AU Sunless Citadel (3.0/3.5) Seeking ALTERNATES

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Lobo Lurker

First Post
2 out of 5 votes...

<cue appropriately dramatic music>
Clark: "I don't know Jim, I think it's gonna be a tought fight but Isida has an amazing lead over the others."
Jim: That's 'cause no one else has voted knucklehead.
Clark: "Right. Well you heard it here first folks. This Party Leader Election 2005 Coverage! We'll be back soon to keep you informed."


Lurker (sort of)
Hey there...You don't by chance have room in your AU: Sunless citadel group for another player do you? The game we are currently in together has kind of lagged and the other game I am in has officially died I think so I am looking for another game. I desperately want to play in an AU games as I love the setting and have been wanting to play in that setting for quite some time.

Let me know if you do and if you don't that is not a problem, just keep me in mind if an opening presents itself.




First Post
The options are

1. Crazy Lion Person
2. Crazy Doggyman
3. Human who has no idea what the crap is going on in this place
4. An ugly red human with jokes that make Pauli Shore look funny
5. Second lion person. This one attached to the green. Probably also a nut. He has religion.
6. The giant ran away.

Who should be in charge? Hmmmm.....The litorian has a big axe and has threatened to kill me, a poor little Verrik, like 6 times. I vote for her.


First Post
If you don't want to expand the group any more Elocin can have my spot. I am enjoying and think I will enjoy the future of this game and don't really want to quit. But I am also fortunate to be involved in a bunch of games and can move over to let someone else get some Online action.

P.S. I know Daro just got introduced but hey at least Yina can bare her teeth at another guy.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Gideon said:
The options are
4. An ugly red human with jokes that make Pauli Shore look funny

:\ Pauli Shore isn't funny? :(

Looks like Yina is party leader 3/5 votes.

You can go ahead and make up an alternate Elocin... but the guy that wanted to play a Lithoran MageBlade is ahead of you. :(

I'm working on an Eberron game, but I don't know when it will be ready (game design takes a large amount of time as I'm finding out). Making up your own stuff takes a while and I fear if I don't plot out the first story arc ahead of time I'll never do it and the game will die horrible, painful, boring death of indifference.


Lurker (sort of)
Thank you for the offer Gideon but I do not want to take anyone's place and I have no problems sitting back and waiting to see what happens. My wife and I have a baby girl due Feb. 20th so waiting a few weeks is probably a good thing for me anyway. I will try and come up with a chracater to post for this weekend so in case you get an opening I will be rieady for you.

Thanks guys/gals.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Elocin said:
Thank you for the offer Gideon but I do not want to take anyone's place and I have no problems sitting back and waiting to see what happens. My wife and I have a baby girl due Feb. 20th so waiting a few weeks is probably a good thing for me anyway. I will try and come up with a chracater to post for this weekend so in case you get an opening I will be rieady for you.

Wow! Congrats Elocin. I have a 5 month-old myself. ^_^ Believe me when I tell you that for those first 40 days you won't have time to be gaming on ENworld (well, maybe a couple minutes). Oh, and she'll learn to sleep on your schedule eventually (even if you have to keep waking her up during the day). Those first couple days are hell though.


Yeah with a 3 month old myself, I can attest to the lack of sleep and time you will face in the first month or so. The first week my wife was recovering so I was up with the baby for every feeding at night, that was an interesting week. After that I had to go back to work so I had plenty of time to get onto ENWorld there . I am in virtually every AU game on these boards that is still running, so Elocin, you can jump ahead of me in the Alternates line if you find you have the time. Lobo I would still like to be in line after Elocin.

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