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[Castles & Crusades-Open for Wait List] Skylark's The Temple of Elemental Evil (T1-4)


First Post
the_myth said:
Should we tally up the Encumbrance for our characters? If so, how much does a Spellbook weigh? And what's its EV?

Should we buy Iron Rations?

Yep, add up your Encumberance. Say a spellbook has an Enc of 1. As for Iron Rations and any other equipment, if you don't list it, you don't have it, and you may wish you did! I won't handwave that kind of thing <smile>.

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Deuce Traveler

Skylark said:
Hey Deuce, you can always roll again!

That's ok. I like to go with what I roll, and I think I have this idea if you like it (almost went with half-orc for the darkvision... what do you think of that?):

Darn Quickfingers the Elven Rogue
AC: +2 HP: 7

Str: 14 (+1, Prime)
Int: 10
Wis: 7 (-1)
Dex: 17 (+2, Prime)
Con: 13 (+1)
Cha: 7 (-1)

Special Abilities: +4 to listen checks, +2 to twighlight vision, +4 to move silently, +10 to saves vs charm or sleep type spells, +2 to wisdom check to spot hidden doors, +1 to hit with bow, +2 to find traps, Back Attack, Cant, Climb, Decipher Script, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Open Locks, Pick Pockets, Traps

Weapons: Short Bow, Arrows (40), Dagger

Armor: Leather

Clothes: Trousers, Tunic, Vest, Cloak, Soft Boots, Belt

Equipment: Backpack, Hemp Rope, Grappling Hook, Flint and Steel, Hooded Lamp, Flask of Oil (3), Whetstone, Large Sack, Small Belt Pouch, Rations (4), Waterskin, Rogue's Tools

Gold: 23gp, 8sp (Still looking to buy some things)

Encumberance: 70 lbs (Not sure I understand encumberance as stated in the .pdf)

This elven character (or half-orc if I go there) is a bit of an outcast, not for his actions, but instead for his words. He has the bad habit of saying the wrong things at the wrong times, and so is considered too rough-tongued for his elven people and yet too insultingly honest to his human companions.
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First Post

Avadne Cyntalanthe
Female Elf Wizard / Cleric of Ehlonna
Neutral Good
S 13
I 16 (Prime)
W 15 (Prime)
D 16
C 10
Ch 15
HP: 8
AC: 12
Base Encumbrance: 11

Born and raised in an elven community near Verbobonc, Avadne Cyntalanthe has grown bored with life in the village. On a lark, she’s packed up a few necessities and set out to explore the world. Avadne’s parents participated in the overthrow of the Temple of Elemental Evil and, despite the fact that the Temple was *just* overthrown a decade ago, she has decided to meet with some friends in the nearby village of Hommlet to investigate rumors of a rising evil in the area. After all, they may have need of her magical talents, and it would be a shame for them to die prematurely.

Appearance: Despite being well over a century old, Avadne has the natural youthful appearance common among elves. She stands just over 5 feet tall and weighs about 95 pounds, with a lean, athletic body. Avadne is attractive, with milky white skin, shoulder-length black hair, and sea blue eyes that seem to look through to a person’s soul. Typically, Avadne wears a simple white tunic over a pair of evergreen trousers or skirt; she tops this with a simple grey cloak. Avadne has a ready smile, enjoys listening to music, and has a profound curiosity for all things magical.

Elf Abilities: +2 Listen, Twilight vision, Move Silently outside, +10 to Saves vs. Charm & Sleep type spells, +2 Wisdom to Spot hidden doors, +1 to attack with Bows
Cleric Spells: Detect Evil, First Aid, Light; Cure Light Wounds, Sound Burst
Turn Undead
Wizard Spells: Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand; Sleep x2

Item Weight EV Cost

Longsword 4 lbs. 3 15 gp
Composite Longbow 3 lbs. 4 100 gp
Quiver of 20 Arrows 4 lbs 2 6 gp

Clothing (All Worn)
Tunic .5 lbs 1w 3 sp
Trousers .5 lbs 1w 4 sp
Belt 1 lbs * 6 sp
Cloak 3 lbs. 1w 5 sp
Soft Boots 2 lbs * 4 sp

Spell Component Pouch .5 lbs. 1 10 gp
Silver Holy Symbol 1 lbs. 1 25 gp

Large Belt Pouch (2 EV) 1 lbs. 1w 1 gp
Flint & Steel .5 lbs. * 1 gp
Bandages (10 wounds) 2.5 lbs. ***** 5 sp
Ink & Quill .1 lbs. * 8 gp, 1 sp
Scroll case w/Parchment (10 sheets) .5 lbs 1 6 gp
12 gold pieces & 2 silver pieces

