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(Casual D&D) A Game of Trust

Guilt Puppy

First Post

"I am sorry to have disturbed you. We need to see the travelers who have come here. It cannot wait until morning."

He talks with his lips pulled tightly to avoid showing teeth; a sign of non-aggression.

"We bear weapons because we do not know if they will be dangerous. We do not want to hurt them or you, Raven of clan Cwdmyr."

Bath house:

Hiritus follows Fendric's lead, and the two of you encounter no trouble donning your armor at leisure.

(Will Xiao be moving on to wake up Sethan?)

Yattro's room:

The road priest strokes his chin at Nurthk's suggestion.

"You know, that makes a lot of sense..." He shakes his head, smiling a little. "These mountain folk are truly an odd sort."

"In any case, hopefully you're right, and they'll leave with no trouble."

Meanwhile, Shavah dons her armor.
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Guilt Puppy said:

"I am sorry to have disturbed you. We need to see the travelers who have come here. It cannot wait until morning."

He talks with his lips pulled tightly to avoid showing teeth; a sign of non-aggression.

"We bear weapons because we do not know if they will be dangerous. We do not want to hurt them or you, Raven of clan Cwdmyr."

Xiao nearly stumbles as he rounds the corner. Why is he now talking like a normal and polite person? If he had just started that way so much fuss and confusion could have been avoided. Sometimes the people here are very confusing.

Xiao returns to where he stood before, a little rgumpy but determined not to show it on his face. He bows a little bow.

"They are coming. They will be here shortly.

"I am Xiao, from far in the east. Please teach me your name."

Guilt Puppy said:
(Will Xiao be moving on to wake up Sethan?)

ooc: Are you kidding? There is something creepy about the way Yattro says his name. And Xiao thinks there are too many variables in the mix at the moment. Pass.


First Post
Guilt Puppy said:
"I am sorry to have disturbed you. We need to see the travelers who have come here. It cannot wait until morning."

He talks with his lips pulled tightly to avoid showing teeth; a sign of non-aggression.

"We bear weapons because we do not know if they will be dangerous. We do not want to hurt them or you, Raven of clan Cwdmyr."
"Will you come inside the house of the Wanderer then, and share mead and meat with us? We can talk then, and see what needs to be done, about this stench of sickness and death. It is a matter that sounds grave."

::They will not harm us for a day when we've shared food and drink, good thing I shot that stag::

If he hesitates, or appears to be afraid or unwilling to enter :"On my honour, no blood shall be spillt unless they spill mine as well."

::For if these travellers are not what they appear, the Wanderer will not hear their footsteps upon His roads much longer::

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Xiao said:
"Please teach me your name"

"I am Kyrr. These," he motions to his left, "are my brothers, Andu and Seffrey," he motions to his right, "my cousin, Gehrlot, and Randlin, who is kin in all but blood."

He nods his head toward the four who occupy the North edge. "Those are Egas, Kevru, Alec, Amnall, and Shergan." A fifth emerges from under the brush, body covered in mud, and stands on his announcement. "They are my wife's brothers, except Amnall, who is her cousin."

He motions behind, into the trees. "My half-brother, Yandall, waits to keep watch. You will not meet him."

Raven said:
"Will you come inside the house of the Wanderer then, and share mead and meat with us? We can talk then, and see what needs to be done, about this stench of sickness and death. It is a matter that sounds grave."

Kyrr considers your offer for a moment, then nods. "It would be good to leave the rain. I believe that you mean us no trouble. I will have the ravast meet us here." He turns to the man with axes who he introduced as Gehrlot, and sends him off running into the woods, apparently to retrieve this "spirit man."

Yattro's room itself will not be large enough for all of you; the room with the cots converts into a decent sized common room most mornings, and while it will be cozy, you should all be able to fit in there.

(So, who's coming/not coming to this meeting? Yattro would like to sit in, and Shavah feels it is her place, now, as well... Hiritus, on the other hand, will simply follow Fendric's lead at the moment.)


First Post
Guilt Puppy said:
(So, who's coming/not coming to this meeting? Yattro would like to sit in, and Shavah feels it is her place, now, as well... Hiritus, on the other hand, will simply follow Fendric's lead at the moment.)
Raven leads the way, turning his back to the Mountain Men to show his trust. He will stand in the corner nearest to the door, listening, as he knows nothing yet of the travellers and their goals. He will keep an eye out for the half-orc, guessing him to be their fighter and therefore the most dangerous, should there be any foul play. He will not be overly suspicious, just attentive.

