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BIG DAMN HEROES - a d20 Firefly Campaign [OOC]


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The Callahan Fullbore Autolock is kinda the type of weapon I pictured Win carrying as well. Of course, I'm sure there are many guns that fit into the assault rifle category.

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I'd like to submit a second possibility for the crew: Fulton "Wall" Gain, a bodyguard in search of a body to guard.

Fulton “Wall” Gain
Tough 3 / Bodyguard 3 - Military

STR 17 (+3)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 16 (+3) (+1 Stat Boost for 4th Level)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 9 (-1)

Init +3 (+3 Dex)
HD 10 + 2d10 +3d12 + 15 + 3 (Robust) = 49 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=517002
Def 20 (+3 Dex, +2 Tough, +2 Bodyguard + 3 Armor); Flat-footed 17; Touch 17
Spd 30

BAB +4 (+2 Tough, +2 Neg)
Melee + 7
Ranged + 7

Brawl +8 (1d6 + 3 Nonlethal)
Sawed off Shotgun + 7 (+8 within 30 ft and +1 to dmg) (2d8, 15 ft., 2 Int)
Heavy Autoloder + 7 (+8 within 30 ft and +1 to dmg) (2d8, 40 ft., 9 Box)
Light Autoloder + 7 (+8 within 30 ft and +1 to dmg) (2d4, 30 ft., 9 Box)

Fort +5 (+1 Con, +2 Tough, +2 BG)
Ref +6 (+2 Dex, +1 Tough, +3 BG)
Will +4 (+2 Wis, +1 Tough, +1 BG)

Occupation – Military (Knowledge (Tactics), Survival, Armor Proficiency (light, Wealth +1)
Home World – Persephone (Driving, Repair, Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Reputation +2
Action Points 9

Skills (24 Tough + 12 Bodyguard)
Concentration (Con) (6 ranks + 3 Con) +9
Drive (Dex) (3 ranks + 1 comp. + 3 Dex) +7
Intimidate (Cha) (6 ranks – 1 Cha) +5
Knowledge (Tactics) (Int) +1
Listen (Wis) (6 ranks + 2 Wis + 2 Alertness) +10
Speak Language (none) (1 rank)
Sense Motive (Wis) (3 ranks + 2 Wis) +5
Spot (Wis) (9 ranks + 2 Wis + 2 Alertness) +13
Survival (Wis) (2 ranks + 1 comp. + 2 Wis) +5

Armor Proficiency (light)
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Simple Weapons Proficiency
Quick Draw
Improved Damage Threshold
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Knockout Punch

Damage Reduction 1/-
Harm’s Way
Combat Sense +1

Wealth - 6

Undercover Vest
2 Sawed off Shotguns
2 Heavy Autoloders
2 Light Autoloaders
Duct Tape

Description: Fulton Gain is a big, ugly man. He looks slow and lumbering, with a heavy brow and misshapen nose. But looks are deceiving. While he’ll never be a smart man, he is shrewd and quick when it comes to keeping those around him alive. He carries a small arsenal, believing that reloading burns precious seconds that could be spent keeping his charge alive.

History: He was born to a middle class family on Persephone and joined the browncoats in an attempt to give his life some meaning. He was a mediocre soldier, destined never to rise much beyond grunt ranks, until he saved his commanding officer from becoming meat by putting his own body between him and death. The rush he got, the sense of meaning it gave him was addicting. He was assigned to protect various men and women throughout the War. Then the War ended. Now he’s searching for another good man he can protect, another crew that needs him, another flock to shepherd in his own way.


First Post
doghead said:
Watus, how likely is it that the characters will be able to get there hands on automatic weapons? I get the feeling that the setting is like the wild west, carrying a pistol is fairly accepted. A rifle even. But how about a SMG? Or an Assault Rifle? Cutting loose on full auto is fairly heavy duty. I've not seen the series of the movie, but I'm wondering if it is a little over the top.

Okay, an actual answer:

On most Rim worlds, no one will think much of an openly displayed sidearm, or, in most cases, a longarm which is not obviously military (i.e., SMG, Assault Rifle, etc.). It's a rough and tumble kind of place, and people are like to protect themselves. Firearms are generally supposed to be licensed, but if the local law went around hassling everyone with an unlicensed weapon, they'd never have time for anything else. Hell, they probably have a few themselves.

