
First Post
Has anyone else been infurriated by losing characters? Characters you've worked hard on, planned carefully to develop, through many levels of play, made no few choices and selections to help your Fellow players PCs, be all that they could be.

Only to have it ALL RIPPED AWAY, because some simpering twit FEELS that his character would do something absolutely moronic AND detrimental to the group FOR ROLE-PLAYING reasons.

THEN the putz (whos done this a couple of times now) has the BLOODY AUDACITY to call ME a crappy roleplayer because I make the assumption that SANE people wish to LIVE.

And now what am I left to do? The other players dont seem to mind writing up new characters on a semi-monthly basis, thus this kinda STUPIDITY cannot be voted away from the group.

I will meet the new PCs and if they are a liability to the mission, they DIE by my hand (or hired thugs). Ohhh I do wish there were more player who weren't EXCLUSIVLY ROLE-players around here they make me sick.

Thank you for attending Limper High Anxiety Theatre, I only wish I could share my blood preasure and the flecks of saliva, just thinking of this has caused. Some day when I'm not thinking of taking up fishing I'll share the tale. BY THE GODS I'M BENT INTO FURRIOUS SHAPE TODAY.

Thank You again my friends. I do hope your weekend was a good one.

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Limper said:
Has anyone else been infurriated by losing characters? Characters you've worked hard on, planned carefully to develop, through many levels of play, made no few choices and selections to help your Fellow players PCs, be all that they could be.

Only to have it ALL RIPPED AWAY, because some simpering twit FEELS that his character would do something absolutely moronic AND detrimental to the group FOR ROLE-PLAYING reasons.

THEN the putz (whos done this a couple of times now) has the BLOODY AUDACITY to call ME a crappy roleplayer because I make the assumption that SANE people wish to LIVE.

And now what am I left to do? The other players dont seem to mind writing up new characters on a semi-monthly basis, thus this kinda STUPIDITY cannot be voted away from the group.

I will meet the new PCs and if they are a liability to the mission, they DIE by my hand (or hired thugs). Ohhh I do wish there were more player who weren't EXCLUSIVLY ROLE-players around here they make me sick.

Thank you for attending Limper High Anxiety Theatre, I only wish I could share my blood preasure and the flecks of saliva, just thinking of this has caused. Some day when I'm not thinking of taking up fishing I'll share the tale. BY THE GODS I'M BENT INTO FURRIOUS SHAPE TODAY.

Thank You again my friends. I do hope your weekend was a good one.

Deleted. Post was not usefull or accurate. Sorry. Good gaming
Last edited:


First Post
Details would be useful fella..
Role PLaying is what its all about and acting as your character would, but would need to hear what exactly your gripe was to comment on it...


First Post
Myself the voice of reason: Please dont open that/push that/play with that.

B-T: But I'm role-playing here and Binky-twit III (yet another gnome or hobbit) would push the button, it says I,m supposed to be curious.

Voice of Reason: Yes but B-T we are all almost dead from the rest of those ambushes and traps, we don't know what the button does, and the nice fellow with Disable Devise and Search is currently out cold.

B-T: Hey DM I push the button.

Ghack....... When the team is down, show some caution. Has any DM ever put a HEAL party button in a trap infested Crypt?


Some people can't help themselves.

Although personally I think the DM's are often to blame on things like this, I mean whats the point in having a button there, unless you expect the players to press it. If they're not going to press it why put it in. Since they are going to press it why make it a party killer?

Tactically speaking you should always stop and recover when you think you can just win the next even fight, but then all adventurers arn't a tactical genius, but as you have shown they tend not to live long, shame he took your character with you.

But then why didn't you run off and leave him?


First Post
Or how bout this one...

I dont want to make a listen check Mr. DM my Ranger is a real sound sleeper, and after falling asleep on watch (BY CHOICE) would'nt wake for anything.

I know I'm just ranting and I know as Bagpuss has stated its only a game, but sheesh, the world is REALLY cool but I don't like writing up new PCs all the time, not over this kinda goofy stuff.

Out of five players we have three who do this. I know its a Role-Playing game but am I the only person who thinks that its possible to make a good choice and still be playing in character?

Its just RUDE to the other players to pull this sort of (insert explicative chain here).

I love the world our DM has crafted for us to explore. Its just frighteningly difficult to do so with never making it passed level 5 or so. My new PC is just a renamed version of the last.

Also every time theres a death(s), we waste hours making new PCs. And the problem children WONT make up PCs on their off time THEY prefer spontinaity. Where do these people come from?

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