::Lets just wait and see, too many unknowns here to take sides::

[OOC , I know I'm not the one to make any complaints (I just reviewed my first post and will edit it to make it more legible, but Feisty, could you change the color when Nurth talks, the dark green is very difficult to read]
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First Post
DrZombie said:
but Feisty, could you change the color when Nurth talks, the dark green is very difficult to read

[ooc:Sure, no problem, but the name's Festy (I can't remember how many times I've been called Fiesty before :p). This colour alright?]

Nurthk goes with them to attend the meeting, and leaves his axe just outside the room.


Guilt Puppy said:
"I am Kyrr. These," he motions to his left, "are my brothers, Andu and Seffrey," he motions to his right, "my cousin, Gehrlot, and Randlin, who is kin in all but blood."

He nods his head toward the four who occupy the North edge. "Those are Egas, Kevru, Alec, Amnall, and Shergan." A fifth emerges from under the brush, body covered in mud, and stands on his announcement. "They are my wife's brothers, except Amnall, who is her cousin."

He motions behind, into the trees. "My half-brother, Yandall, waits to keep watch. You will not meet him."

Kyrr considers your offer for a moment, then nods. "It would be good to leave the rain. I believe that you mean us no trouble. I will have the ravast meet us here." He turns to the man with axes who he introduced as Gehrlot, and sends him off running into the woods, apparently to retrieve this "spirit man."

Xiao listens to the mans words with a growing sense of astonishment. Now you are to be reasonable! ... Introductions! Xiao feels he has lost face, but does not know how and how much exactly. His confusion and frustration boil over into anger which in turn boils through his veins. Xiao seizes it with both hands and furiously throttles it. It dies with a small snort in the back of his throat, and he hawks the wet sloppy carcus into the bushes.

I should never have left my shrine ...

He quietly follows the others into the common room.


[Fendric is armored, armed, and has his holy symbol on.]

Minutes later, Fendric, with Hiritus in tow, steps outside the bathhouse and looks outside. Seeing no one, he surmises that they must have all gone into the common room. Grumbling to Hiritus, "At this hour, one would expect a confrontation, not a tea party."

Fendric and Hiritus arrive in the common room, and wedge themselves up against the wall. "I don't suppose this could have waited until we'd had a chance to REST, Pelor forbid. What is the meaning of this, and on whose authority do you so roust us from slumber?"

Guilt Puppy

First Post
(Overlooked the fact that the third bowman had come to stand watch over Xiao -- the tall, indifferent-looking man is introduced as Dre.)

The mountainfolk follow inside... Seeing Nurthk leave his axe at the door, they talk amongst themselves (in Orc -- Nurthk can hear that they are discussing whether to follow suit, and the rest of you should be able to guess.). Eventually, they settle on a plan: Andu leaves one of his handaxes at the door; Amnall and Alec abandon their weapons, a staff and a greataxe, entirely; Shergan drops off two polished stone daggers from his belt, and produces a third from under his coat; Kyrr shows he carries the same; and Randlin, Seffrey, Egas, and Kevru all leave behind their quivers and a dagger, taking the arrows they'd had nocked with them. They then sit, placing their remaining weapons on the tables in front of them -- as soon as Yattro has set them up -- at what they demonstrate to be just past arm's length. Dre, however, keeps his weapon ready, and stands at the doorway, watching. (If anyone's having trouble keeping count, there are ten of them in the room, all told.)

From the slight chatter among them, it becomes evident fairly quickly that most do not speak common... Kyrr and Randlin both do, although Kyrr continues to do most of the talking.

Fendric said:
"I don't suppose this could have waited until we'd had a chance to REST, Pelor forbid. What is the meaning of this, and on whose authority do you so roust us from slumber?"

"I do not know when you rest. I come on behalf of Kentaro, the spirit-man. You will meet him soon. We should wait until then."

(Here's what I'd guess would be your positions -- let me know if you prefer to be seated elsewhere. It will be some time before Kentaro arrives, so if you have any more questions you'd like answered before then, ask.

Also, I don't have Orbril as I haven't seen a post from Tonguez in a while -- I'll assume he's staying out of it for the moment, as it's not really his business.)

|DHSnN rLak|
| F[][][]s |

n=Niccolo, F=Fendric, N=Nurthk,
X=Xiao, R=Raven, S=Shavah, 
H=Hiritus, Y=Yattro

K=Kyrr, D=Dre, r=Randlin, s=Seffrey,
A=Andu, E=Egas, k=Kevru, a=Amnall,
L=Alec, G=Shergan

Voidrunner's Codex

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