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[AU] Lost Dreams [Closing Down]


Oh I forgot to mention that things are more expensive in this little village. Add 20% to the cost of anything but mining and panning equipment. Go ahead with the Cold Weather outfit. though if the others want some they better buy them fast cause they will sell out soon. They have most of the equipment listed in AU except weapons and armor and alchemical supplies. Arms and Armor just ask and Ill see if its there. Ms. Clearwind may also have a few minor magic items for sale.

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Looks like Ion has dissappeared. I have tried to contact him as best as I can, but it looks like the email option in people's profile is not working. So I guess we can open recruiting again.

To that end we have 1 opening. The player who signs up will be joining our group in the Stone Troll thread currently heading into the snowy north in search of the Citadel of Ice and the hag causing the early snows. We have one character who has dissappeared and 1 NPC. I would like to first ask potential players if one of those two characters would be okay, if not then I can try to work in a new character. The NPC is Korwin a human unfettered and the PC was Tash a human warmain.


I saw your post in the AU boards and rushed right over here.
I would be glad to play one of the characters. I would prefer to play the human unfettered, if possible.
Please contact me at your convenience and let us see what we can do...
Cj Young


Welcome CJ, sure the unfettered is available. Lets see I what I have here and you can take it as is or modify as you see fit. Character creation rules should be in the first post. As soon as you have a character you like, then post him over in the RG. As in the first post you can buy any amount of mundane gear and leave an amount for me to fill in with magic stuff.

Korwin Krenn, human male unfettered 3; CR3; HD 3d10 (21 hp), Dying/Dead -1/-10; Init +3; Speed 30 feet; AC 23 (+3 Dex, +4 Armor, +3 Dodge, +2 Shield, +1 Natural) touch 15, flatfooted 14, ACP:0 ; Bab +3, Grapple +5; Atk +6 melee (1d8+2, critical 19-20/x2, longsword) or +7 ranged (1d8+2, critical x3, longbow); SQ Parry +2; Hero Points 0; SV Fort +3, Refl +6, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10.

Skills and Feats: (49sp, 7/3.5) Balance +7, Climb +9, Escape Artist +6, Jump +9, Sneak +10, Spot +8, Swim +9, Tumble +10; Exotic Armor Proficiency, Defensive Stance, Expertise, Energy Resistance (Cold), Iron Flesh.

Parry: +2 dodge bonus vs. one attacker in melee.

Possessions: mw devanian chain shirt, mw devanian long shield, mw longsword, mw composite longbow (Str +2), 20 bodkin arrows (=1700gp)


Sorry for the delay in my posting. I was away for the Memorial Day weekend here in the States, I posted my character before leaving, but no history.
I will be posting the history tonight and hopefully joining the group tomorrow. (if I can figure out a good insertion and I didn't screw things up too bad.)
Erekose, would you please review my character post for any inconsistencies and in the rare case that I forgot something...
Korwin Krenn


First Post
Due to a change in my available time, I'm going to have to drop from the game for the forseeable future. Please feel free to use Vand as an NPC or however you will. I used to be able to visit EN World once a day, now it's more like once a week.

I hope this doesn't mess up any plotlines and I enjoyed the game immensely.


Sorry to see you go Zhure, Rl takes precedence always.

CJ, looked through Korwin, everything looks great, little math error on the money spent, but thats no problem. I'll be giving you your DM items in a short bit and I'll fix it all up then.

Looks like we are recruiting again to fill Vand's shoes. I think we can go with either someone taking over his character or creating a new one. Will alter thread for recruiting purposes.

TO those just joining us now. we have 1 opening for a player in the [AU] Lost Dreams thread. You have your choice of taking over the human mindwitch Vand or creating your very own character. Creation rules are in the first post.

Nac Mac Feegle

First Post
I'd prefer to make a new character.

What players are still in the game? I've found the RG, and I'm trying to find out who's still here so I can get a good idea of what kind of character the party needs.

If possible I'd like to play an unfettered knife-fighter. Also, what level are we at, I saw some lvl 3 and some lvl 4.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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