D&D 5E CB's Stonefast IC -- COMPLETE

Forged Fury

First Post
Fulgrim chuckled, "Oh, aye. It's definitely coming with us, whether anyone can use it or not." Walking over to Father Spec, the dwarf offered the axe and said, "You've got a good head on you, Father. This ring any bells?"
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OOC: Forged Fury, the room is a dead, yes. At least as far as anyone has discerned thus far. Thanks for updating the map. I remain super grateful to you for doing that task. Spec can make an Intelligence (History) DC 15 roll to discern the source and meaning of the runic inscription on the greataxe haft.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Ho, ho! I'm just a simple investigator," says Father Spec, shaking his chin back and forth. He peers over his nose at the blade, adjusting the light so that he can see the letters better, even though it casts some unusual snake-like shadows over the forged metal. "We should bring it along in any case."

As he says this, Spec lays out the bodies, straightening legs and putting out small fires in their hair, as it applies.

"Around the corner?" he asks jovially.

Spec lays out the orc bodies, but finds nothing of note other than the weapons already piled by Guran in the center of the room, and the armor worn by several of the orcs. When Spec finished, he, Roscoe, and Colden followed after Guran and Fulgrim. The narrow corridor continued south another ten feet, then turned sharply left and headed east.

The new hallway (Hallway 3) was similarly narrow; it was no more than five feet wide, and terminated 40' to the east. Two doors stood, closed, toward the far end of the hallway. The first was 30' away, on the north side. The second was at the hall's terminus, on the south.

Additionally, another narrow corridor branched off to the south roughly 20' down the new hallway. Where it went was anyone's guess, but it terminated 45' to the south where it seemed to take a sharp turn due east. A door on the west side of the corridor was ajar. No light came from whatever space lay behind the door.

Guran and Fulgrim both hear the rustle of something moving beyond the eastern bend of the southern corridor.

OOC: As you exit, are you guys closing the door to Room 11 or leaving it open as you have the other doors in this place? Also, please take a moment to clarify your marching order and whether you intend to leave gaps between party members. There was, as I recall, some discussion of strategery (yes, that's a bona fide word in the legal world) with respect to marching order and five-foot hallways. Refresh my memory, please?
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Forged Fury

First Post
OOC: I think we should probably close that door, unless we have some way of getting rid of those bodies. If it has a lock, maybe one of you can pick it closed.

The marching order thing: The rules state that movement through any occupied square (Friend or Foe) is treated as difficult terrain and requires double movement (if you can even traverse it in the case of Foe occupied space). So if we're all stacked up in a solid line, the front line may not be able to retreat, at least not without taking an OA from whoever they're facing. With that said, if Guran is at the front, I think he could use Cunning Action to disengage and then use his action to Dash, which should allow him to get out of the thick of it with 50 feet of total movement.

"Maybe we should close the door to this charnel house," the dwarf mage said as he inspected the door for a lock.


After closing the door, Guran pauses to ask for assistance to pick the lock to a "locked" condition.
OOC: I'm unsure what the roll is. If Guran gets Help or Guidance from other party members, please add that in.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Father Spec observes Guran at the door, and pushes a fat finger in. "I say, hold down the handle as you try to.. yes, that's it. Maybe that will do the trick."

OOC: spec has proficiency, and so perhaps can assist, which should give advantage on a dex roll (plus proficiency for lock picks).

OOC: Guran may attempt a Dexterity check with Advantage to pick closed the door lock. [MENTION=61026]tuxgeo[/MENTION], Guran has proficiency in thieves' tools, and can add his proficiency bonus to both rolls. This applies so long as Guran has thieves' tools available to use for the task, which he does.

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