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Blood Sun, Chapter One: The Shadow Over Junga OOC


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Karnak Skullpoker
Male Orc Barbarian 3, Neutral Evil

STR 18 (+4)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 14 (+1)
INT 6 (-2)
WIS 6 (-2)
CHA 6 (-2)​
HP 32/32 AC 18 (+5 Breastplate, +3 DEX) BAB +3 Size Medium Speed 30ft. Initative +3 ( +3 DEX)
Melee Attack
+7 Spiked Gauntlet 1d4+4 20/x2
+7 Punching Dagger 1d4+4 20/x3
+7 Heavy Pick 1d6+4 20/x4
+7 Spiked Chain 2d4+4 20/x2​
Ranged Attack
Fort +5 (+3 base, +2 CON)
Ref +4 (+1 base, +3 DEX)
Will -1 (+1 base, -2 WIS)​
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60ft.)
Fast Movement, Rage (1/day), Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +1​
Climb +6 (+2 ranks, +4 STR), Intimidate +2 (+4 ranks, -2 CHA), Jump +6 (+2 ranks, +4 STR), Listen +0 (+2 ranks, -2 WIS), Survival +0 (+2 ranks, -2 WIS)
Two Weapon Fighting, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Spiked Chain​
Backpack, Flint & Steel, Rations (x6), Rope (50', silk), Sacks (x2), Signal Whistle, Signet ring, Breastplate, Spiked Gauntlets (x2), Punching Daggers (x2), Heavy Pick, Spiked Chain​
Common, Orc​
Karnak towers far above most of his race, his huge height only enhanced by his powerfully muscled frame. Karnak learned the 'ways of the wild' the hard way. Discarded from his tribe for reasons unknown to him he was left to fend for himself, which upto now he has done quite successfully. Due to his lack of interaction with other intelligent cretures, his communication is quite poor, as is his general knowledge, but what he lacks mentally he more than compensates with in his combat prowess and pure savage, barbaric physical power. His love lies in what he does best; Hurting things. A lot. Deep inside his thick skull Karnak harbors the thought of becoming a god himself, and that the best route lays in the slaughter of his enemies and the enemies of the 'eyes', and to one day gain followers of his own. He may not be quick, but he's not completely dumb, and those whom try to mock him will usually understand why he is called 'skullpoker' after being poked in the skull - with a large spike - save those he knows as friends - unless they push him too far, afterall, there's always a limit - and it's best to be well out of the area when that limit is reached...

The left half of his face is tattood with the image of his own skull; His eyes glowing like globes of fire, all framed by his jet black hair, pulled back slick into a short ponytail making his visage very grim indeed, hightened by the scar running from his brow down across his right eye and down his cheek; It was the same blow that smashed the tip of his right canine tooth, leaving it jagged and broken. His torso covered by a thick blackend-steel breastplate and tough leather broadbelt. His arms, thick with corded muscle, are covered with the scars or many an encounter, whilst his forearms and fists are encased in steel gauntlets fashioned in the same manner as his armour, which sport viscious spiked knuckles. Two punch daggers rest in their sheaths strapped to his outer thighs - his signature weapons - one crafted with a very opaqe white pigment, the other with yellow, leaving each blade heavily tinted with their respective colours - each representing the respective 'eyes'. He carries his backpack strapped to his back which holds all of his belongings, his heavy pick 'slip-tied' to one side within easy reach, yet securely attached, much like the spiked chain that hangs looped on his left hip. He also has a curious looking whistle and gold ring strung on thin twine hanging from his neck...

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First Post
Jrag Bloodgut
Male Goblin Enchanter 3, Chaotic Evil

STR 11 (+0)
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 15 (+2)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 6 (-2 )​
HP 10/10 AC Armor Class: 12 = 10 +1 [dexterity] +1 [small] BAB +0 Size Small Speed 30ft. Initative +1 (+1 DEX)
Melee Attack
+2 dagger 1d4 19-20/x2​
Ranged Attack
+3 light crossbow 1d6 x2 80ft.​
Fort +2 (+1 base, +1 CON)
Ref +2 (+1 base, +1 DEX)
Will +3 (+3 base, +0 WIS)​
Special Abilities
+2 dexterity, -2 strength, -2 charisma (already included), Darkvision (see 60 feet in pitch-dark), +4 on move silently and ride (already included)
Snake familiar​
Spells per day 0/0/0/0/1/1/1/2/2
Spells known 0th- All 1st- Charm Person, Hypnotism, Sleep, Mage Armor,Magic Missle, Expeditious Retreat, Alarm 2nd- Touch of Idiocy, Daze Monster
Spells prepared 0th- 2x Daze, Read Magic, Resistance
1st- Mage Armor, Sleep, Charm Person
2nd- Touch of Idiocy, Daze Monster​
Bluff Cha 2 = -2 +1 +3 [snake], Concentration Con 5 = +1 +4, Decipher Script Int 6 = +2 +4, Diplomacy Cha 0 = -2 +2, Hide Dex* 5 = +1 0 +4 [small], Knowledge (arcana)Int 6 = +2 +4, Move Silently Dex* 5 = +1 0 +4 [goblin], Ride Dex 5 = +1 +0 +4 [goblin], Spellcraft Int 6 = +2 +4
If the familiar is within reach, +2 on spot and listen ("alertness").​
Spell Focus (Enchantment), Scribe Scroll[free to wizard], Spellcasting Prodigy [intelligence]
Backpack, Donkey, Riding Dog, Military saddle, Pack saddle, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Firewood, Inkpen, Ink, 8 trail rations, Belt Pouch, Sack, 50ft Rope (silk), Fishing Net, Tent, Spellbook, Spell Component Pouch, Sewing Needle, Light Crossbow, Dagger, 10 Bolts, 10 sheets of Parchment, 2sp, 9cp​
Goblin, Common, Orc, Terran​
Ragweed (Snake familiar): Str 6 Dex 17 Con 11 Int 7 Wis 12 Chr 2; Hit points: 6; Initiative +3 (dex); Speed 15 ft., climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft.; AC: 19 (+2 size, +3 dex, +2 natural, +2 level); bite +5 melee, poison; Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +4, Balance +11, Climb +12, Hide +18, Listen +8, Spot +8; weapon finesse (bite) Alertness feat when in arm's reach; improved evasion; share spells; empathic link; deliver touch spells;

