our of Ravenloft. Which will be very tough since the domain lord was one of the party members. And he is not about to let the borders down.


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I tend to run ecological survival campeigns-

My last was an ice age, and my current is in a flood world.

The players tend to look for civilized areas- and do their best to survive.



I was just curious if anyone's campaign focuses on something other than fighting the opposing forces: stop the powerful bad guy/evil organization, prevent the return of an ancient evil, etc.

If so, what is your campaign's theme? Searching for a lost relic? Treasure hunting? Trying to unite a realm? What?

The relentless search for POWER, FAME, and GOLD-GOLD-GOLD!!

I ran a short campaign (never got a chance to finish it) where the PCs were a bunch of conmen, thieves, and other scum on the run from the law who, after a lengthy sea voyage, found themselves in a foreign city. I explicitly did not allow good characters, but instructed people playing evil characters to avoid chaotic-kill-crazed and focus more on chaotic-greedy or lawful-scheming, if you catch my meaning.

There was a contest being held to award a dukedom to the worthy team that scored the most points in 3 competitions:

* A baking contest.
* An eating contest
* A footrace through the city's sewers

What the PCs didn't know was that this "contest" was a common tool the city used to get rid of riff-raff and opportunistic, power-hungry foreigners. For instance, the footrace through the city sewers was acknowledged as the most effective way to flush out the trolls, mutant alligators, and other monsters who took up residence there.

And of course, if the PCs won and acquired the dukedom.... hehehehe... their troubles were only just beginning.

Unfortunately, the game had to come to a halt since I moved from NYC to New England. =(

- Mearls

Rashak Mani

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Most of our games is lets bash evil and get rich theme...

One of them however is about hunting down another group of PCs... basically the DM decided to form a group of evil PCs to hunt down his other PC group. We are always a step behind, we can barely wait to get our greasy hand on them. :)

Until we do kill them we have done some minor quests (yep for gold we do good too) and bashed up some monsters for experience... we made a assassination attempt (failed) in a city also for gold and goodies. We had a weak scrying device in order to try and locate them...

Being Evil is fun... try it one time... in-group roleplaying is much better since you dont have that "just going along" with the group attitude... raping women and being cruel to new "members" of the group.

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