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Are you familiar with these obscure monsters?

the Jester

Edit: Huh? I meant to make this a poll, but... er... anyway.

It's obscure monster poll time!

Are you familiar with any of the following monsters in D&D (any edition)? (If you have heard of them enough to have an idea of what they are, you probably count as 'familiar with' them.)

Anyway- the monsters in question:

1. Tarantella
2. Deodanth
3. Phraint
4. Thoul
5. Red Slime

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First Post
Edit: Huh? I meant to make this a poll, but... er... anyway.

It's obscure monster poll time!

Are you familiar with any of the following monsters in D&D (any edition)? (If you have heard of them enough to have an idea of what they are, you probably count as 'familiar with' them.)

Anyway- the monsters in question:

1. Tarantella
2. Deodanth
3. Phraint
4. Thoul
5. Red Slime

1. Yes.
2. If it's a take off of what I'm thinking of, then yes.
3. Nope.
4. Yes. I've even seen one in a game session!
5. No.


Victoria Rules
Only one of those I've ever heard of is the Thoul; and though I don't remember what it is now, I'm pretty sure I ran a module a long time ago that had some in it.



Phraint is an insectoid race from the Arduin game system. They are basically insect creatures that have no emotions.

Arduin was a very early system that was essentially heavily house ruled D&D. Eventually it evolved away from D&D into its own system.

Here is a miniature of a phraint.

Deodanth are also from Arduin. They are hairless and sort of a cross between a demon, a cat person with a demonic sort of personality (generally).

Here is a miniatures of a deodanth.
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First Post
Thoul - cross between Ghoul and Troll? Regenerates? Could have sworn it was from somewhere in BECMI... but then again, I could be just imagining things...

Thoul - cross between Ghoul and Troll? Regenerates? Could have sworn it was from somewhere in BECMI... but then again, I could be just imagining things...


It was in the DM manual in the old Basic D&D (don't know the acronymous, the red box anyway).
I used them as a DM once or twice :)

The others never heard of, except for having met with Red Slime in some old Dragonquest videogame, but I don't think that counts :)

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