Malik (Riding Dog): Str 15 Dex 15 Con 15 Int 2 Wis 12 Cha 6; Hit points: 13; Initiative +2 (dex); Speed 40ft.; AC: 19 (+2 dex, +4 natural); Bite +3 melee (1d6+3); Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Jump +8, Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +3, Survival +1; Alertness, Track

Fandor (Donkey): Str 10 Dex 13 Con 12 Int 2 Wis 11 Cha 4; Hit points: 11; Initiative +1; Speed 30ft; AC: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural); Bite +1 (1d2); Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0, Balance +3, Listen +3, Spot +2; Endurance​

Size: Small
Height: 3' 4"
Weight: 42 lb
Skin: Green
Eyes: Red
Hair: None

Jrag Bloodgut was not always Jrag Bloodgut. Born into into the prestigous family of Siduos, Jrag was born as Fermel Siduos. Jrag was , and still is, a higly intelligent goblin. In his youth, Jrag study the one thing everyone feared, in hopes that he could master it, and be able to teach this great power to his family to gain them more power. Instead though his family disowned him, and banished him from his name. In those moments, Jrag stabbed his father in the gut, and cried for everyone to hear, "Fermel Siduos is no more! I've have earned my name today! I'm Jrag! Jrag Bloodgut!"Jrag wondered for many years, picking up magic spells, his familiar snake, Ragweed, and learning to wield the power without losing control, but for every step he took forward, everyone around him grew more distant just like the "Eyes" setting on the day slowly, and slowly, till they became dark and malicious towards Jrag for his practices of the tainted magic. Then, slowly Jrag started loosing what was his quest to help, and was gaining a new quest to become powerful enough to get revenge on all who turned his back on him.
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Awesome, got everything posted up on the wiki, if someone has some time just give it a once over to see if I messed up, I'm bollocks at proofreading. :D

I'll probably start the game thread sometime today, and introduce my girlfriend's PC later, but we'll see! I'm stoked dudes!

One thing, Ivellious, I need to know how many spells per day Jrag gets. The notation works like this: if I have five 0th level spells per day, three 1st level, and one 2nd level, you'd write it like this--


It comes from the OG AD&D days where I'd just mark off the number when I used that spell and I can't get my brain to think any other way.

Any questions, suggestions, etc.?


Some preliminary story stuff. I'm going with the earthquake which Warboss Junga is blaming on Razzit, ordering the goblin to participate in trial by battle -- should he emerge victorious, clearly Bright Eye has deemed Razzit innocent. The Warboss grants Razzit the choice of three champions, which are the PCs.

Festy_Dog, how would Razzit get in touch with the other PCs and convince them to help? Post some about that whole deal so we can have a feel for how the various PCs feel about helping Razzit out before the start of the game, it'll be a lot easier to roleplay with that decided already. :D


First Post
dave_o said:
Awesome, got everything posted up on the wiki, if someone has some time just give it a once over to see if I messed up, I'm bollocks at proofreading. :D

I'll probably start the game thread sometime today, and introduce my girlfriend's PC later, but we'll see! I'm stoked dudes!

One thing, Ivellious, I need to know how many spells per day Jrag gets. The notation works like this: if I have five 0th level spells per day, three 1st level, and one 2nd level, you'd write it like this--


It comes from the OG AD&D days where I'd just mark off the number when I used that spell and I can't get my brain to think any other way.

Any questions, suggestions, etc.?

I should've figured that's what it was. Hell, I used that system in 2ed. For some odd reason though I thought it was spell per lvl with the / meaning new lvl


First Post
As for Razzit getting Jrag to fight with him, I think it would be as simple as Jrag was buying a riding dog (The donkey can be a real ass at times ;) ) and it came up that Jrag needed to pay a toll, but spent the last of his gold on the dog. So Jrag has spent the past few days camped out near Razzit's tent. Jrag would've noticed the terran speaking casting whenever Razzit need to cast, and a sorta friendship popped out of it (Jrag's still wouldn't of shown he was a mage. To used to people hating him for it) Few days after that the earthquake has happened, Razzit's has been put on trail, and Jrag is going to help his friend, though the reason he's giving is that he's using it as a way to pay the toll and get out of here


Ivellious said:
As for Razzit getting Jrag to fight with him, I think it would be as simple as Jrag was buying a riding dog (The donkey can be a real ass at times ;) ) and it came up that Jrag needed to pay a toll, but spent the last of his gold on the dog. So Jrag has spent the past few days camped out near Razzit's tent. Jrag would've noticed the terran speaking casting whenever Razzit need to cast, and a sorta friendship popped out of it (Jrag's still wouldn't of shown he was a mage. To used to people hating him for it) Few days after that the earthquake has happened, Razzit's has been put on trail, and Jrag is going to help his friend, though the reason he's giving is that he's using it as a way to pay the toll and get out of here

Brilliant. More of this. :D

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