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Carrion Crown AP (Savage Stampede) - OOC


Well, if you're going to 'borrow' the feat from the "Al'Qadim" of Pathfinder, you might as well go whole hog with it...


On a more serious note, watch this guy - about a minute in.

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So, if I were making a Priest with a heavy Rogue Background, I might go something like this...
8, 17, 13, 12, 16, 12... with racial adjustments, this becomes
8, 19, 11, 14, 16, 12

This character would never get selective channeling. Would have more skill points than he needs, I know crazy for a rogue. But being the majority would be cross-class, there is little point. The ones I would take would be pointless anyhow. stealth cc, perception cc though I would still take it, climb cc w/ a str penalty to boot plus encumbrance issues, etc. The only ones I can see taking are disable device, perception, and either sense motive or knowledge [relegion]. No reason to take fortune teller with a non-varasian.

Other [benifits] of elf longsword attack penalty, bow damage penalty vs x-bow, so that just leaves elven immunities and elven magic. Oh and rapier proficiency if the half elf didn't take ancestral arms. This for something that would not be used by choice. There would be a damage penalty, and no sneak attack or dervish dance to make up for it.

Where as the half elf gets either spell focus or ancestral arms, can be half varasian [ pure flavor, I admit], no penalty to con.


Thy wounds are healed!
Just me but I would go Half-elf and array like this

STR: 12
DEX: 12
CON: 10 ( 8 with racial adjustment)
INT: 13
WIS: 17
CHA: 16

It is a standard cleric array and the rogue I take (probably only three lvls btw to get to 2d6 sneak attack) is extra.

So at first lvl I have things to keep all characters alive (specially mine) and skills would be Know(religion), Sense Motive, and Disable Device.

Skill Focus Disable Device
Combat Expertise (looking for Improved Feint at 3rd lvl)

I would be a cleric who has a shady past he's trying not to turn back to but after lvl one he sees the need to use all the skills he learned through out his life time. So at lvl 2 I take a lvl of rogue to simulate those skills from his past and are resurfacing.

Skills: Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Intimidate, Know(local), Perception, Swim, Sense Motive

I wouldn't build this character to be heavy combat (melee or ranged) just average spell buffs and stat increases as the game goes will help. He would be the skill monkey and healer. Tank secondary role as I would go breastplate, heavy shield, and Combat Expertise don't care to much about the ACP as I can drop the shield and have guidance for out of combat skill checks.

But like I said only rogue up to third lvl for 2d6 extra dmg with Improved Feint. Probably trapspotter for my rogue talent.

But that's me. :p



Thy wounds are healed!
At first lvl it would be...

+5 = 1 (rank) + 3 (class skill) + 1 (DEX) + 3 (feat) + 1 (magic) -4 (ACP)

Let's see I would have at lvl 3 a Disable Device of...

+11 = 3 (ranks) + 3 (class skill) + 1 (DEX) + 3 (feat) + 2 (item) +1 (magic) - 3 (ACP)

The magic is guidance and this assumes you drop the shield and have a mw breastplate at 3rd lvl (which you should) along with mw thieves tools.

Not bad I would say. At higher lvls you might have lighter armor that has a better magical bonus or made with better material who knows?



Right, I was referring to first level. That's with the traits vegabond child and on the payroll. On the payroll the only way you could afford a breastplate at first level.


Thy wounds are healed!
No that -4 at first lvl is from scalemail.

the trait bonus raises all those by one and would be good fluff wise as well. But elven reflexes will help with the init but your character and could go a hundred ways.

The whole half-elf outcast growing up in the streets and then finds his calling, but then learns he needs to return to his old ways appeals to me.



Armored Coat: Same price as Scale Mail, -1 AC less, only -2 ACP.

Also, change stats thus: Dex 16, Cha 13, Int 12. ;)


+9 = 1 (rank) + 3 (class skill) + 3 (DEX) + 3 (feat) + 1 (magic) -2 (ACP), or +10/+11 with light/no armor.
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You have to have the trait in order to have disable device as a class skill as a cleric. Not to mention its what gives you the background. But that's fluff.

Voidrunner's Codex

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