Backpack (8 EV) 2 lbs. 2w 2 gp
Canteen 2 lbs. 1 2 gp
Rations (1 week) 7 lbs. 4 3 gp
Spellbook 1
Extra Quiver of 20 Arrows 4 lbs. 2 6 gp

Encumbrance: 9 (weapons) + 0 (clothing) + 2 (spellstuff) + 0 (pouch) + 6 (pack) = 17
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First Post
Edited version: (some changes based on my evolving char idea)

Amrais of Dyvers, City of Sails:
Half-Elf (Elf Lineage) Ranger/Bard

STR: 18 (+3) [prime]
INT: 15 (+1)
WIS: 15 (+1)
DEX: 18 (+3)
CON: 11 (+0)
CHA: 14 (+1) [prime]

Roll: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=822050

Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Die: d10 (both classes)

Bonus to Hit: +0

Encumberance: 15w

240 gold pieces (less gear, below)

Abilities: Decipher Script, Exalt, Legend Lore, Combat Marauder, Conceal, Delay/Neutralize Poison, Move Silently, Scale, Traps, Survival, Track

Special Abilities: +2 to Charisma checks, move silently outside, +1 to Wisdom checks to spot hidden doors, +1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution, enhanced senses, +2 bonus to all listen checks, +4 vs. charm or sleep type spells, +2 move silently, +2 find traps

Character Concept: a swashbuckling mercenary and outrider, who also happened to be the company records keeper and historian.

Capsule History: a young woman who served, until recently, in the Starlon's Stalwarts adventuring company. At least until Starlon himself was given a rather unmerciful death at the hands of a band of bugbears. She was the (unplanned-for) son of a mercenary, raised among mercenaries and adventurers, and her whole life has been on the move. She has family (on his mother's side) in Dyvers, but they try to pretend she doesn't exist (her birth being a bit of an embarrasement, coming as it was prior to a planned wedding, and fathered by an elf of all things). Every once in a while they give her coin to 'go away', which she is more than happy to do.

Appearance: Lean, slender-hipped and lithe as a shadow, Amrais has very striking ice-blue eyes, an even pale complexion, and a cascade of dark, ink-black hair as straight as an arrow, falling to her mid-back. Pretty, in a lean, predatory way, she has the high angled cheekbones and slightly pointed ears of her elvish blood, but is taller and less ethereal than her father.

Amrais dresses almost entirely in black - a black ringmail coat to her mid thighs, tight leather trews, tall boots, long, fingerless gloves, a black undertunic, and a black-cowled hood. When fighting, she prefers to be light and mobile, working with her buckler and blades.

Weapons: Longsword (15 gp, 3w); dirk (3gp, 1w), short composite bow (75gp, 3w), 24 Arrows (3gp, 2w), 2 throwing daggers (2gp, 0w)

Armor: Studded leather (25gp, 2w), Small steel shield (9gp, 1w), Normal helm (8gp, 0w)

Clothing: belt (6sp), heavy boots (1gp, 0w), hat (4sp), cloak (5sp, 0w), leather gloves (8sp), soft boots (4sp), trousers (4sp, 0w), tunic (3sp, 0w), vest (2sp, 0w)

Provisions: block of cheese (2sp, 1w), rations, 2 weeks (6gp, 8w),tea leaves (1sp, 1w)

Other gear: Armor & weapon oil (1gp), Backpack (2gp, 1w, 8 capacity), Bandages 20 wounds (2pg), bedroll (1sp, 3w), belt pouch, small (5sp), canteed 1/2 gal (2gp, 1w), chalk 10 pc(1sp), flint and steel (1gp), holy symbol, wood (1gp), hooden lantern (2pg, 2w), small steel mirror (10gp, 1w), paper, 10 sheets, ink, 1oz 8gp), quill, 10 (1gp), quiver, score (4gp, 2w), silk rope 50' (10gp, 2w), sack, small (1sp, 1w, 2.5 cap), shovel (2gp, 3w), sewing kit (5sp, 1w), tent, small (10gp, 4w), tinder box (1gp, 2w), torch, 10 (1sp, 10w), waterskin, 1 gal (1gp, 3w), whetstone (1gp, 1w), flute (15gp, 1 w)
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First Post
gmredux said:
Edited version: (some changes based on my evolving char idea)

Money:[/B] 240 gold pieces (less 315hp costs below - not sure, even as strong and healthy as Amras is, how he can be encumbered just with armor/weapons and basic pack, much less the non-basics; I'd skip the horse, but it seems as if its necessary.. am i computing encumberance values wrong? Seems like it is very easy to be overweighed - my armor/weapons are 15 all by themselves, and i'm wearing light armor!)