Fully automatic weapons are not openly available (except in the sorts of places honest folk rarely find themselves), but they are generally not that difficult to come by. Walking down the street with them, however, is likely to cause the good townsfolk to dive for cover.

So: it is perfectly reasonable for Helsinki, or anyone in her line of work, to own a fully automatic weapon (or two, or three). She would probably only have it along if she were on a job or had a strong expectation of trouble.

She would almost certainly, however, have a sidearm with her pretty much all the time.


Thanks Watus. And thanks for the link to the Firefly wiki. It helped get a handle for the feel. As for which direction to take, we seem to have a ship-full-o-shooters. Given that I think I might focus on pistols.

[sblock=Helsinki]Fast Hero 3 Gunslinger 3

Str 10 (02)
Dex 18 (16)
Con 12 (04)
Int 12 (04)
Wis 13 (04, L4 increase)
Cha 10 (02)

BAB: +4 [fast +2, gunslinger +2]
DEF: +13 [fast +4, gunslinger +2, +4 dex, +3 armour]
HD: 3d8 + 3d10 +6 = 39
* HP (2d8=9, 3d10=16)

FORT: +3 [base +2, +1 con]
REFL: +8 [base +4, +4 dex]
WILL: +4 [base +3, +1 wis]

Feats, Talents and Abilities
Class Feat - Simple Weapon Prof
Homeworld Feat - Surface Vehicle Operation (Light Wheeled)
1. Bonus Feat - Armour Prof (Light)
1. Bonus Feat - Personal Firearms Prof
1. Fast Talent - Evasion 1
2. Fast Bonus Feat - Point Blank Shot
3. Fast Talent - Uncanny Dodge 1
3. Bonus Feat - Double Tap
4. Gunslinger Ability - Close Combat
5. Gunslinger Ability - Weapon Focus (Pistol)
6. Gunslinger Bonus Feat - Precise Shot
6. Bonus Feat - Dodge

Skills points (5+1)*9 = 54
** Craft Mechanical +11 [8 ranks, +1 int, +2 comp]
** Drive +10 [5 ranks, +4 dex, +1 comp]
** Repair +11 [9 ranks, +1 int, +1 comp]
* Hide +13 [7 ranks, +4 dex]
* Move Silently +13 [7 ranks, +4 dex]
* Sleight of Hand +13 [9 ranks, +4 dex]
* Tumble +13 [9 ranks, +4 dex]

Action Points 9
Reputation: +2 [+1 fast, +1 gunslinger]
Wealth 7 [5 starting +2 occupation]

* Assault Carbine + scope
* Hvy Autoloader + laser painter + shoulder holster + suppressor
* Light Armour (+3 Def, -2 ACP, +5 max dax, 30 ft., 14 lbs.)
* Tool Kit

Helsinki is a gun for hire. That's what she will tell you if you ask. And not much more. If you push, she might add that she spent some time in the military. And has done a little work here and there since then.

What Helsinki is not telling is not that mysterious. She grew up on Truimph in a blue collar family. Her family ran a small repair shop fixing anything from toasters to vehicles. Helsinki loved the workshop, and spent much of her time there. Her father still insists that she could be a great mechanic if she put her mind to it.

After graduation Helsinki enlisted. She spent a term in the armed forces before being drawn into the world of the gun for hire. She never really intended it as a career move. But a couple of lucrative jobs early on saw her being drawn further and further away from the path she had originally intended to take.

Helsinki stands around 5'8. She tends to favour high boots and clothes that emphasis her slender build. She is fairly quiet, and has a tendency to directness when speaking her mind. When in one place long enough, Helsinki keeps herself busy tinkering with bits and pieces. Its been a while now since she has had the time, or the place however, to do much.[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
doghead said:
Thanks Watus. And thanks for the link to the Firefly wiki. It helped get a handle for the feel. As for which direction to take, we seem to have a ship-full-o-shooters. Given that I think I might focus on pistols.
Its hard for a ship full of ex-vets, mercs, and such to avoid the odd gun or two. ;)


First Post
Hey, don't look at me. I've never been enlisted, and never plan to be.

...not that I don't carry a bit of iron at my side, just to keep a spot of peace.


First Post
As it's been a few days since we've had any new interest, I'm going to go ahead and revise the schedule. I'll close the thread to new submissions on Sunday, July 16 at 5pm CST and then announce the decisions regarding the final crew before 5pm the following day.

I believe that at this point, the only character sheet I'm lacking is Ferrix's.

Voidrunner's Codex

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