I had the exact same thought! I am almost encumbered just with weapons too! I was trying to create an unencumbered character but just decided to pack everything but the kitchen sink, which still makes Avadne only lightly encumbered.

Are we doing encumbrance wrong? I know anything with a w gets a reduction of 1 when worn (which makes an EV 1w cloak essentially EV 0), but something seems...broken...with the system.


First Post
Hi guys,

Remember you figure out your encumberance value as follows:

10 + Str modifier +2 if Str is Prime +2 if Con is prime.

If you carry more than this number in EV then you suffer a bit.

NONE up to x1 EV no penalty.
LIGHT up to x2 EV 3/4 move +1 DC on all Dex checks
MODERATE up to x3 EV 1/2 move +2 DC "" ""
HEAVY up to x4 EV 1/4 move +4 DC "" ""
OVERBURDENED up to x5 EV 1' move auto fail on all Dex checks

The total EV of anything properly carried in a container (like a backpack) is reduced by 3. The EV of anything worn is reduced by 1.

A backpack has an EV of 2w and a Capacity of 8. When worn it has only 1 EV then. It can carry up to 8 EV of items inside, about as much as 1 days supply of firewood. The 8EV counds as only 5 EV (3 less) when worn on the back. So a full backpack carries 8 EV of items, but has a total EV of 5+1 = 6 EV.

If you are in decent shape, and can carry an ENC of 10, that means you can carry a full backpack, clothes, and a small weapon without being encumbered. A bit more, and you are lightly encumbered. Now you wear a full backpack, carry a sword, and wear boots, heavy pants, and a cloak, and see how you would compare to someone clad only in a jogging suit. Any difference? Do you run quite as fast? Lightly ENC is normal for someone carrying stuff. Make sure to drop your backpack at the right time!

If you were to be moderately encumbered, and were Str 10 with no prime adjustments, that would include a full pack (EV 6), a steel breastplate (2), a normal helmet (0), a battle axe (3), a dagger (1), a short bow (3), a belt pouch (1), and a small steel shield (2) and 50' of silk rope (2) over his shoulder would be almost Moderately Encumbered. One more item will put him at Moderate.
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First Post
Aym the Wanderer

N human Assassin 1/Illusionist 1/Monk 1

Str 18 (+3)
Int 17 Prime (+2)
Wis 9 (+0)
Dex 13 Prime(+1)
Con 13 Prime(+1)
Cha 13 (+1)

Hit Points 1d12 (13)
BtH: +0 Melee +3 Ranged +1

Encumberance: TBD (has EV of 15)

Racial Abilities: Choose a third Prime.

Assassin Class Abilities:
Case Target (Wisdom), Climb (Dexterity), Death Attack (Intelligence), Disguise (Charisma), Hide (Dexterity), Listen (Wisdom), Move Silently (Dexterity), Poison (Intelligence), Sneak Attack (+2 to hit, +4 damage), Traps (Intelligence).

Illusionist Class Abilities:Disguise (Charisma), Spellcasting, Sharp Senses (Wisdom) (+1 versus illusions)

Monk Class Abilities: Mind Over Body (+1 saves versus paralysis, polymorph, petrification, and death attacks), Stunning Attack, Unarmed Attack (1d4)

Character Concept:Aym seeks the mage who killed his master in an unfair duel. He's picked up a handful of nasty tricks along the way as he seeks to gain in power and have his revenge. The rumors of trouble in Hommlet drew him, of course.
Shaggy brown hair, blue eyes, and youthful looks combine with a certain shallow selfishness, sharp mind, and clever charm.

Spells: TBD

Equipment: TOTAL ENC 15 (None)
Flameberge 75 gp, 2d4+5, 12lbs, EV4
Shortbow 30 gp, 1d6, 2lbs, EV 3
Backpack 2 gp, 2lbs, 2w(8) full EV 6
Iron Rations, wk 3 gp, 7 lbs EV4
Armor & Wpn Oil 1 gp 1 lb
Case, Scroll 1 gp 1/2 lb EV 1
Flint & Steel 1 gp 1/2 lb
Waterskin 1 gp 4 lbs EV 1 (empty)
Quills (10) 1 gp
Ink (1 oz) 8 gp 1/10 lb
Rogues Tools 30 gp 1 lb EV 1
Belt Pouch, Spell
Component 10 gp 1/2 lb EV 1
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Deuce Traveler

How much (in gold and weight) are scabbards and items that can be used to hang up my bow across my back? I found the quivers for the arrows, but no place for a dagger or bow.


First Post
Skylark said:
Hit Points: Maximum at first level, average points each level thereafter.

do multi-class character use the best hit die type at first level? or do they take an average?

what about when they level? [although this could wait for awhile, it'd be nice to establish the rule now ;-) ]

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